AARON, Pietro, c.1490-1545
Compendiolo di molti dubbi, segreti et sentenze intorno al canto fermo, et figurato. A Facsimile of the Milan, ca.1545 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/66. New York, 1974. 15 x 23 cm, 74 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, c.1545 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Libri tres de institutione harmonica. A Facsimile of the Bologna, [1516] Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/67. New York, 1976. 16 x 24 cm, 128 pp. Line-cut of the Bologna, [1516] edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Lucidario in musica. A Facsimile of the Venice, 1545 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/68. New York, 1978. 16 x 24 cm, 106 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1545 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Thoscanello de la musica. A Facsimile of the Venice 1523 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/69. New York, 1969. 22 x 34 cm, 106 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1523 edition. This general manual, dealing with mensural notation, intervals, etc., also contains the first recommendation from a theorist that the parts of a polyphonic composition be conceived simultaneously. Aaron also advocates that the composer ought to
enter all the desired accidentals in the music and to use uniform signatures. Laid paper, with handsome binding in cloth.
[item no.
Trattato della natura et cognitione di tutti gli tuoni di canto figurato non da altrui piu scritti. A Facsimile of the Venice, 1525 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/129. New York, 1979. 22 x 34 cm, 45 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1525 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
ABEL, Carl Friedrich, 1723-1787
[Sonatas, flute, bc, op.6]
Sei sonate a solo per il flauto traversa e basso. Opera sesta. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 251. New York, [2006]. 4º, 26 pp. Line-cut of the London, n.d. edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Trio sonatas, vln, vla, bc, op.16]
Six Trios for a Violin, Tenor, & Violoncello, op.XVI. [Library of Congress, Washington DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 180 New York, [2005]. 4º, 3 partbooks, 39 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1783 edition. Wrappers. $33
[item no.
ADSON, John, c.1585-1640
Courtly Masquing Ayres, Composed to 5. and 6. Parts, for Violins, Consorts, and Cornets. [Christ Church Library, Oxford University].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 293. New York, [2009]. 18 x 23 cm, 6 partbooks, 88 pp. Line-cut of T. Snodham edition, London, 1621. 20 ayres in partbook format, in mensural notation. Wrappers. $33
[item no.
AGRICOLA, Martin, 1486-1556
Rudimenta musices. A Facsimile of the 1539 Wittenberg Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/34. New York, 1966. 12 x 18 cm, 61 pp. Line-cut of the Wittenberg, 1539 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
ALBRECHTSBERGER, Johann Georg, 1736-1809
[Fugues, keyboard, op.1]
Douze fugues pour le clavecin ou l’orgue. Œuvre Premier. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 172. New York, [1997]. 26 x 33 cm, 27 pp. Line-cut of the J.J. Hummer edition, Berlin & Amsterdam, n.d. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
ALEMBERT, Jean Le Rond d’, 1717-1783
Elémens de musique théorique et pratique. A Facsimile of the 1752 Paris Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/19. New York, 1966. 15 x 22 cm, 199 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1752 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
ALSTED, Johann Heinrich, 1588-1638
Templum musicum.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/35. New York, 1967. Line-cut of the London, 1664 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
ALTENBURG, Johann Ernst, 1734-1801
[Method, trumpet]
Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen Trompeter- & Paukerkunst.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/36. New York, 1967. 8º, 144 pp. Line-cut of the Halle, 1795 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
ARNOLD, Samuel, 1740-1802
[Overtures, harpsichord/piano, op.8, arr.]
Six Overtures for the Harpsichord or Piano Forte, Opera VIII. [Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 121. New York, [1992]. 26 x 33 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1775 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
AVISON, Charles, 1709-1770
An Essay on Musical Expression. A Facsimile of the 1753 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/55. New York, 1967. 15 x 22 cm, 248, plus 4 foldout pp. Line-cut of the second, enlarged edition, London 1753. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
BABELL, William, c.1690-1723
[Ladys Entertainment, book 3, harpsichord]
The 3d. Book of the Ladys Entertainment or Banquet of Musick being a Choice Collection of the Most Celebrated Aires & Duets in the Opera’s of Pyrrhus & Clotilda Curiously Set and Fitted to the Harpsichord or Spinnet: with their Symphonys Introduc’d in a Compleat Manner. [Nederlands Musiek Instituut, The Hague].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 206. New York, [2001]. 24 x 33 cm, 24 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Ladys Entertainment, book 4, harpsichord]
The 4th Book of the Ladys Entertainment or Banquet of Musick being a Choice Collection of the Most Celebrated Aires & Duets in the Opera’s of Pyrrhus & Clotilda Curiously Set and Fitted to the Harpsichord or Spinnet: with their Symphonys Introduc’d in a Compleat Manner. [Nederlands Musiek Instituut, The Hague].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 207. New York, [2001]. 24 x 33 cm, 33 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Solos, vln/ob, bc, part 1]
XII Solos for a Violin or Hoboy: with a Bass, figur’d for the Harpsicord, with Proper Graces Adapted to Each Adagio by the Author. Part the First of his Posthumous Works. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 186. New York, [1997]. 24 x 31 cm, 61 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, c.1725. The unaligned ornamental figures in this edition, almost impossible to transcribe, make the facsimile indispensable for performance practice. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Solos, vln/ob/fl, bc, part 2]
XII Solos for a Violin, Hoboy or German Flute with a Bass figur’d for the Harpsicord... Part the Second of his Posthumous Works. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 187. New York, [1996]. 24 x 31 cm, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, c.1725. The unaligned ornamental figures in this edition, almost impossible to transcribe, make the facsimile indispensable for performance practice. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Suites of Lessons, harpsichord]
Suits of the Most Celebrated Lessons Collected and Fitted to the Harpsicord or Spinnet. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 208. New York, [2001]. 24 x 33 cm, 79 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, 1717. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
BACH, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 1714-1788
[Sonatas, keyboard, H.24-29; Wq.48, “Prussian”]
Sei Sonate per cembalo che all’ Augusta Maestà di Federico II, Rè di Prussia, D.D.D. l’Autore. [The “Prussian” Sonatas].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 2. New York, 1986. 21 x 31 cm, 36 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1742 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Sonatas, keyboard, H.30-34, 36, Wq.49, “Württemberg”]
Sei Sonate per cembalo dedicate all’Altezza Serenissima di Carlo Eugenio, Duca di Wirtemberg e Teckh. Opera IIda. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 284. New York, [2009]. Oblong, 39 x 26 cm, 44 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1742 edition. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
[Sonatas, keyboard, H.204-5, 184, 206, 185, 207; Wq.54]
Sei Sonate per il clavicembalo solo all’uso delle donne [Wq 54]. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 202. New York, [2000]. 25 x 31 cm, 36 pp. Line-cut of the Riga, 1773 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Trio sonatas, 2 vln, bc; fl, vln, bc, H.579-78/Wq.161/1-2]
Zwey Trio, das erste für zwo Violinen und Bass, das zweyte für 1. Querflöte, 1. Violine und Bass; bey welchen beyden aber die eine von den Oberstimmen auch auf dem Flügel gespielet werden kan [Wq. 161].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 9. New York, 1986. 24 x 33 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1751 edition, in score format. Contains the piece “Sanguineus et Melancholicus”, a musical “argument” between sanguine and melancholy temperaments personified by the two violin parts. The composer provides about 40 stagedirections throughout the piece. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
BACH, Johann Christian, 1735-1782
[Quartets, fl/vln, vla, vc, op.8, W B51-56]
Six Quartettos for a German Flute, Violin, Tenor and Violoncello. Opera VIII. [Yale University Library, New Haven].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 283. New York, [2009]. 26 x 33 cm, 4 parts, 54 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1775 edition. Wrappers. $35
[item no.
BACH, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750
[Art of Fugue, BWV 1080, 1st ed.]
