Deluxe full-color facsimile Johann Sebastian Bach J.J.Dominica 13 post Trinit: Concerto Allein zu di H. Jesu Xst. Cantata BWV 33
“Allein zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ” BWV 33 Cantata for the 13th Sunday after Trinity Commentary by Christoph Wolff and Peter Wollny ___________________________________
Faksimile-Reihe Bachscher Werke und Schriftstücke, Neue Folge, 5. Format: 23 x 34 cm. 24, 50, 16, 16 pp.
| Color facsimile of the autograph score (once owned by Felix Mendelssohn), original performing materials and original libretto. Cantata 33 belongs among the unique annual cycle of chorale cantatas composed by Bach in 1724-25, the second year of his Leipzig tenure. The cantata counts among the very few works where all the relevant source materials for the first performance have been preserved—yet dispersed throughout the world: the composing score is kept at the Scheide Library in Princeton (formerly from the private collection of Walther Schubring, Hamburg), the vocal-instrumental performing parts at the Bach-Archiv in Leipzig (formerly Thomas School, Leipzig), and the original libretto at the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg. Scored for SATB chorus, 2 ob, 2 vln, vla, & cont. The facsimile offers invaluable insight into the composer’s workshop and the changing conditions for performances under his direction. Among the corrections/annotations are: added sharps and flats as needed; added trills; phrase markings, dynamic markings; staccato markings; corrected wrong notes; indications such as "col surdino", "pizzicato" and "arioso"; text corrections, figured bass for the transposed continuo part. Commentary in Eng-Ger. Limited edition. Boxed set.
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| OMI - Old Manuscripts & Incunabula PO Box 6019 FDR Station New York NY 10150 tel/fax 212/ 758-1946 http://www.omifacsimiles.com • immels@earthlink.net |  |