The Visigothic-Mozarabic Bible of St. Isidore
is considered not only one of the rarest and most valuable of medieval manuscripts but the best documented Mozarabic bible extant.  Precisely dated—having been completed on June 19, 960 in the Monastery of Valeránica—and exactly recorded with the names and portraits of its copyists, the miniaturist Florencio and the calligrapher Sancho, this bible contains
all the books of the Old and New Testaments, as well as prologues, biblical commentaries and other texts. It is written in lowercase visigothic-mozarabic lettering with initial capital letters in the interlaced Saxon style and decorated with biblical scenes and roundels.

The beauty of its calligraphy, the abundant marginal annotations in Latin and Arabic and the amazing execution of its miniatures have made it a treasure for research and in great demand for international exhibitions. Every aspect is outstanding, whether seen from the perspective of paleography, history, biblical texts, or art. The creative genius of Florencio offered new departures in pictorial art, blending elements originating in Saxon, Visigothic, and Islamic art with new features from Carolingian sources. 
Mozarabic art takes a new turn in the bible episodes of the  Visigothic-Mozarabic Bible of St. Isidore.

Biblia de León, 2

Commentary volume:
Codex Biblicus Legionensis. Twenty Studies. Translation by Steven Dodd. ISBN 84-7497-010-5. Essays by various experts in the field, divided into these categories: History, Codicology, The Miniatures in the Codex, The Text of the Codex and the Latin Vulgate.

Biblia de León

Biblia Visigótica Mozárabe: Codex Biblicus Legionensis, año 960:
The Visigothic-Mozarabic Bible: Codex Biblicus Legionensis, A.D. 960.

Complete facsimile reproduction of MS n.2 preserved in the Archivo Capitular de la Real Colegiata de San Isidoro de León.

Biblia de Leon

The facsimile: 1,028 pages, in the original format 34.5 x 48.5 cm; limited edition of 600 copies printed on special Italian-made paper and bound in full leather with silver bosses. Deluxe wooden box with padded interior. A joint production of Fundación Hullera Vasco-Leonesa, Universidad de León & Ediciones Lancia (shipping weight: 40 KG)

Euro 9,000. Please call for special OMI price.

Biblia de León, 3

OMI - Old Manuscripts & Incunabula
PO Box 6019 FDR Station New York NY 10150
tel/fax 212/ 758-1946 •