
| The
Flötner Playing Cards and
Other Curiosities of 16th-Century Music Dissemination from Franconia _____________________________ Die
Flötnerschen Spielkarten und andere Curiosa der
Musiküberlieferung des 16. Jahrhunderts aus Franken. Herausgegeben von C.
Russell Crosby Jr. [Mss.
Germanisches National Museum, Nürnberg & British Museum,
London] _____________________________ Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Bayern,
Neue Folge, Sonderband 1. Wiesbaden, 1967. 19 x 26 cm, x, 39, 33, 23 pp. Full-color
facsimile of the famous
illustrated playing cards with 4-voice compositions—discantus, altus,
tenor, bassus—notated on their backs. Besides Peter Flötner’s
cards, this publication includes “Oberdeutsches Trinklied” (Basel,
Universitäts- Bibliothek, Hs. F. IX. 59-62) and “Rumpoltschen
Spielkarten”. Commentary in Ger, with modern transcriptions of all the
pieces. Wrappers. $83