Koran of Muley
Zaidán Escorial. Bibl. de San
Lorenzo, 1340
| This
fine Koran from the private library of Sultan Muley Zaydán of
Morocco came to Spain after the victory of Pedro de Para in the Barbary
Sea in 1611. It is a work of great beauty, richly decorated throughout,
and an outstanding example of mabsut style, with vocalizations in red,
taslid and sukuns in blue. The especially handsome titles of the suras
are written in gold Kufic on a blue ground. Folios 1v, 2r, 264v and
265v are splendidly illuminated with Moorish motifs. Folio 264 gives
details of the origins of the copy: "[2 November 1599] executed
in the Mosque of the Al-Badi Palace in Marrakech, and finished on the
13th day of the month of Rab'ia in the year 1008 after the Hegiraduring
the reign
of Sultan Al-Mansur, father of Muley Zaydán."
Facsimile: 19.5 x
27 cm,
532 pp, bound in vellum. Companion volume (46 pp) by María
Teresa Ortega
Monasterio and María Josefa de Arcarraga Sever. Published in1996
by Testimonio.