The first German musical edition published in installments
Philipp Telemann Der getreue Muic-Meister (1728-1729) Présentation por Michel Giboureau
[Hamburg, 1728-1729 edition]
 sample page (music personally engraved by Telemann) Collections Dominantes. Courlay, 2004. 4º, xvi, 108 pp. Halftone of the Hamburg, 1728 edition. The first German musical edition published by installments and model for Birnstiel’s Musikalisches Allerley and CPE Bach’s Musikalisches Vielerey. Telemann prepared the pewter plates himself; he first wrote the music down in pencil (in mirror image) and then engraved over the pencil, taking advantage of a ruler and other engraver’s tools which resulted in greater consistency. Besides providing an amazing glimspe into the technical side of music publishing, flipping through the pages of Der Getreue Music-Meister—with its rich anthology of music aimed at a diverse audience (keyboardists, vocalists, violinists, wind players, etc., professional and amateur)—is like walking into a cozy and amply stocked 18th-c. music store. Wrappers. $63
