MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
Die Zauberflöte, K.620. Facsimile of the Autograph Score. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin–Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Mus. ms autogr. W.A. Mozart 620). Introductory Essay by Hans Joachim Kreutzer, Musicological Introduction by Christoph Wolff
[Magic Flute, K.620]
 first page
"I have just this moment returned from the opera, which was as full as ever. As usual the duet between Mann und Weib and Papageno's glockenspiel in Act I had to be repeated and also the trio of the boys in Act II. But what always gives me most pleasure is the silent approval! You can see how this opera is becoming more and more esteemed." (Mozart, letter, Oct.7 1791)
Mozart Operas in Facsimile, 6. Los Altos, 2009. Oblong, 4°, 3 vols, c.600 pp. Full-color reproduction of the autograph score with the first 28 pages reproduced with photo enhancement, completely restoring the middle voices of the now severely faded manuscript. Die Zauberflöte was the greatest triumph of Mozart’s operatic career, and its success story continued unabated after his death. By 1800 it had been given no fewer than two hundred times at the Freihaus Theater alone. Owing to its unusual degree of popularity, vocal scores of its musical numbers appeared in separate editions from two different publishers in late autumn of 1791. Within the briefest span of time Die Zauberflöte had appeared in London alongside The Beggar’s Opera and in Paris alongside Le mariage de Figaro, thereby becoming “one of the sensations of eighteenth-century theatrical history”. The Zauberflöte autograph is a working manuscript that reveals traces of the compositional process at every turn. This applies not only to the twin layers of short score and orchestrated full score, but also to the later stages in the compositional process. Various kinds of alterations become visible particularly in erasures, overwriting and deletions. Most of the alterations relate to changes in the musical text or its instrumental garb (adapted from Christoph Wolff’s text). Bibliophile edition, in 3 volumes, bound in dark brown quarter leather with beige linen boards. $215
from this series)