| Beneventan
notated missal of Dubrovnik Cathedral
Missale beneventanum notatum ecclesiae cathedralis ragusii Oxford, Bodleian Library—MS. Canon. Liturg. 342

2011. 22 x 30 cm, 2 vols, 173, 256 pp. Beautiful full-color facsimile of a 12th c. notated missal from the Cathedral of Saint Mary in Dubrovnik. Though the MS has been in the possession of the Bodleian Library since 1817—part of the sizable collection acquired from the estate of the Jesuit Matteo Luigi Canonici—scholars realized early on of its connection with the city of Dubrovnik based on the inclusion of prayers in honor of three local otherwise unknown martyrs from Kotor: Peter, Andrew and Lawrence. Another connection with Dubrovnik is the cult of St. Blaise. The missale survives with 122 parchment leaves although it is estimated that about a quarter of its original content has been lost. The texts of the MS were copied in rounded Dalmatian Benevantan script, while the music notation to be sung by the ‘scholae cantorum’ is written in cursive Beneventan notation of the Dalmatian style (the Italian version has more detailed liquescent neumes). As the missal is the only book of rites which assembles in one place everything necessary to conduct the Mass this source is of great interest for the history of Dubrovnik Cathedral at a time when each Catholic diocese organized its own liturgy by importing, according to local conditions, adapted texts and rubrics of the Roman rite and adding particular features of its own liturgical traditions. Edited by Miho Demovic; with parallel texts in English. Facsimile volume hardbound, commentary in wrappers; slipcase with reproduction of a page of the original. $185
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