Die Kunst der Fuge [BWV 1080]. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 289. New York, [2009]. Oblong, 41 x 26 cm, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1751/1752 edition. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
[Clavier-Übung, keyboard, part 1, BWV 825-830]
[Erster Theil der] Clavir Ubung bestehend in Praeludien, Allemanden, Couranten, Sarabanden, Giguen, Menuetten, und andern Galanterien; denen Liebhabern zur Gemüths Ergoetzung. Opus 1. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 96. New York, [1991]. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, 74 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1731 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Clavier-Übung, keyboard, part 2, BWV 971 & 831]
Zweyter Theil der Clavier Ubung bestehend in einem Concerto nach Italiaenischen Gusto, und einer Overture nach Französischer Art, vor ein Clavicymbel mit zweyen Manualen. Denen Liebhabern zur Gemüths-Ergötzung. [Yale University Library, New Haven].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 97. New York, [1990]. 24 x 33 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, [1735] edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Clavier-Übung, organ, part 3, BWV 552, 669-689, 802-805]
Dritter Theil der Clavier Übung bestehend in verschiedenen Vorspielen über die Catechismus- und andere Gesaenge, vor die Orgel.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 98. New York, [1991]. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, 78 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, [1739] edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Clavier-Übung, keyboard, part 4, BWV 988]
[Vierter Theil der] Clavier Ubung bestehend in einer Aria mit verschiedenen Veraenderungen vors Clavicimbal mit 2 Manualen denen Liebhabern zur Gemüths-Ergetzung. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 99. New York, [1990]. 4º, 33 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, [1741/42] edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
BACH, Wilhelm Friedemann, 1710-1784
Sei sonate per il cembalo dedicate al Signore Illustrissimo il Signore George Ernesto Stahl Consigliere delle corte de Suo Maestá il Re di Prussia Elettore de Brandenburgo.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 52. New York, [1988]. Oblong, 28 x 20 cm, 18 pp. Line-cut of the Dresden, Leipzig, & Berlin, 1745 edition. (This publication in fact contains only one sonata). Wrappers. $13
[item no.
BALBASTRE, Claude-Bénigne, 1729-1799
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1]
Pièces de clavecin, premier livre, dédié à Madame de Caze.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 24. New York, 1987. 24 x 33 cm, 30 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1759 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
BANCHIERI, Adriano, 1568-1634
Conclusioni del suono dell’organo. A Facsimile of the Bologna, 1609 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/101. New York, 1975. 17 x 25 cm, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Bologna, 1609 edition. Laid paper, clothbound. $50
[item no.
BARBELLA, Emanuelle, 1718-1777
[Duets, violins]
Six Duets for Two Violins. Composed in an Easy Stile for the Use of the Duke of Parma.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 79. New York, [1992]. 24 x 32 cm, 2 parts: 26 pp. Line-cut of the Robert Bremner edition, London, c.1770. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
BARRIÈRE, Jean, c.1705-1747
[Sonatas & pièces, harpsichord, book 6]
Sonates et pièces pour le clavecin, livre VI. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 232. New York, [1999]. 26 x 33 cm, 39 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1734 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
BARTHELEMON, Mary Young, c.1749-1799
Six Sonatas of the Harpsichord or Piano Forte. With an Accompanyment for the Violin. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 154. New York, [1997]. 25 x 31 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the author’s edition, London, c.1785. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
BAUMGARTEN, Karl Friedrich, c.1740-1824
Five Celebrated Fuges or Voluntarys for the Harpsichord or Organ.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 72. New York, [1990]. 26 x 33 cm, 35 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1784 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
BEDFORD, Arthur, 1668-1745
The Great Abuse of Musick.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/12. New York, 1965. 8º, Line-cut of the London, 1711 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van, 1770-1827
[Quartet, strings, op.59, 1st ed.]
Trois quatuors pour deux violons, alto et violoncello. Œeuvre 59me [The “Rasumovsky” Quartets]. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 280. New York, [2011]. 27 x 35 cm, 4 partbooks, c.136 pp. Line-cut of Vienna [1808] edition (Au Bureau des arts et d'industrie A.' Pesth chez Schreyvogel & Comp. plate nos. 580.584.585). Wrappers. $50
[item no.
[Symphony, no.5, op.67, C minor, 1st ed.]
[Fifth Symphony] Sinfonie pour 2 violons, 2 violes, violoncelle e contre-violon; 2 flûtes, petite flûte, 2 hautbois, 2 clarinetts, 2 bassons, contre-basson, 2 cors, 2 trompettes, timbales et 3 tromps. No 5 des Sinfonies. Oeuv.67. [Nederlands Muziek Instituut, The Hague].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 300. New York, [2011]. 27 x 35 cm, 23 partbooks, 134 pp. Line-cut of the Breitkopf & Härtel edition, pl. no. 1329, Leipzig, 1809. $95
[item no.
BEMETZRIEDER, Anton, 1743-1817
Leçons de clavecin et principes d’harmonie. A Facsimile of the 1771 Paris Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/18. New York, 1966. 20 x 27 cm, 371 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1771 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
BÉRARD, Jean Antoine, 1710-1772
[Method, singing]
L’art du chant. A Facsimile of the 1755 Paris Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/75. New York, 1967. 17 x 24 cm, 215 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1755 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
BICKHAM, George (younger), c.1706-1771 [engraver]
The Musical Entertainer. A Facsimile of the 1740 London Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/6. New York, 1965. 4˚. 102 + 102 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1740 edition. Approximately 200 songs, each adorned with a beautiful engraving, by various composers, chiefly for high voice with figured bass; most have part for flute printed at end. Printed (as the original) on recto pages. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
BILLINGTON, Elizabeth Weichsell, c.1765-1818
Six Progressive Lessons for the Harpsichord or Piano-Forte. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 194. New York, [1997]. 26 x 32 cm, 35 pp. Line-cut of the J. Bland edition, London, c.1793. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
BLAKE, Benjamin, 1751-1827
Three Solos, for the Tenor with an Accompaniment for the Violoncello. Op.9. [Baylor University Library, Waco].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 84. New York, [1991]. 25 x 35 cm, 34 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1825 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
BLANCHINUS, Franciscus, 18th c.
De tribus generibus instrumentorum musicae veterum organicae dissertatio.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/9. New York, 1966. Line-cut of the Rome, 1742 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
BLOW, John, 1649-1708
Amphion Anglicus. A Facsimile of the 1700 London Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/2. New York, 1965. 4º, 216 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1700 edition. Contains the best of Blow’s vocal music. Laid paper. Beautifully bound in white linen.
[item no.
BOCCHERINI, Luigi, 1743-1805
[Sonatas, violoncello, bc]
Six Sonatas for the Violoncello. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 174. New York, [1996]. 25 x 32 cm, 37 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1785 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
BOISMORTIER, J.B. Bodin de, 1691-1755
[Sonatas, 2 flutes, op.1]
Sonates a deux flûtes-traversières sans basse. Œuvre premier.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 75. New York, [1991]. 23 x 30 cm, 27 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1724 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
[Sonatas, 2 flutes, op.2]
Sonates a deux flûtes-traversières sans baße. Œuvre IIe.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 76. New York, [1989]. 23 x 30 cm, 27 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1724 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
[Sonatas, 2 flutes, op.6]
Sonates a deux flûtes-traversières sans baße. Œuvre sixième.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 77. New York, [1989]. 23 x 30 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1725 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
[Sonatas, 2 flutes, op.8]
Sonates a deux flûtes-traversières sans basse. Œuvre huitième.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 78. New York, [1989]. 23 x 30 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1725 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
BON, Anna, 1740-1767?
