| ANTEGNATI, Costanzo, c.1549-1624
Intavolatura de’ ricercari d’organo (Venezia, 1608) L’arte organica (Brescia, 1608)
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Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/44. Bologna, 1981. 22 x 31, 32, 17 pp. Line-cut of the A. Gardano and F. Tebaldino editions. L’arte was written for Antegnati’s youngest son who became the helper of his father, the celebrated organ maker. Contains, in the form of a dialogue, the history of the Antegnati family, requirements of the church organ, methods of voicing, registration, and descriptions of several Antegnati organs. Lists 145 organs the master had built up to that time. Cloth. $41