New Chant Facsimile

L’ “Antiphonarium
letaniarum” ambrosiano

del 1492
Milan, Biblioteca dell’Università Cattolica
 del S. Cuore, ms. catt. 5

L’ “Antiphonarium letaniarum” ambrosiano del 1492. A cura di Giacomo Baroffio e Eun Ju Kin e una presentazione di Ellis Sada.
Lucca, 2008. 20.5 x 28 cm, xxxiii, 150 pp.
Hardbound.  $280

Deluxe full-color reproduction of a late 15th-c. Ambrosian processional. This beautifully executed "Antiphonale of the Litanies" in characteristic Ambrosian script was acquired by Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in 1970, gift of Father Oblati di Rho. It contains the antiphons of the Rogation week according to the Milanese ritual, a complex liturgical intinerary celebrated on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after Ascension, that is, at the beginning of the week preceeding Pentecost. The liturgy provided the singing of the antiphons during the processional itinerary where both congregation and clergy participated. The procession lasted 3 days and went to 30 churches; 13 churches during the first day and 11 and 12 (or 14) the following days.

Processionale, 2


St. Ambrosio (fol. 3)

The book was written in 1492 by Antonio de Lampugnano, commissioned by Cristoforo de Camponibus, a canon of S. Maria della Scala.  The later provided to include the music according to the canonic calligraphy of the gothic Lombard notation used exclusively in the liturgical Ambrosian books.  The only historiated miniature, at the beginning of the litanies, shows St. Ambrosio seated with the mitre and pallium. Two miniatures signal the beginning of the second and third days of the litanies. The topographic index confirms the local character of the chants. The majority of them are transmitted solely in the books of the Ambrosian rite;  few are common with the Roman tradition and probably derived from it.

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