Libro de horas de los
reyes Católicos

Biblioteca Nacional Madrid vitr. 25-5
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Philadelphia Museum of Art

Deluxe facsimile edition

Libro de horas de los reyes Católicos

This codex, also known as Voustre Demeure, appears to have been presented to Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain by the Emperor Maximilian, on the occasion of the double marriage of their children, Margaret and Philip, to the Spanish rulers’ offspring, John and Joan. The facsimile edition represents the restoration of the book’s original composition, bringing together folios currently found in the collections of the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid, the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The MS consists of 650 pages, every one illustrated and illuminated in gold and silver by master Flemish painters. Altogether there are 87 large-format miniatures and 583 pages embellished with quarter-page decorations in which a variety of animals, plants and insects are represented.
Stylistically the work points to the master credited with the Book of Hours of Marie of Burgundy, the master of the Dresden prayer book, Lieven van Lathem, Nicolas Spierinc and Simon Marmion, praised for their mastery of trompe-l’oeil effects in the ornamental borders of the books they illuminated, a lavish hand with decorative elements and the large number of extremely sophisticated iconographic resources they brought to their tasks. All of these aspects make this book of hours one of the most significant works of art produced during the waning of the Middle Ages.

The facsimile:
format: 11 x 15 cm, 650 pp, plus commentary volume. A publication of Patrimonio Ediciones, Valencia.  Special prepaid prepublication price: Eu 6,000. Please call for special OMI price.

         BN vitr. 25-5BN vitr. 25-5BN vitr. 25-5BN vitr. 25-5

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