Frühe Lautentabulaturen im Faksimile / Early Lute Tablatures in Facsimile. Herausgegeben von Crawford Young und Martin Kimbauer. Redaktion: Thomas Drescher
opening from MS Pesaro 1144
Pratica Musicale. Veröffentlichungen der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, 6. Winterthur, 2003. 4º, 285 pp. Facsimiles of some of the earliest lute tablatures (hitherto unpublished) from the late 15th c. up until ca.1525 from Italian and German regions: Ms. Pesaro 1144 (produced in full color); and B/W reproductions of Ms Freibourg CU Cap. Res. 527 (olin Falk Z 105), Ms Vienna Mus.Hs. 41950 (Blindhamers Lautentabulatur), and Ms D-Mu, 4˚ cod. ms. 718 (Das Mathematik- & Tabulaturbuch des Jorg Wiltzell). The Pesaro source is a splendid manuscript in cordiform shape (extremely rare in music history) and transmits Italian poetry and music for lute and lira da braccio. Preface and commentary in Ger-Eng. Binding in leatherette, with handsome dust jacket with picture of an opening from the Pesaro MS; slipcase. $265
