Favola in musica Reprint of the First Edition of the Score,
Venice 1609 and of Act V
of the Mantua Libretto from 1607. With an Introduction by Wolfgang
[Bibl. Estense
Univ., Modena; Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel]
 detail of the
opening toccata
Documenta Musicologica, I/39. Kassel, 1998. 25 x
32 cm, xvi, 112 pp. Halftone of the
Ricciardo Amadino print (Venice, 1609), and Act V of the libretto. The
edition is remarkable
for a number of reasons. For one, it is an unusual presentation of the
music—in score—not
altogether unknown, but relatively rare at this date, where the music
centers on harmony and
the basso continuo. Secondly, the print is a “commemorative” or
“souvenir” edition”; the
title page states that it was first performed “in Mantua l’anno 1607”,
taking place under the
protection of Prince Francesco Gonzaga in the “Academia
degl’Invaghiti”. Several annotations
in the score, usually in past tense, underline this peculiar aspect:
“this chorus was
accompanied by... ”, “this dance number was sung to the
accompaniment... ”, this ritornello
was played... ”, etc. Preface (Ger-Eng), including a detailed critical
apparatus, by one of
the great Monteverdi specialists. Hardbound with reproduction of the
composer’s portrait on
the front cover. $58 (view
volumes from this series)