[Sonatas, flute, bc, op.1]
VI sonate da camera per il flauto traversiere, e violoncello o cembalo. Opera prima. [Fürstlich Thurn und Taxissche Hofbibliothek, Regensburg].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 191. New York, [1998]. 26 x 37 cm, 22 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1756 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
[Sonatas, harpsichord, op.2]
Sei sonate per il cembalo. Opera seconda. [Fürstlich Thurm und Taxissche Hofbibliothek, Regensburg].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 152. New York, [1998]. 26 x 33 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1755 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
Regula musicae plane. A Facsimile of the [Brescia, September, 1497] Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/77. New York, 1975. 17 x 24 cm, 40 pp. Line-cut of the Brescia, 1497 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
BONONCINI, Giovanni Maria, 1642-1678
Musico prattico.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/78. New York, 1969. Line-cut of the Bologna, 1673 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
BOYCE, William, 1711-1779
[Symphonies, op.2]
Eight Symphonys in Eight Parts. Six for Violins, Hoboys, or German Flutes, and Two for Violins, French Horns and Trumpets. With a Bass for the Violoncello and Harpsicord. Opera seconda. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 230. New York, [2001]. 4º, 12 partbooks, c.100 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1760 edition. Wrappers. $55
[item no.
[Trio sonatas, 2 vln/fl, bc]
Twelve Sonatas for Two Violins; with a Bass for the Violoncello or Harpsicord. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 210. New York, [2000]. 27 x 35 cm, 3 partbooks, 100 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1747 edition. Wrappers. $45
[item no.
BURGESS, Henry, 18th c.
[Lessons, harpsichord]
A Collection of Lessons for the Harpsichord Composed in an Easy and Familiar Style.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 61. New York, [1989]. 25 x 32 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1725 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
BURNEY, Charles, 1726-1814
The Present State of Music in France and Italy. A Facsimile of the 1773 London Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/70. New York, 1969. 15 x 22 cm, 426 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1773 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
The Present State of Music in Germany, the Netherlands, and United Provinces. A Facsimile of the 1775 London Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/117. New York, 1969. 15 x 22 cm, 742 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1775 edition. A mine of information about European music and musical conditions, embodying a high degree of technical knowledge, historical inquiry, personal observation and literary skill, the latter attribute lacking in Hawkins’ history. Laid paper,
[item no.
BUXTEHUDE, Dietrich, 1637-1707
[Klaglied, voice, viols, bc (or voice, organ), BWV 76]
Fried- und Freudenreiche Hinfarth des alten großgläubligen Simeons bey seeligen ableiben des Herrn Johannis Buxtehuden. Edited by Michael Belotti. [Badische Landesbibl., Karlsruhe].
Critical Facsimiles, 6. New York. 2005 20 x 31 cm, iv, 9, i. Line-cut of the Lübeck, 1674 edition. A funeral piece composed and performed for the composer’s father. Includes apparatus listing all editorial emendations. Wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $8) $12
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, viol, harpsichord, op.1, K.252-258]
VII. suonate à doi, violono & violadagamba con cembalo. Opera prima. Edited by Eva Linfield.
Critical Facsimiles, 2. New York, 1999. 21 x 38 cm, 3 partbooks, 19, 56 pp. Line-cut of the Lübeck, c.1694 edition. Includes apparatus listing all editorial emendations. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, viol, harpsichord, op.2, K.259-265]
VII. suonate à due, violino et violadagamba con cembalo. Opera secunda. Edited by Eva Linfield.
Critical Facsimiles, 3. New York, 2003. 21 x 38 cm, 3 partbooks, 19, 104 pp. Line-cut of the Lübeck, 1696 edition. Includes apparatus listing all editorial emendations. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
BYRD, William, 1543-1623
Songs of Sundry Natures, Some of Gravitie, and Others of Myrth, Fit for All Companies and Voyces. Lately Made and Composed into Musicke of 3.4.5. and 6. Parts. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 163. New York, [2000]. 18 x 25 cm, 5 partbooks, c.292 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1589 edition. 14 compositions a3, 11 a4, 12 a5, and 10 a6, suitable for voices and or instruments. Wrappers. $75
[item no.
CACCINI, Francesca, 1587-1640
Il primo libro delle musiche a una, e due voci. [Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, Modena].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 295. New York, [2011]. 27 x 36 cm, 103 pp. Line-cut of the Florence, 1618 edition, containing 36 settings, among them sonetti, madrigali, arie, ottave, motetti, hinni, & conzonetti. Wrappers. $30
(more info... )
[item no.
CACCINI, Giulio, c.1550-1618
Le nuove musiche. A Facsimile of the Florence, 1601 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/29. New York, 1973. 26 x 37 cm, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Florence, 1601 edition. Laid paper, clothbound. $50
[item no.
Le nuove musiche.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 35. New York, [1987]. 25 x 35 cm, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Florence, 1601 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
CAIX D’HERVELOIS, Louis de, 1670-1760
[Pièces, flute, bc, 1st collection]
Pièces pour la flûte-traversière avec la basse continue, 1. recueil.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 36. New York, 1987. 25 x 33 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1729 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Pièces, flute, bc, 2nd collection]
Deuxième recueil de pièces pour la flûte-traversière avec la basse.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 37. New York, 1987. 24 x 33 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1731 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
CAMPION, François, c.1686-1748
Nouvelles découvertes sur la guitarre, contenantes plusiers suittes de pièces sur huit manières differentes d’accorder. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 135. New York, [1993]. 4º, 47 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1705 edition. French tablature. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
CAMPION, Thomas, 1567-1620
[Ayres, books 1 & 2]
Two Books of Ayres. The First Contayning Divine and Morall Songs: The Second, Light Conceits of Lovers. To be Sung to the Lute and Viols, in Two, Three, and Foure Parts; or by One Voyce to an Instrument. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 106. New York, [1995]. 24 x 37 cm, 54 pp. Line-cut of the London, [1613] edition. Table book format with staff notation (vocal part) and French tablature. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Ayres, books 3 & 4]
The Third and Fourth Booke of Ayres: So as They may be Expressed by One Voyce, with a Violl, Lute, or Orpharion. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 107. New York, [1995]. 24 x 37 cm, 44 pp. Line-cut of the London, [1618] edition, in staff notation (vocal part) and French tablature. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Maske, for Lord Hayes]
The Discription of a Maske Presented before the Kinges Maiestie at White-Hall, on Twelfh Night Last, in Honour of the Lord Hayes, and His Bride. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 259. New York, [2007]. 17 x 23 cm, 40 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1607 edition, in staff notation (vocal part) and French tablature. 22 pages of texts, followed by 11 pages of music numbered I, II, III, IV, V, some notated in table book format. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
CAREY, Henry, c.1687-1743
The Musical Century.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/22. New York, 1976. Line-cut of the London, 1737 & 1740 editions. Contains 100 English ballads on various subjects and occasions. Laid paper, beautifully bound in white linen.
[item no.
CAROSO, Fabritio, c.1530-c.1605
Il Ballarino. A Facsimile of the 1581 Venice Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/46. New York, 1967. 20 x 27 cm, 239 pp. Line-cut. One of the most famous early books on dance, describing and illustrating the techniques of dance as they existed at the end of the 16th c. Contains a portrait of Caroso and seven copper plates of dancers by Giacomo Franco. Highly important for music which is printed throughout
both in Italian tablature and in ordinary notation. Of particular interest are the charming engraved plates showing dancing couples in splendid costumes. Laid paper. Cloth.
[item no.
CARTIER, Jean-Baptiste, 1765-1841
L’art du violon.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/14. New York, [1997]/1973. 27 x 35 cm, 335 pp. Line-cut of the 3rd edition, Paris, c.1803. Contains a comprehensive selection of sonatas and single movements composed by Italian, French, and German masters of the 17th and 18th centuries. Laid paper, handsomely bound in white linen.
[item no.
[L’art du violon, selections]
L’art du violon. Works from the Famous Anthology of Jean-Baptiste Cartier Selected and Introduced by David L. Sills. 1) The Italian School. Music by Corelli, Geminiani, Locatelli, Tartini, Nardini, Spadina, Chabran, San Rafaele, & Manfredi.
