Oxford, Bodelian Library Canon. Misc. 213

Deluxe Facsimile
Oxford, Bodleian Library
  MS Canon. Misc. 213
 With an Introduction and Inventory by
David Fallows
Late Medieval and Early Renaissance
Music in Facsimile, 1
University of Chicago Press, 1995
26 x 36 cm, 376 pp. ISBN 9780226237060

Beautiful halftone reproduction based on newly commissioned photography. Copied probably in Venice around 1430, the Oxford manuscript contains the most comprehensive surviving collection of secular songs of the late 14th and early 15th centuries. Of the 326 pieces, 216 are unica. Including works by Guillaume Dufay, Binchois, and nearly all other leading composers of their generation, it is central to an understanding of 15th-c. song traditions. Because of the copyist's clear and distinctive hand, it is also significant for studies of late medieval musical notation. David Fallows' introduction includes a history of the manuscript, analysis of its preparation, and survey of its choice of repertory, as well as a full inventory of the music and alphabetical indexes by title and composer. The original-size facsimile includes beta-radiographs of all watermarks, as well as ultraviolet photos that show the copyist's changes and revisions. Cloth. $301

(view other renaissance facsimiles)


Oxford, Bodleian Library Canon. Misc. 213, cover

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