| Mozarabic
Los cantorales
mozárabes de Cisneros. Catedral de Toledo Edición facsimilar
coordinada por Ángel Fernández Collado, Alfredo Rodríguez e Isidoro
Catañeda Tordera
Simposio Internacional
sobre el Antifonario de León, el Canto Mozárabe (Viejo-Hispánico) y su
entorno litúrgio musical, 24-26 March 2011
Toledo, 2011. 2 vols,
20 x 29 cm, xi, 903 pp. $120

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general definition of Mozarabic chant is the repertoire used by
Christians of modern Spain and Portugal living under Muslim rule.
Following the reconquest of Toledo in 1085 the Mozarabic rite was
gradually replaced by the Roman rite. There were exceptions, one
notable example is the remarkable action taken by Cardinal Ximenes
de Cisneros
(1436-1517) to print in 1500 and 1502—on parchment—a "mozarabic"
missal & breviary, followed by a complete
repertoire of chants. Although the intention was to revive and restore
Mozarabic tradition this was a tall order: mozarabic chant was largely
an oral tradition,
and because the mss and notation that were available to Cisneros'
editors was at
best ambiguous, the Cardinal’s musicians had no choice but to invent
at times and use
elements of Gregorian chant in their "restoration".

| This fascinating publication produced by
the Spanish Musicological Society allows us for the first time to see
and compare the
“restored” texts with some of the ancient manuscripts and to form a
better understanding of what exactly Cisneros created. It provides a
complete facsimile of the
4 printed music volumes—Cantoral Mozárabe
Cisneros I, II, III & IV—comprising 796 pp, as well as relevant
pages from genuine Mozarabic mss dating from the 10th to the 14th c.
Introduction in Spanish with complete index of chants. 2 vols,
wrappers. $120
Contents (black &
white reproductions): Cantoral Mozárabe Cisneros I (print, early 16th-c., 190 fols) Cantoral Mozárabe Cisneros II (print, early 16th-c., 117 fols) Liber Offferentium (print, 1st half of 16th-c., 39 fols) Cantoral Mozárabe Cisneros IV "Agenda Mortuorum" (print, 1st
half 16th-c., 52 fols).
Appendix (color reproductions, Mss from 10th to 14th c from the
Biblioteca Catedral, Toledo): BCT Ms. 33-1 Homiliario BCT Ms. 33-3 Liber Horarum de la Liturgia Visigótica BCT Ms. 35-3 Manuale de la Liturgica Visigótica BCT Ms. 35-4 Liber Misticus de la Parroquia de Santa Eulalia
Toledo BCT Ms. 35-5 Liber Misticus de la Liturgia Visigótica BCT Ms. 35-6 Liber Misticus de la Liturgia Visigótica BCT Ms. 35-7 Liber Misticus de la Liturgia Visigótica BCT Ms. 35-8 Liber Commicus de la Liturgia Visigótica |
OMI - Old Manuscripts & Incunabula PO
Box 6019 FDR Station, New York NY 10150 tel/fax 212/ 758-1946 •
http://www.omifacsimiles.com • immels@earthlink.net |