Bedrich, 1824-1884
Vltava (The Moldau)
Národní Muzeum - Muzeum Bedřicha Smetany, Praha.
Komentář - Commentary - Kommentar: Hugh
MacDonald, Olga Mojžíšová
Special limited
edition on the occasion of the 200th anniversary
of the composer's birth
Musicologica, II/59. Kassel, 2024. Format: 29 x 39
cm, vi, 64, 24 pp,



Deluxe 4-color facsimile
of the autograph full score issued
on the occasion of the composer's
birth. The symphonic poem Vltava
(The Moldau), the second of a series
of six symphonic poems that make up
Má vlast (My Country), was composed
between 10 Nov. and 8 Dec. 1878,
exactly during a period of immense
personal grief when the composer
lost his hearing. The cycle presents
both the history and geography of
the Czech lands and embodies a sense
of great national pride. Smetana’s
autograph, in purple-blue ink, is
written in a strong clear hand, with
remarkable care for detail. (Hugh
Macdonald). Hardbound, with leather
spine and decorative paper boards. A
10% discount will be granted to
early subscribers.
distributed by:
OMI - Old Manuscripts &
Incunabula PO Box 6019 FDR Station, New York NY 10150
tel/fax 212/ 758-1946
• http://www.omifacsimiles.com • immels@earthlink.net