GIACOMELLI, Geminiano, c.1692-1740

La Merope
Partitura dell’opera in facsimile. Edizione del libretto. Saggio introduttivo a cura di Sylvie Mamy

[Ms. Bibl. du Conservatoire Royal de Musique, Bruxelles]

Giacomelli. La Merope
  sample page

Drammaturgia Musicale Veneta, 18.
Milan, 1984. Oblong, 30 x 23 cm, liii, cxxxi, 386 pp.

Line-cut. Essays on the role of singers in the Venetian system, the libretto, and the repertoire of the Grimani Theater. Text in Eng-It. Linen. $177

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Giacomelli. La Merope, cover

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