HOTTETERRE, Jacques Martin, 1674-1763

Airs et brunettes à deux et trois dessus pour les flûtes traversières tirez des meilleures autheurs, anciens et modernes. Ensemble les airs de Mrs. Lambert, Lully, de Bousset, etc. Les plus convenables à la flûte traversière seule, ornez d’agrémens

[Airs & brunettes, 2 & 3 flutes]

detail of page

Geneva, 1991. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, 82 pp. Line-cut of the edition published jointly by the composer and Boivin, Paris, c.1715. One of the most important monuments of 18th-c. French flute music, exquisitely engraved, including pieces by Bacilly, de Bousset, Desnarets, Lambert, Marais, Rebel, & others. French treble clef. Smythe sewen, with stiff laid paper wrappers with reproduction of the original title page. $51

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