Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht (BWV 105). Faksimile nach dem Partiturautograph der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek Berlin mit einem Nachwort von Robert L. Marshall
3 - Soprano aria with oboe & strings
Leipzig, 1984. 23 x 37 cm, x, 24 pp. Halftone of the 1723 autograph score in the original loose gathering format. Scored for solo SATB, SATB chorus, horn, oboes, strings & continuo. The cantata—its theme being the relentless desperation of the sinner—is a wonderful opportunity for Bach to introduce some rather strong dissonances and exploit tone painting, beautifully signaled by its sombre orchestral prelude with tortured chromatic modulations, suspended seventh chords, and sighing gestures. Alfred Durr writes of the final chorale: "one of the most sublime descriptions of the soul in Baroquue and Christian art". Commentary in Ger-Eng. Handsome portfolio in blue linen. $65 |