Performers’ Editions. New York, 1989. 27 x 35 cm, v, 46 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1803 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
[L’art du violon, selections]
L’art du violon. Works from the Famous Anthology of Jean-Baptiste Cartier. Selected and Introduced by David L. Sills. 2) The French School. Music by Leclair, Guillemain, Gaviniès, Navoigille & Leblanc.
Performers’ Editions. New York, 1989. 27 x 35 cm, iii, 39 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1803 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
[L’art du violon, selections]
L’art du violon. Works from the Famous Anthology of Jean-Baptiste Cartier. Selected and Introduced by David L. Sills. 3) Pietro Nardini: Seven Sonatas, [1760].
Performers’ Editions. New York, 1989. 27 x 35 cm, iii, 56 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1803 edition. Wrappers.
[item no.
[L’art du violon, selections]
L’art du violon. Works from the Famous Anthology of Jean-Baptiste Cartier. Selected and Introduced by David L. Sills. 4) Giuseppe Tartini: Sonate Ie, œuvre 1e; Sonate Ie, œuvre 2e; L’art de l’archet; Le trille du diable.
Performers’ Editions. New York, 1989. 27 x 35 cm, iii, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1803 edition. This version of L’art de l’archet includes 50 variations on Corelli’s Gavotte melody from Op.5, no 10. Wrappers.
[item no.
CAUS, Salomon de, 1576-1626
Institution harmonique.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/81. New York, 1969. Line-cut of the Frankfurt, 1615 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
CAVAZZONI, Marco Antonio, c.1490-c.1560
Recerchari / Motetti / Canzoni. Libro primo. A Facsimile of the [Venice, 1523] Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/12. New York, 1974. Oblong, 24 x 17 cm, 73 pp. Line-cut of the Bernardus Vercellensis edition, Venice, 1523, from the only complete copy known to exist (since the first impression of 1520). This collection of organ tablatures was printed with type and metal-block in two impressions, and contains the earliest known use of
chords and ties. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
CHAMBONNIÈRES, Jacques Champion de, c.1602-1672
[Pièces, harpsichord, books 1 & 2]
Pièces de clavessin.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/3. New York, 1967. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, 70 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1670 edition. The first two books of harpsichord music to be engraved in France. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1]
Les pièces de clavessin, livre premier.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 56. New York, [1991]. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 70 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1670 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 2]
Les pièces de clavessin, livre second.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 57. New York, [1990]. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 62 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1670 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
CHATEAUNEUF, François de Castagnères, 17-18th c.
Dialogue sur la musique des anciens. A Facsimile of the 1725 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/38. New York, 1966. 12 x 20 cm, 138 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1725 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
CHÉDEVILLE, Nicolas, 1705-1782
[Sonatas, musette/vielle/fl/rec/ob/vln, bc]
Il pastor fido, sonates, pour la musette, viele, flûte, hautbois, violon, avec la basse continüe. Opera XIII. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 111. New York, [1992]. 24 x 31 cm, 41 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1737 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
CLARKE, Jeremiah, c,1674-1707
[Lessons, harpsichord/virginal]
Choice Lessons for the Harpsichord or Spinett.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 92. New York, [1990]. Oblong, 27 x 19 cm, 36 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1711 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
CLEMENTI, Muzio, 1752-1832
[Duets, piano 4-hands; sonatas, piano, vln/fl accomp, op.3]
Three Duets for Two Performers on One Piano Forte or Harpsichord and Three Sonatas with an Accompanyment for a Flute or Violin. Opera terza. [Yale University, Music Library, New Haven].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 269. New York, [2008]. Oblong, 35 x 24 cm, 49 pp. Line-cut of the London [after.1786] edition. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
[Sonatas, piano, op.36]
Six Progressive Sonatinas for the Piano Forte Op.36. [Yale University, Music Library, New Haven].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 292. New York, [2007]. 26 x 33 cm, 31 pp. Line-cut of the London, n.d. edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Sonatas, piano, vln/fl accomp., op.2]
Six Sonatas for the Piano Forte or Harpsichord with an Accompanyment for a German Flute or Violin. Opera II. [Yale University, Music Library, New Haven].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 268. New York, [2008]. Oblong, 35 x 24 cm, 45 pp. Line-cut of the London, n.d. edition. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
CLÉRAMBAULT, Louis Nicolas, 1676-1749
[Livre d’orgue, book 1]
Premier livre d’orgue contenant deux suites du Ire et du IIe ton.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 82. New York, [1990]. Oblong, 27 x 20 cm, 30 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1714 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1]
Ier livre de pièces de claveçin.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 22. New York, [1987]. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, 19 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1704 edition. Wrappers. $13
[item no.
COMPAN, Charles, c.1740-d.?
Dictionnaire de danse. A Facsimile of the Paris, 1787 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/84. New York, 1974. 13 x 20 cm, 410 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1787 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
CONFORTI, Giovanni Luca, c.1560-d.?
Breve et facile maniera d’essercitarsi . . . a far passaggi. A Facsimile of the Rome, 1593[?] Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/115. New York, 1978. Oblong, 20 x 14 cm, 40 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, c.1593 edition. Laid paper, cloth.
[item no.
CORELLI, Arcangelo, 1653-1713
[Concerti grossi, op.6]
Concerti grossi, con 2 violini e violoncello di concertino obligato e 2 altri violini, viola e basso di concerto grosso ad arbitrio che si potranno radoppiare. [Library of Congress & private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 130. New York, [1993]. 22 x 28 cm, 7 partbooks, 209 pp. Line-cut of the Estienne Roger edition, Amsterdam, [1714]. Wrappers. $75
[item no.
[Concerti grossi, op.6; arr.]
Corelli’s Celebrated Twelve Concertos . . . Adapted for the Organ, Harpsichord or Piano Forte, by Thomas Billington, Opera IX.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 94. New York, [1991]. 25 x 35 cm, 58 pp. Line-cut of the G. Walker edition, London, 1605. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.5]
Sonate a violino e violone o cimbalo. Opera quinta. Nouvelle edition où l’on a joint les agréemens des Adagio de cet ouvrage, composez par Mr. A. Corelli, comme il les joue. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 231. New York, [1999]. 24 x 31 cm, 93 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, 1710. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
[Trio sonatas, 2 violins, bc, op.1]
XII Sonatas of Three Parts for Two Violins and a Bass with a Through Bass for ye Organ, Harpsicord or Arch Lute. Opera Prima. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 240. New York, [2002]. 4º, 4 partbooks, 96 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, 1713. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
[Trio sonatas, 2 violins, bc, op.2]
Sonate da camera à tre. Due violini e violone col basso per l’organo. Opera seconda. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 260. New York, [2007]. 4º, 4 partbooks, 58 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, 1713. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
[Trio sonatas, 2 violins, vc, bc, op.3]
Sonate à tre. Due violini e violone col basso per l’organo. Opera terza. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 241. New York, [2002]. 4º, 4 partbooks, 100 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, 1713. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
[Trio sonatas, 2 violins, bc, op.4]
Sonate da camera à tre. Due violini e violone col basso per l’organo. Opera quarta. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 261. New York, [2007]. 4º, 4 partbooks, 63 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, 1713. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
CORRETTE, Michel, 1709-1795
[Method, keyboard, accomp.]
Le maître de clavecin pour l’accompagnement. A Facsimile of the Paris, 1753 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/13. New York, 1976. 22 x 30 cm, i, 98 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1753 edition. This work was produced at various times with plates that were either corrected or added to. This edition attempts to present the “latest” state of Le maître. Laid paper, cloth.
[item no.
