Jacques, b.?-1565
Intabolatura d’organo di recercari Edizione della partitura a cura di Liuwe Tamminga
[Recercare, organ]
 Click through image to see original and intabulated versions
Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/97. Bologna, 2004. 4°, 66 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1549 edition [Libro primo], with modern transcription. The 1st of the 4 ricerars included in this collection is in fact an intabulation by the composer himself of a work that had already appeared in Il secondo Libro de recercari da cantare et sonare d'organo et altri stromenti a quatro voci (A. Gardane, 1549), in which the 4 voices making up the polyphonic texture were printed in partbook format. The appendix of the modern edition includes the partbook version in 'intabulated' modern notation, giving us an opportunity to compare two authentic versions of the same piece (the intabulation adds a wealth of ornamentation, yet presents certain omissions in the action of the voices). Intoduction in It-Eng. Wrappers in handsome portfolio. Out of print.