15th-c. German Songbook
Rostock Liederbuch: Niederdeutsche Handschrift des 15. Jahrhunderts aus dem Bestand der Universitätsbibliothek Rostock; Das Rostocker Liederbuch nach den Fragmenten der Handschrift neu herausgegeben von F. Ranke & J.M. Müller (1927)
sample pages
Schriften der Königsberger gelehrten Gesellschaft, 4 (= Documenta Musicologica, II/18). Leipzig, 1987. 17 x 24 cm and oblong 23 x 15 cm, 113, 5; 44 pp. 2-color halftone of the c.1475 songbook. Includes 27 monophonic pieces and 2 a2. Forms 6 concordances with the “Lochaimer Liederbuch”. Interestingly "Hufnagelnotation" is used alongside other modes of musical notation in the Rostock Songbook. The different types of notational systems reflects the widespread nature of the songs collected and notated in the course of the 15th c., some of them several times. It has traditionally been assumed that the manuscript was produced in the sphere of Rostock University (founded in 1419) where it is kept today. The manuscript is placed firmly into the Hanseatic sphere of what today is Lower Saxony, as are the Medingen prayer-books. The Rostock Songbook embeds the northern monastic reform movements of the 15th c. into a broader secular context, where a multitude of predominately secular voices prevailed. In the middle of the 16th c. the Rostock Songbook was used used as material for bindings, subsequently retrieved in the early 20th c.(adapted from HENRIKE LÄHNEMANN & ANDRES LAUBINGERT). Together with the facsimile is a reprint of the important study by Ranke and Müller-Blattau (Halle, 1927), a scholarly milestone of music edition, taking a much broader view on the parallel transmission of all the songs. Cloth. $64
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renaissance facsimiles)