Pièces pour Quatuor à Cordes
pièces pour
quatuor à cordes. Skizzen, Fassungen,
Dokumente, Essays. Festgabe für Albi Rosenthal zum 80. Geburtstag.
Herausgegeben von Hermann Danuser in Verbindung mit Felix Meyer und
Ulrich Mosch
- deluxe
facsimile edition -
| Beautiful
full-color reproduction, based on original manuscripts and documents
housed in the Paul Sacher Stiftung in Basel,
documenting all the composi- tional stages of this important work.
Musicological contributions (in German & French) by Ernst
Lichtenbahn, Richard Turuskin, Ulrich Mosch, Felix Meyer, Hermann
Danuser, Niklaus Röthlin, & Robert Riencikowski. Handsome
binding in vellum paper and red paper boards, with slipcase. $254
| Eine
Veröffentlichung der Paul Sacher Stiftung.
Winterthur, 1994.
Format: 25 x 38 cm, 174 pp.
Documents all the compositional stages of this
important work: an
early four-hand version, various sketch-drafts, the complete fair copy
(with first printed
edition below it), plus the first printed edition of the piano
version of 1914. Dedicated to
Albi Rosenthal on his 80th
volumes from this series) |
OMI - Old Manuscripts
& Incunabula PO Box 6019 FDR Station tel/fax 212/
758-1946 • http://www.omifacsimiles.com •