Sebastian Bach
Sonaten für Orgel (BWV 525-530). Faksimile nach dem Autograph der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek Berlin mit einem Vorwort von Wolfgang Goldhan [Mus. ms. autogr. J.S. Bach P 271] Facsimile of Bach's original holograph of the Six Sonatas for Organ, BWV 525-530, notated in the form of the classical trio sonata

Bibliothek seltener Bücher, Neudrucke, 7. Leipzig, 1987. 22 x 36 cm, vii, 56 pp. This splendid autograph is considered one of the most instructive of all of Bach MSS, not only by the harmony of the music and its graphic depiction, but also by the way it highlights the manner in which the master copied. According to Forkel they were composed (c.1730) for Bach’s eldest son, Wilhelm Friedemann. They were notated in the form of the classical trio sonata genre, i.e., they are scored for melody instruments and bass. Forkel describes them aptly: "One simply cannot praise their beauty enough". Every sonata and every movement has a unique unmistakable character, closely related to the properties of its key, of its meter and the emotional content of the motifs and figures (Goldhan). Introduction in German & English. 2-color collotype of the autograph score. Handsome binding in grey linen with title embossed in gold. $145
