| Marie Anne Mozart—“meine tag ordnungen” Nannerl Mozarts Tagebuchblätter 1775-1783
Mit Eintragungen ihres Bruders Wolfgang und ihres Vaters Leopold mit 89 Faksimiles und 16 Farbbildern. Herausgegeben und kommentiert von Geneviève Geffray unter Mitarbeit von Rudolph Angermüller

"on the 1st [May 1779] went to church with Miss and Mrs. von Mayer; in the afternoon went with Katherina [Nannerl's closest friend] to Countess Wika at the wall; spent a moment with Katherina in Steiger Garten; around 6 all of us, Papa, Wolfgang, Katherina and I went home, thereafter walked again Pimpes [the dog]"
Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg. Bad Honnef, 1998. 17 x 24 cm, lxiv, 278 pp.
89 facsimiles and 16 color reproductions. A wonderful facsimile and edition of the diary of Mozart’s sister “Nannerl” (Marie Anne), 22 May 1775 to 31 October 1783 (a year before her marriage to Johann Baptist Franz von Berchtold zu Sonnenburg). Each opening is carefully arranged with a diplomatic transcription on the left, and facsimile on the right. A gold mine of information on various facets her Salzburg life, private and social, musical and mundane, including entries by “papa” and “wolfgang”. Nicely documented and indexed. Limited bibliophile edition. $95 |

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