[Noëls, keyboard, carillon]
Nouveau livre de noëls avec un carillon, pour le clavecin ou l’orgue. [British Library].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 212. New York, [2003]. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 55 pp. Line-cut of the author’s edition, Paris, [1753]. Arranged into 4 suites. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1, op.12]
Premier livre de pièces de clavecin, œuvre XIIe.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 12. New York, 1985. 26 x 34 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of the author’s, Boivin, & LeClerc edition, Paris, 1734. 4 suites with an explanation of passages to be fingered. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
COUPERIN, Armand-Louis, 1727-1789
[Pièces, harpsichord]
Pièces de clavecin.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 41. New York, [1988]. 27 x 34 cm, 47 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1751 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Sonatas, harpsichord, violin ad lib., op.2]
Sonates en pièces de clavecin, avec accompagnement de violon ad libitum . . . Œuvre IIe.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 34. New York, [1987]. 28 x 38 cm, 39 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1765 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
COUPERIN, François, 1668-1733
[Apothéose de Lully, winds/strings]
Concert instrumental sous le titre d’Apothéose composé à la mémoire immortelle de l’incomparable Monsieur de Lully. [Nederlands Muziek Instituut, The Hague].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 248. New York, [2001]. 26 x 34 cm, 29 pp. Line-cut of another surviving print of the Paris, 1725 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Concerts royaux, nos.1-4]
Concerts royaux. Supplement du troisième livre de pièces de clavecin. Introduction by Don Hulbert.
Performers’ Editions. New York, 1989. 27 x 36 cm, iii, 30 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1722 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Goûts réunis, nos.5-14]
Les goûts-réünis ou noveaux concerts à l’usage de toutes les sortes d’instruments de musique augmentés d’une grande sonade en trio intitulée Le Parnasse ou l’Apothéose de Corelli. [Nederlands Muziek Instituut, The Hague].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 249. New York, [2001]. 26 x 34 cm, 82 pp. Line-cut of another surviving print of the Paris, 1724 edition. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
[Method, keyboard]
L’art de toucher le clavecin. A Facsimile of the Paris 1717 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/23. New York, 1969. 26 x 34 cm, 76 pp. Line-cut of another surviving print of the Paris, 1717 edition (this print is possibly earlier than no. 832, with slight differences in the addresses on the title page, a different “Privilege Général” and no “Prix des ouvrages”). Laid paper with handsome binding in cloth.
[item no.
[Nations, 2 violins/flutes, bc]
Les nations. Sonades; et suites de simphonies en trio.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 40. New York, [1988]. 22 x 28 cm, 4 partbooks, 129 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1726 edition. Wrappers, with folder. $45
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, books 1-4]
Pièces de clavecin. A Facsimile of the Paris, 1713-1730 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/9. New York, 1973. 4º, 317 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1713-1730 edition. Laid paper, linen.
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1]
Pièces de clavecin premier livre. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 296. New York, [2010]. 27 x 37 cm, 86 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1713 edition. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 2]
Second livre de pièces de clavecin. [Yale University Music Library, New Haven].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 297. New York, [2009]. 27 x 37 cm, 95 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1717 edition, based on the exemplar formerly owned by Ralph Kirkpatrick. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 3; Concerts royaux]
Troisième livre de Pièces de clavecin; Concerts royaux. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 298. New York, [2009]. 27 x 37 cm, 75, 29 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1722 edition. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 4]
Quatrième livre de pièces de clavecin. [Yale University Music Library, New Haven].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 299. New York, [2009]. 27 x 37 cm, 83 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1730 edition, based on the exemplar formerly owned by Ralph Kirkpatrick. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
[Preludes, harpsichord, from L’art de toucher le clavecin]
Eight Preludes and Allemande from L’art de toucher le Clavecin. Introduced by R. Peter Wolf.
Performers’ Editions. New York, 1991 23 x 31 cm, v, 14 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $13
[item no.
COUSINEAU, Jacques Georges, 1760-1824
Méthode de harpe (Paris, c.1786).
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/86. New York, 1968. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1786 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
CUPIS, Jean-Baptiste, c.1711-1788
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.1]
Sonates a violon seul avec la basse continue. Ier œuvre.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 27. New York, [1987]. 27 x 34 cm, 38 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1738 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.2]
Sonates pour le violon. Second œuvre.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 28. New York, [1987]. 27 x 34 cm, 47 pp. Line-cut of the Paris c.1740 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
DANDRIEU, Jean François, 1682-1738
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1]
Pièces de clavecin, premier livre, contenant plusieurs divertissemens dont les principaux sont les caractères de la guerre, ceux de la chasse et la fête de vilage. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 165. New York, [1999]. 27 x 35 cm, 71 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1724 edition. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 2]
Second livre de pièces de clavecin. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 166. New York, [1999]. 27 x 35 cm, 42 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1728 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 3]
Troisième livre de pièces de clavecin. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 167. New York, [2000]. 27 x 35 cm, 43 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1734 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.2]
Livre de sonates, à violon seul dédié à Monsieur de la Lande. Second Œuvre.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 54. New York, [1989]. 27 x 36 cm, 40 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1710 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
DAQUIN, Louis-Claude, 1694-1772
[Noëls, organ/harpsichord, vln, fl, ob, etc, op.2]
Nouveau livre de noëls pour l’orgue et le clavecin, dont la plûpart peuvent s’éxécuter sur les violins, flutes, hautbois, &c, dédié à son altesse sérénissime Monseigneur Le Compte d’Eu, Prince Souverain de Dombes. Œuvre II.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 32. New York, [1987]. 4°, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1757] edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1]
Ier livre de pièces de clavecin dedié à S.A. Mademoiselle de Soubise.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 42. New York, [1987]. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1735 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
DESCARTES, Réne, 1596-1650
Musicae compendium. A Facsimile of the 1650 Utrecht Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/87. New York, 1968. 17 x 24 cm, 58 pp. Line-cut of the Utrecht, 1650 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
DIEUPART, Charles, c.1670-c.1740
Select Lessons for the Harpsichord or Spinnet as Allemands, Sarabands, Corants, Gavots, Minuets, and Jigs, Plac’d on Five Lines in ye English Cliff, Engraven in a Fair Carecter. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 122. New York, [1993]. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, 11 pp. Line-cut of the John Walsh edition, London, [c.1705]. Contains 13 movements from Suittes de clavecin (1701). Wrappers. $15
[item no.
DOWLAND, John, 1562-1626
Performers’ Facsimiles, 209. New York, [1998]. 22 x 33 cm, 49 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1604 edition. 21 pieces for 5 strings with nine-course Renaissance lute in old tuning (French tablature). Collection comprises the 7 pavans based on “Lachrimae” (Dowland’s most celebrated composition and the most widely known melody at that time), 3 other pavans, 9 gailliards and 2 almands.
Printed in table-book format. Some pieces can be played as lute solos. Wrappers. $20
(more info... )
[item no.
A Pilgrimmes Solace. Wherein is Contained Musicall Harmonie of 3.4. and 5. Parts, to be Sung and Plaid with the Lute and Viols.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 195. New York, [1996]. 24 x 35 cm, 47 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1612 edition. Table-book format. Up to 4 voices (in staff notation) with lute accompaniment in French tablature. Contains “Lacrimae”, version for solo lute. Wrappers. $20
(more info... )
[item no.
[Songs, voices/viols, lute, book 1, 1613 ed.]
The First Booke of Songs or Ayres of Foure Parts, with Tableture for the Lute. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 127. New York, [1994]. 24 x 35 cm, 47 pp. Line-cut of the Humfrey Lownes edition (London, 1613), in table book format. Believed to represent Dowland’s own revisions. 21 songs a4 with lute/orpharion/viol accompaniment, plus 1 galliard for two lutes. French tablature. Wrappers. $20
(more info... )
[item no.
[Songs, voices/viols, lute, book 2]
The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres of Foure Parts, with Tableture for the Lute. [Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 128. New York, [1994]. 24 x 35 cm, 49 pp. Line-cut of the Thomas Este edition (London, 1600), in table book format. 22 songs a2, a4 & a5 with lute/orpharion/viol accompaniment. French tablature. Wrappers. $20
(more info... )
[item no.
[Songs, voices/viols, lute, books 3 & 4]
The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires. [Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 129. New York, [1994]. 24 x 35 cm, 47 pp. Line-cut of the Thomas Adams edition, London, 1603, in table book format. 21 songs a4 & 5, with lute/orpharion/viol accompaniment. French tablature. Wrappers. $20
(more info... )
[item no.
