VON BINGEN, 1098-1179
Symphonia harmoniae caelestium revelationum. Dendermonde, St.-Pieters & Paulusabdij, Ms. Cod. 9. Introduction: Peter van Poucke.
 folio 153r
Facsimile Series: I/A.8. Peer, 1991. 21 x 31 cm, xvi, 36 pp. Full-color halftone of the music portion of MS Cod. 9 (f.153-170), a unique source written at the Rupertsberg scriptorium c.1175 under Hildegard’s supervision and sent to the Cistercian abbey of Villers in the province of Brabant in Belgium approximately that same year. Known as the “Dendermonde” MS, and slightly shorter than the “Riesen” codex—but no less authoritative—it consists of a liturgical cycle with antiphons, responsories, sequences, hymns, a Kyrie and an Alleluia executed in a clear German "hufnagel" script . Interestingly, Hildegard refers to all these pieces as “symphonies of the harmony of celestial revelations”; its overall structure consists of an overarching celestial, semi-celestial and earthly hierarchy. Hardbound in gold colored linen with gold embossed titles. $109