Angelica Horstmann

Illustrations from the Collection of Printed Music of the Hofkapelle in Kassel. Volume 1: Decorative Elements


Translation: Betty Bushey

Illustrationen aus den Musikdrucken der Kasseler Hofkapelle. Band 1: Buchschmuck

Kassel, 2008. 21 x 30 cm, 135 pp
.  ISBN 3-527-17809-0   $55


Horstmann. Illustations from the Collection of Printed Music

Horstmann. Illustations from the Collection of Printed Music

Horstmann. Illustations from the Collection of Printed Music

Horstmann. Illustations from the Collection of Printed Music

Horstmann. Illustations from the Collection of Printed Music, cover

Survey of engraved and woodcut frontis pieces, devices and initials of the great publishing houses of the renaissance. Hundreds of halftone reproductions sampling works by Gardano, Scotto, Angelieri, Amadino, Vincenti, Ramazetto, Raverij, Sottile, Gargano, Nucci, Carlino, Vitale, Ballard, Pessnot, Goulart, Rovière, Susato, Phalèse, Rafelengius, Feyerabend, Wechel, Richter/Stein, Berg (Nuremberg), Gerlach, Kaufmann, Wagenmann, Petreius, Ulhard, Kriegstein, Schönig, Berg (Munich), Carstens/Hering, Kühn/Görlin, Rhau, Wittel/Birnstiel, Wittel, Baumann, Glück, Witte, Stöckel, Bergen, Beuther, Lucius, Bencard, Harmes, Ledertz, Schneider, Reumann, Waltkirch, Este, Short, Browne, Rickhes, Fiedler, & Nigrimus.  Hardbound.

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