DOWLAND, Robert, c.1586-1641
A Musical Banquet. Furnished with Varietie of Delicious Ayres, Collected Out of the Best Authors in English, French, Spanish and Italian. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 59. New York, [1990]. 24 x 37 cm, 45 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1610 edition, in table book format. Pieces for 2-4 voices with lute accompaniment in French tablature. 1 galliard for solo lute by John Dowland. Wrappers. $25
(more info... )
[item no.
Varietie of Lute-Lessons: viz. Fantasies, Pavins, Galliards, Corantoes, and Volts: Selected out of the Best Approved Authors, as Well beyond the Seas as of Our Own Country. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 159. New York, [1997]. 24 x 37 cm, 71 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1610 edition. Solo lute music in French tablature. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
DU PHLY, Jacques, 1715-1789
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1]
Pièces de clavecin [premier livre].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 65. New York, [1990]. 25 x 33 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1744 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 2]
Second livre de pièces de clavecin.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 66. New York, [1990]. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 62 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1748 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, violin, book 3]
Troisième livre de pièces de clavecin [accompagnement de violon].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 67. New York, [1992]. 26 x 33 cm, 35 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1758 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 4]
Quatrième livre de pièces de clavecin. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 68. New York, [1992]. 26 x 33 cm, 14 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1768 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
EITNER, Robert, 1832-1905
Publikation älterer praktischer und theoretischer Musik-Werke. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung.
New York, 1966. 4º & 8º, Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1873-1905 edition. 29 vols in 27. Cloth. (n.b. Complete sets of this edition are no longer available; please inquire for individual volumes)
[item no.
EULER, Leonhard, 1707-1783
Tentamen novae theoriae musicae. A Facsimile of the 1739 St. Petersburg Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/90. New York, 1968. 22 x 30 cm, 284 pp. Line-cut of the St. Petersburg, 1739 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
FANTINI, Girolamo, fl.1630-1640
[Method, trumpet]
Modo per imparare a sonare di tromba. Tanto di guerra quanto musicalmente in organo, con tromba sordina, col cimbalo, e ogn’altro istrumento.
Performers’ Facsimile, 211. New York [2002] 24 x 33 cm, 87 pp. Line-cut of the Frankfurt [Florence?], 1638 edition. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
FELTON, William, 1715-1769
[Lessons, harpsichord, op.3]
Eight Suits of Easy Lessons for the Harpsichord [Vol.I]. Opera Terza.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 86. New York, [1990]. 25 x 32 cm, 59 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1750 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Lessons, harpsichord, op.6]
Eight Suits of Easy Lessons for the Harpsichord, Vol. II. Opera Sesta.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 87. New York, [1990]. 25 x 32 cm, 49 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1758 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
FERRARI, Giacomo Gotifredo, 1763-1842
[Sonatas, piano, op.12]
Trois sonates et six ballets pour le piano-forte. Opera XII. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 254. New York, [2008]. 25 x 32 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the London, n.d. edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
FESCH, Willem de, 1687-1757
[Sonatas, violoncello, bc, op.8]
Six Sonatas for a Violoncello with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord. Opera ottava.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 55. New York, [1988]. 4°, 24 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1736 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
FEUILLET, Raoul-Auger, 1659-1710
Choregraphie ou l’art de de’crire la dance. A Facsimile of the 1700 Paris Edition; Recueil de dances compose’es par M. Feuillet. A Facsimile of the 1700 Paris Edition; Recueil de danses compose’es par M. Pécour. A Facsimile of the 1700 Paris Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/130. New York, 1968. 21 x 29 cm, 114 & 85 & 73 pp. Line-cut of three treatises. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Recueil de contredances. A Facsimile of the 1706 Paris Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/135. New York, 1968. 13 x 20 cm, 224 pp. Line-cut. A collection of 32 dances presented here in a simpler form for ballroom purposes, of the method of annotation introduced in Chorégraphie. Laid paper. Handsome binding in cloth.
[item no.
FINGER, Godfrey, c.1660-1730
[Sonatas, flute, bc, op.3]
Dix sonates à 1 flute & basse continue. Opera terza. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 169. New York, [1996]. 26 x 35 cm, 2 partbooks, 23 pp. Line-cut of Roger edition, Amsterdam, [1701]. Wrappers, in folder. $23
[item no.
[Sonatas, 2 flutes, bc, op.4 & 6]
XII suonate a due flauti e violoncello o basso continuo. Opera quarta e sexta. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 143. New York, [1994]. 24 x 30 cm, 3 partbooks, 50 pp. Line-cut of Roger edition, Amsterdam, [1703]. Wrappers, in folder. $28
[item no.
[Sonatas, 2 recorders]
Quatorse sonates a 2 flustes dont les 6 premier sont composés par Mr. Fingher, les 6 suivants par Mr. Courtivill et les 2 derniers par Mr. Paisible.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 29. New York, [1987]. Oblong, 24 x 18 cm, 2 partbooks, 58 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, c.1698 edition. Wrappers in folder. $20
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bc]
Six Sonatas or Solos for the Violin with a Through Bass for the Harpsicord or Bass Violin, Compos’d by Mr. G. Finger and Mr. D. Purcell. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 108. New York, [1994]. 23 x 31 cm, 23 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1690]. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
FISCHER, Johann Caspar Ferdinand, c.1670-1746
Ariadne musica neo-organoedum per viginti praeludia, totidem fugas atque quinque ricercaras super totidem sacrorum anni temporum ecclesiasticas cantilenas e difficultatum labyrintho educens. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 197. New York, [1997]. Oblong, 28 x 20 cm, 52 pp. Line-cut of the second edition, Augsburg, 1715. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
Blumen Strauss, aus dem anmuthigsten musicalischen Kunst Garten. [Staats- & Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 199. New York, [2004]. Oblong, 34 x 26 cm, 46 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, 1732. Preludes and fugues set on the 8 ecclesiastical tones. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
Musicalisches Blumen-Büschlein, oder Neu eingerichtes Schlag-Wercklein bestehend in unterschidlichen Galanterien: als Praeludien, Allemanden, Couranten, Sarabanden, Bouréen, Gavotten, Menueten, Chaconnen &c. Opus II. [Private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 196. New York, [1997]. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, 67 pp. Line-cut of the second edition, Augsburg, 1698. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
Musicalischer-Parnassus, oder ganz neu unter dem Nahmen der IX Musen, gleicherweiss in IX Parthien bestehend und auff das Clavier eingerichtetes Schlag-Werck. [Staats- & Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 198. New York, [2004]. Oblong, 34 x 26 cm, 68 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, 1738. 9 suites. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
FOGLIANI, Lodovico, b.?-1539
Musica theorica. A Facsimile of the Venice 1529 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/93. New York, 1969. 22 x 33 cm, 86 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1529 edition. Laid paper, cloth.
[item no.
FORD, Thomas, c.1580-1648
Musicke of Sundrie Kindes Set Forth in Two Books. [British Library, London].
Performer’s Facsimiles, 219. New York, [1998]. 25 x 36 cm, 48 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1607 edition, in table book format. Songs a2 and a4 with lute/orpharion/viol accompaniment. Duets for lutes/viols. French tablature. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
FORQUERAY, Antoine, 1672-1745
[Pièces, viol, bc; arr.]
Pièces de viole mise en pièces de clavecin. Livre premier. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].
Performer’s Facsimiles, 104. New York, [1993]. 26 x 33 cm, 38 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1747 edition. Arrangement for harpsichord by the composer’s son, Jean-Baptiste. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Pièces, viol, bc, book 1]
Pièces de viole avec la basse continuë. Livre Ier.
