TELEMANN, George Philipp 1681-1767
de Table Tafelmusik in 3 Produktionen Herausgegeben
von Reinhard Goebel Facsimile
of the Hamburg, 1733 partbooks |  |
2010.4°, 7 partbooks. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1733 partbook edition. Contents: TWV 41:g6, 41:A4, 41:h4, 42:D5, 42:Es1, 42:e2, 43:d1, 43:e2, 43:G2, 50:5, 50:9, 50:10, 55:D1, 55:e1, 55:B1. With the publication of his Tafelmusik, Telemann provides a crowning “trio” of German instrumental music of the late Baroque period, alongside Bach’s Brandenburg Concerti and Handel’s Concerti grossi op.6. The composer shows himself at the zenith of his creative powers. Each part consists of a series of movements (Ouverture, Quatuor, Concert, Trio, Solo, and Conclusion) in various instrumentations—flauto dolce, flauto traversiere, oboe, tromb, strings & fondamento. One masterwork follows the other, forming a logically-built structure, yet each work can also stand alone. Wrappers, in slipcase. $148
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