| Meisterwerke der Musik im Faksimile, 23-25 (Laaber, 2012). Three new facsimiles to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Richard Wagner. Siegfried Idyll, or “Triebschen Idyll with Fidi's Birdsong and the Orange Sunrise”, was composed as a “symphony birthday greeting” for the 33 year old Cosima. (Triebschen was the nickname for the house outside of Lucerne where Wagner and Cosima spent some of their happiest years together, Siegfried refers to their infant son whose pet name was Fidi, and Orange
Sunrise was the color of Cosima's bedroom wallpaper.) Although some of the music of Siegfried Idyll was incorporated into Siegfried the opera, the 20 minute composition, with gentle pastoral and sentimental quality, is complete in itself and has become a favorite in the concert hall in its expanded orchestrated version. Kinder-Katechismus zu Kosel's Geburtstag, also a birthday tribute, presumably written in 1873-74 for Cosima's 36th birthday, is for solo, children's choir and orchestra. Wesendonck Lieder, a song cycle for female voice and piano with pathos-laden texts by Mathilde Wesendonck, the wife of one of Wagner's patrons is, by Wagner's acknowledgement, a “study”
for Tristan und Isolde: in “Träume” can be heard the roots of the love duet in act 2, while “Im Treibhaus” shares music later developed extensively for the prelude to act 3. The chromatic-harmonic language of Tristan pervades all five songs and acts as a unifying device.
- Old Manuscripts & Incunabula PO Box 6019 FDR Station New York NY 10150 tel/fax 212/ 758-1946 • http://www.omifacsimiles.com • immels@earthlink.net