The Lucca
Codex / Codice Mancini Lucca, Archivio di Stato, MS 184, Perugia, Biblioteca comunale
“Augusta”, MS 3065 Introductory Study and Facsimile Edition by
John Nádas and Agostino Ziino
[Lucca, Arch. di
Stato, 184 & Perugia, Bibl. Comm., 3065]
 sample page Ars Nova, 1. Lucca, 1989.
4°, xviii, 150 pp. Deluxe full-color reproduction. Important
collection of songs
with Italian and French texts copied c.1410 in Padua. This facsimile
adds eight new pages discovered in 1988. Composers include Ciconia,
Landini, Paolo Tenorista, Äachara de Teramo, Bartolinoda Padova,
Antonio Marot da Caserta, and Antonio da Cividale. Linen. $254
