Claude, 1862-1918
Images pour piano, 1re série • Images pour piano, 2e série
Fac-similés d'œuvres de Claudy Debussy

Fac-similés d'œuvres de Claude Debussy. Paris, 2008. Upright, 27 x 35 cm, 2 vols, 32, 40 pp. In order to strengthen its editorial policy, the Centre de documentation Claude Debussy has decided to present Debussy’s autograph manuscripts to the public by publishing facsimiles of his works. This new collection takes particular care in being completely faithful to the original, respecting the size, the colors of the inks or pencils used, as well as the quality of the paper of the documents. Such publications are greatly appreciated by performers and musicologists; Pierre Boulez has agreed to write a general introduction for the collection. Debussy's manuscripts are scattered all over the world both in private and public collections. The manuscripts of Images pour piano 1re et 2e séries, which belong to the Music Department of the French National Library, inaugurate this collection. Wrappers, in special art paper.
 | 1re série: "Reflets dans l’eau" - "Hommage à Rameau" - "Mouvement"
2e séries: "Cloches à travers les feuilles" - "Et la lune descend sur le temple qui fut" - "Poissons d'or"
serie 1re [979-0-707063-01-9] - $130
serie 2e [979-0-707063-02-6] - $130 |