MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
Messe c-moll KV 427 (417a) Faksimile der autographen Partitur vorgelegt von Karl-Heinz Köhler
[Mass, K.427/417a, C minor]

first page
VEB-Deutscher Verlag / Bärenreiter-Verlag, Leipzig/Kassel , 1982. Oblong & upright, 33 x 25 cm, 146, vi pp, (or 146, xvi pp-Leipzig). Halftone. 2-color collotype of the autograph score dating from 1783. This magnificent mass was actually begun in the summer of 1782 just before the time of his marriage to Constanze Weber in August, and Mozart vowed to perform it in honor of their wedding. Like the Requiem, however, it was never finished: if written as intended, like Bach’s B Minor Mass, which the composer had recently encountered through Baron von Swieten—it would be an hour and a half in length. Only the Kyrie and Gloria were complete, the Credo had only two of its movements, both of which needed some parts to be orchestrated, and the Sanctus and Benedictus needed the music of the second chorus to be filled in where the chorus divides (modern editions today take care of these shortcomings in more or less convincing ways). Mozart wrote to his sister that Constanze loved this kind of music (i.e. the fugal-laced choral music of Bach and Handel). Constanze, trained as a singer, sang at the Oct. 1782 premiere of the mass the demanding first soprano part including the famous, difficult, and ethereal "Et incarnatus est" (adapted from Martin Pearlman). Afterword in Ger by Karl-Heinz Köhler. Printed on fine natural paper with handsome binding in linen.
n.b. This facsimile was a joint undertaking by VEB-Deutscher Verlag (printer) and Bärenreiter-Verlag (publisher); copies sold by Bärenreiter were assigned to the series "Documenta Musicologica", vol. II/9). POA.