Performer’s Facsimiles, 4. New York, 1985. 26 x 32 cm, 38 pp. Line-cut of the Boivin & Leclerc, 1747 edition, Paris. Compiled by the composer’s son, Jean-Baptiste. Bass and viol parts in score. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
FROBERGER, Johann Jacob, 1616-1667
[Partite musicali, keyboard]
Diverse ingegnosissime, rarissime & non mai piu viste curiose partite di toccate, canzone, ricerate, alemande, correnti, sarabande e gique, di cimbali, organi e instromenti. [Princeton University Library].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 265. New York, [2008]. Oblong, 29 x 20 cm, 44 pp. Line-cut of the Mainz, 1693 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Partite musicali, keyboard]
Partite musicali. Prima continuatione per uso è recreatione de gli amatori di cimbali, organi, instromenti e spinetti. [Staatliche Hochschule für Musik & Darstellende Kunst, Berlin].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 266. New York, [2008]. Oblong, 29 x 20 cm, ii, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Mainz, 1696 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Suites, keyboard]
10 Suittes de clavessin. [King’s College Library, University of Cambridge].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 267. New York, [2010]. Oblong, 28 x 20 cm, ii, 40 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, 1710 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
FROSCH, Johann, 16th c.
Rerum musicarum opusculum.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/39. New York, 1967. Line-cut of the Peter Schoeffer (the Younger) & Matthias Apiarius edition, Strasbourg 1535. Printed with mensural music type resembling Petrucci’s. Contains 16 pages of musical examples in 4 or 6 parts on facing pages. Laid paper with handsome binding in cloth.
[item no.
FUX, Johann Joseph, c.1660-1741
[Gradus ad Parnassum, Latin ed.]
Gradus ad Parnassum. A Facsimile of the 1725 Vienna Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/24. New York, 1966. 23 x 33 cm, 288 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1725 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
GAFURIO, Franchino, 1451-1522
Apologia Franchini Gafurii, adversus Ioannem Spatiarum & complices musicos Bononienses. A Facsimile of the Turin, 1520 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/96. New York, 1979. 22 x 34 cm, 20 pp. Line-cut of the Turin, 1520 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
De harmonia musicorum instrumentorum. A Facsimile of the Milan, 1518 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/97. New York, 1979. 22 x 34 cm, 212 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1518 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Practica musice. A Facsimile of the Milan, 1496 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/99. New York, 1979. 22 x 34 cm, 222 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1496 incunabulum. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Theorica musice. A Facsimile of the 1492 Milan Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/21. New York, 1967. 22 x 33 cm, 135 pp. Line-cut of the 1492 incunabulum. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
GALILEI, Vincenzo, 1520-1591
Dialogo della musica antica et della moderna. A Facsimile of the 1581 Florence Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/20. New York, 1967. 23 x 35 cm, 162 pp. Line-cut of the Florence, 1581 edition. In Italian lute tablature and mensural notation. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
GALLIARD, Johann Ernst, c.1680-1749
[Sonatas, bassoon/violoncello, bc]
Six Sonatas for the Bassoon or Violoncello with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 255. New York, [2007]. 24 x 31 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1733]. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Sonatas, flute, bc, op.1]
Sonata a flauto solo e basso continuo. Opera prima. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 278. New York, [2008]. 25 x 31 cm, 24 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, n.d. edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
GALLINI, Giovanni-Andrea, 1728-1805
A Treatise on the Art of Dancing.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/48. New York, 1967. 8º, Line-cut of the London, 1772 edition. Contains substantial chapters on the minuet, on dances in various parts of the world (including America), and on pantomimes. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
GALLO, Domenico, 18th c.
[Sonatas, 2 violins, bc/orchestra]
Twelve Sonatas for Two Violins and a Bass or an Orchestra.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 23. New York, 1987. Line-cut of the London, [1780] edition. These pieces, published under Pergolesi’s name, are now attributed to Domenico Gallo. 3 partbooks. Wrappers. $35
[item no.
GASPARINI, Francesco, 1668-1727
L’armonico pratico al cimbalo.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/14. New York, 1967. Line-cut of the Venice, 1708 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
GAULTIER, Denis, c.1597-1672
Livre de tablature des pièces de luth sur plusieurs diferents modes, avec quelques reigles qu’il faut observer pour le bien toucher. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 279. New York, [2009]. Oblong, 21 x 14 cm, 88 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1680 edition. One of the main sources of the music by “Gaultier de Paris”, in French tablature, together with pieces by “Vieux Gaultier”. Begins with a short set of instructions. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
GEMINIANI, Francesco, c.1680-1762
[method, guitar]
The Art of Playing the Guitar or Cittra containing Several Compositions with a Bass for the Violoncello or Harpsichord. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 216. New York, [1999]. 4º, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Edinburgh, 1760 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[method, violin, op.9]
The Art of Playing on the Violin. Opera IX. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 238. New York, [2001]. 4º, 63 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1751 edition. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, 1st coll.]
Pièces de clavecin tirées des differens ouvrages de Mr. F. Geminiani adaptées par luy même a cet instrument. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 117. New York, [1993]. 27 x 34 cm, 35 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1743 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Pieces, harpsichord, 2nd coll.]
The Second Collection of Pieces for the Harpsichord, Taken from different Works of F. Geminiani, and Adapted by Himself to that Instrument. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 118. New York, [1993]. 27 x 34 cm, 59 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, 1762. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.1]
Le prime sonate a violino, e basso. Nuovamente ristampate, e con deligenza corrette, aggiuntovi ancora per maggior facilità le grazie agli adagi, ed i numeri per la trasposizione della mano [Opus 1, in the 1739 Edition]. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 246. New York, [2005]. 4º, 52 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1739 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.4]
Sonate a violino e basso. Opera IV. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 247. New York, [2005]. 4º, 50 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1739 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Sonatas, violoncello, bc, op.5]
Sonates pour le violoncelle et basse continue dans lesquelles il a fait une étude particulière pour l’utilitè de ceux qui accompagnent, Ouvrage cinquième.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 74. New York, [1989]. 24 x 30 cm, 25 pp. Line-cut of The Hage, 1746 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
GIBBONS, Orlando, 1583-1625
Fantasies of Three Parts. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 150. New York, [1993]. 17 x 23 cm, 3 partbooks, 29 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1620, edition in partbook format (altus, tenore & basso). Wrappers. $28
[item no.
[Madrigals & motets, a3]
The First Set of Madrigals and Mottets of 5. Parts: Apt for Viols and Voyces.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 50. New York, 1989. 18 x 24 cm, 5 partbooks, 120 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1612 edition. Wrappers. $45
[item no.
GLUCK, Christoph Willibald, 1714-1787
[Sonatas, 2 violins/flutes, bc]
Six Sonatas for the Two Violins & a Thorough Bass.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 53. New York, [1990]. 25 x 34 cm, 3 partbooks, 39 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1746 edition. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
GRASSINEAU, James, c.1715-1767
A Musical Dictionary. A Facsimile of the 1740 London Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/40. New York, 1966. 15 x 22 cm, vi, 358 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1740 edition. The first important dictionary of music in English, largely based on Brossard’s Dictionnaire de musique, but with some additions. Laid paper, cloth.
[item no.
GREENE, Maurice, 1696-1755
[Overtures, orch, arr.]
Six Overtures for the Harpsicord or Spinnet. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 161. New York, [1997]. 24 x 31 cm, 33 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1745], arranged for keyboard. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Voluntaries, keyboard]
Twelve Voluntarys of the Organ or Harpsichord or Spinnet. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 192. New York, [1997]. 26 x 32 cm, 36 pp. Line-cut of the London, [1779] edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
GRÉTRY, André-Ernest-Modeste, 1741-1818
Méthode simple pour apprendre à préluder.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/102. New York, 1968. Line-cut of the Paris, 1801-1802 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
GUERINI, Francesco, b.?-c.1770
Six Solos for a Violoncello with a Thorough Bass for the Harpschord. Opera IX. Edited by Sarah Freiberg.
Critical Facsimiles, 8. New York, 2001. 22 x 31 cm, iii, 37, iii pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1765 edition. “Corrected” facsimile edition reflecting the views of the editor. With critical apparatus listing all errors and inconsistencies. Laid paper, wrappers. (Special sale price $10 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $18
[item no.
