El Codex Musical de Las Huelgas

Burgos, Monasterio de Las Huelgas ("Hu")
Deluxe Facsimile Edition

Codex Las Huelgas is a magnificent "Notre Dame" motet source copied
1300 and 1325, and preserved in the Cistercian convent of Las
Heulgas founded
by Alfonso VIII, in Burgos, Spain. This MS is regarded as
one of the most important
sources of medieval music and a unique witness in
cultural history, as it is thought
to have been written for, and possibly used by,
nuns. Although archival evidence
shows that professional musicians from Paris performed for the nuns, a portion of

Codex Las Huelgas

the repertory, especially the pieces of local character, may have been sung by the
nuns themselves, who were known
to be highly cultivated. The MS contains 45
monophonic sequences, conductus,
Benedicamus tropes, and 145 polyphonic
conductus, motets, tropes and
sequences, written in Franconian or quasi
Franconian notation. More than
half of the pieces in Codex Las Huelgas are unica.
The facsimile:
• a joint production of Testimonio and the Patrimonio

• state-of-the-art 6 to 8 color process printing
• 340 pp, in the original format & size, 18 x 26 cm.
• specially manufactured parchment-like paper
• limited edition of 980 copies, bound in leather and
in a 13-15th c. Moorish-Gothic style
• commentary volume, in English, by Nicolas Bell

Publisher's price: Eu 2,900 (please call for special OMI price)
Codex Las Huelgas

OMI - Old Manuscripts & Incunabula  PO Box 6019 FDR Station,  New York, NY 10150

tel/fax 212 758-1946 • www.omifacsimiles.com • immels@earthlink.net