| Gustav
Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (I am lost to the World)
Facsimile Edition of the Autograph Manuscripts, Gilbert Kaplan, Editor
Kaplan Foundation, 2015. Format: 11.5 x 14.75", 92 pp. Audio CD with two historic performances of Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Berlin Philharmonic dir. Karl Böhm and Leonard Bernstein piano. Limited bibliophile edition 978-0-9749613-9-2
| Full-color reproduction of one of Mahler’s most popular and poignant songs, composed in 1901 with a text by Friedrich Rückert. It is one of the five independent songs in Mahler's “Rückert-Lieder”; Mahler himself conducted the first performance in 1905 and described “Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen” as creating “a feeling that rises just up to the lips, but does not pass beyond them... It is my very self”. This carefully executed facsimile—a perfect example of what a good facsimile edition should be— includes all pertinent sources (orchestra & piano-vocal autograph versions, sketches, incomplete fair copy in the hand of Alma Mahler), and extensive historical notes and documentation by Gilbert Kaplan and Stephen Hefling. The manuscript and its survival has an amazing story. Limited bibliophile edition of 450 copies. Hardbound in black linen with silver lettering and design motifs after Josef Hoffmann. Slipcase. A stunning fine arts volume, indispensable for all Mahler and music lovers.
Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen, Mit der ich sonst viele Zeit verdorben, Sie hat so lange nichts von mir vernommen, Sie mag wohl glauben, ich sei gestorben!
Es ist mir auch gar nichts daran gelegen, Ob sie mich für gestorben hält, Ich kann auch gar nichts sagen dagegen, Denn wirklich bin ich gestorben der Welt.
Ich bin gestorben dem Weltgetümmel, Und ruh’ in einem stillen Gebiet! Ich leb’ allein in meinem Himmel, In meinem Lieben, in meinem Lied!
I am lost to the world, On which I squandered so much time; It has for so long known nothing of me, It may well believe that I am dead!
Not that I am in any way concerned If it takes me for dead; Nor can I really deny it, For truly I am dead to the world.
I am dead to the world’s commotion And at peace in a still land! I live alone in my own heaven, In my love, in my song! (Deryck Cooke)
autograph, for voice and orchestra
autograph, piano-vocal score
autograph sketches | |
Alma and Gustav in Basel - fair copy in the hand of Alma Mahler
distributed by:
OMI - Old Manuscripts & Incunabula PO Box 6019 FDR Station, New York NY 10150 tel/fax 212/ 758-1946 http://www.omifacsimiles.com • immels@earthlink.net