Music in the Woods. 100 Years of Maverick Concerts Susana Torruella Leval, Curator Texts by Miriam Villchur Berg, Susana Torruella Leval, Olga Touloumi, Tom Wolf
[Kleiner/James Center for the Arts of the Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild, July 18—August 30 & Woodstock Artists Association and Museum, July 18—September 26, 2015]

| Woodstock NY, 2015. 22 x 25 cm, 82 pp.
Exhibition catalog with 85 B/W and color illustrations celebrating the longest continuously-run summer classical music series in America. Hervey White established the utopian Maverick Colony in Woodstock NY in 1905, building the Maverick concert hall in 1916, a barn-like “cathedral in the woods”. Like the Bayreuth Festival, he made use of talented musicians on summer break, many who later became “Woodstockers” themselves, with programming of an eclectic mix of the old masters alongside of modernists (latter premieres include Cowell’s Trio in Nine Short Movements, Cage's 4’ 33” and many Starer works).
This lovingly compiled tribute-exhibit—using documents, art and objects from local institutions and private holdings—skillfully weaves together the story of the Maverick Concerts with elements of its founder, musicians, composers, visual artists and appreciative audience. Wrappers. $32 |