LOTTI, Antonio, 1667-1740 L’umiltà coronata in Ester Partitura dell’oratorio in facsimile. Edizione del libretto. Saggio introduttivo a cura di Laura Zanella
[Ms. 17671, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna]
sample page
Musicale Veneta, 11. Milan, 2004. Oblong, 30 x 23 cm, xxvii, 243 pp.
Line-cut of a contemporary ms copy (full score). Pietro Pariati’s oratorio set to music by Antonio Lotti and dedicated to Esther, Racine’s famous character, was composed in 1714. Intended for performance in Vienna, it was in reality Venetian by birth, being a remake of an oratorio performed in 1712 at the Mendicanti Hospital, entitled “Humilitas exaltata seu Esther regina”.

The opera retains the strong “theatrical” character of its origins (implicit, but not over the top), so typical of the Venetian Hospital oratorios. This opera is a forerunner of Zeno’s “sacred musical tragedy”. Indeed, if one considers the specific musical form of Lotti’s truly dramatic intonation, it is a specimen of one of the first steps in the process that very gradually led to the genre of oratorio to merge with the theatrical repertoire over the course of the 1700s, as evinced by the great Pre-Romantic and Romantic “sacred dramas”. Introduction in It with Eng summary. Linen.. $233. (view
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