Lamento d'Arianna Facsimile of the first edition from the Universitätsbibliothek Ghent Edited and with an introduction by Silke Leopold
Meisterwerke der Musik im Faksimile, 49 Laaber, 2017. 21.5 x 27.5 cm, 12, 32 pp
ISBN 978-3-946798-09-05 |
| ‛...there was scarcely a domestic harpsichord in the whole of Italy on which a copy of the Lamento did not lie open (Severo Bonini)

Line-cut of Magni edition, Venice, 1623 (sole surviving copy), containing the “Lamento d’Arianna” and two “Lettere amorose” from the seventh book of of madrigals. The Lamento d’Arianna (”Let me die”) is the centerpiece of Monteverdi’s lost second opera L’Arianna first performed in Mantua on May 28, 1608. Contemporary reports describe it as the most beautiful composition in the new genre of opera. Severo Bonini writes in his treatise that there was scarcely a domestic harpsichord in the whole of Italy on which a copy of the Lamento did not lie open. Introduction in Ger/Eng. Hardbound. $93
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