GUILLEMAIN, Louis Gabriel, 1705-1770
[Sonatas, flute, violin, viol, bc, op.12]
Six sonates en quatuors, ou conversations galantes et amusantes entre une flûtte traversiere, un violon, une basse de viole et la basse continüe. Œuvre XIIe. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 243. New York, [2000]. 4º, 4 partbooks, 80 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1743 edition. Wrappers. $43
[item no.
HANDEL, George Frideric, 1685-1759
[Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56, selections]
The Songs in Messiah an Oratorio. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 214. New York, [2003]. 4˚, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, c.1767-68(?). Wrappers. $25
[item no.
[Concerti grossi, strings/winds, op.3, HWV 311-317]
Concerti grossi. Con due violini e violoncello di concertino obligati e due altri violini viola e basso di concerto grosso. Opera terza. [Princeton University Library & British Library].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 133. New York, [1994]. 22 x 28 cm, 9 partbooks, c.122 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1734]. Wrappers. $75
[item no.
[Concerti grossi, strings, op.6, HWV 319-330]
Twelve Grand Concertos for Violins &c. in Seven Parts. Opera sexta. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 270. New York, [2010]. 4°, 7 partbooks, c.202 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1746] (third issue of the first edition). Scored for solo vln I-II, vc, ripieno vln I-II, vla, vc, bc. Wrappers. $100
[item no.
[Concerti, organ, orch, op.4, HWV 289-294]
Six Concertos for the Organ and Harpsicord. Opera Quarta.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 220. New York, [2004]. 4º, 10 partbooks, 153 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1738]. Unlike Walsh’s editions of Handel’s opp.1-3 which were probably pirated, the Concertos for the Organ, op.4 were issued with the composer’s cooperation (so the title-page claimed). Scored for org, ob 1-2, vln 1-2, vla, vc/bass, vln 1-2 rip, vc/bass rip. Wrappers.
[item no.
[Fugues & Voluntaries, keyboard, HWV 605-610]
Six Fugues or Voluntarys for the Organ or Harpsicord. Troisieme Ovarage. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 272. New York, [2008]. Oblong, 34 x 24 cm, 25 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, 1735. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Musick for the Royal Fireworks, fl/vln, bc]
The Musick for the Royal Fireworks [and Other Works] Set for the German Flute, Violin or Harpsichord. [Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 114. New York, [1993]. 25 x 33 cm, 22 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, c.1749. Also contains transcriptions of numbers from Atalanta, Joshua, Occasional Oratorio, Joseph, Saul, Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day, Coronation Anthem, plus two unidentified airs. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Musick for the Royal Fireworks, orch, HWV 351, 1st ed.]
The Musick for the Royal Fireworks in all its Parts, viz. French Horns, Trumpets, Kettle Drums, Violin, Hoboys, Violoncello, & Bassoons with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsicord or Organ. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 120. New York, [1993]. 4º, 11 partbooks: 37 pp. Line-cut of the original Walsh printed parts, London, [1749]. Scored for 2 vln, 3 ob, 3 hns, 3 tpt, timp, bsn & bc. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
[Sonatas, flute/violin/oboe, bc, op.1, HWV 359b, 360-62, 363b, 364a, 365, 368, 367b, 372, 369, 373]
Sonates pour un traversière, un violon ou hautbois con basso continuo. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 151. New York, [1996]. 24 x 30 cm, 62 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, c.1722 featuring 12 sonatas in these keys: E minor, G minor; A major; A minor; G major; G minor; C major; G minor; B minor; A major; F major; E major. This is John Walsh’s pirated edition of op.1, published without the composer’s consent. Walsh later produced an official
version of op.1, substituting some sonatas with different works, making the definitive identification of Handel’s violin sonatas quite difficult for scholars. Wrappers.
[item no.
[Trio sonatas, 2 violins/oboes/flutes, bc, op.2, HWV 386b-391]
VI sonates à deux violons, deux haubois ou deux flutes traversieres & basse continue. Second Ouvrage. [Miller Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 170. New York, [1997]. 4º, 3 partbooks, 71 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, c.1733. 6 sonatas: B minor; G minor; Bb major; F major; G minor; G major. Wrappers. $38
[item no.
[Trio sonatas, 2 violins/flutes, bc, op.5, HWV 396-402]
Seven Sonatas or Trios for Two Violins or German Flutes with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsicord or Violoncello. Opera Quinta.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 20. New York, 1987. 24 x 31 cm, 3 partbooks, 80 pp. Line-cut of the London, [1739] edition. 7 sonatas: A major; D major; E minor; G major; G minor; F major; Bb major. Wrappers. $38
[item no.
[Water Music, orchestra, HWV 348-350]
The Celebrated Water Musick in Seven Parts, viz., Two French Horns, Two Violins or Hoboys, a Tenor, and a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord or Bass Violin.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 70. New York, [1990]. 24 x 36 cm, 7 partbooks, 36 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1733]. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
[Water Music, harpsichord, arr.]
Handel’s Celebrated Water Musick Compleat. Set for the Harpsichord, to which is Added, Two Favourite Minuets, with Variations for the Harpsicord, by Geminiani.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 14. New York, [1987]. 25 x 33 cm, 27 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1743]. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
HART, James, 1647-1718
Synopsis musicae or The Musical Inventory, Being a Collection of the Choicest and Newest Ayres, Jiggs, Borees, Alemands, Gavots, Entries, Round O’s Horn-pipes, Trumpet-Tunes and Scotch Tunes, for the Recorder or Flute. To which are Added Several New Songs and Catches Compos’d by the Most Able Masters.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 131. New York, [1994]. Oblong, 23 x 15 cm, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Thomas Cross edition, London, 1693, in the possession of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 52 pieces for flute or recorder, plus 6 pieces for flute and voice. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
HASSE, Johann Adolph, 1699-1783
[Sonatas, flute/violin, bc, op.2]
Solos for a German Flute or Violin with a Through Bass for the Harpsicord or Violoncello. Opera Seconda. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 271. New York, [2007]. 25 x 31 cm, 31 pp. Line-cut of the London, [1740] edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
HAYDN, Franz Joseph, 1732-1809
[Quartets, strings, “Prussian”, op.50, 1st ed.]
Six quatuors pour deux violins alto et basse. Composes et dediés a sa Majesté Frederic Guillaume II, roi de Prusse, œuvre 50e. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 80. New York, [1992]. 27 x 26 cm, 4 partbooks: 88 pp. Line-cut of the Artaria edition, Vienna, 1787. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
HENRY D’ANGLEBERT, Jean, 1635-1691
[Pièces, harpsichord, 2nd ed.]
Pièces de clavecin. Facsimile of the 1689 Paris Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/4. New York, [1996]/1965. 4º, 128 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, second edition, “after 1691” according to D. Herlin. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, Amsterdam ed.]
Pièces de clavessin avec la maniere de les jouer diverses chacconnes, ouvertures & autres airs de Monsieur Lully mis sur cet instrument Avec quelques fugues pour l’orgue. [Yale University, New Haven].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 245. New York, [2002]. 24 x 31 cm, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, c.1704, in upright format. Includes the same music as the earlier (oblong) editions, but abbreviates the appendix of ornaments. Wrappers $20
[item no.
HEYDEN, Sebald, 1499-1561
De arte canendi. A Facsimile of the Nuremberg 1540 edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/139. New York, 1969. 16 x 23 cm, 175 pp. Line-cut. An instruction book for the boys at St. Sebaldus School in Nuremberg where the author was rector. Contains detailed treatment of the transpositions of the ecclesiastical modes, in itself a significant step forward from the Guidonian hexachord system to the modern system of
major and minor scales. Numerous musical examples. Laid paper with handsome binding in white cloth.
[item no.
HOLBORNE, Antony, b.?-1602
Pavans, Galliards, Almains, and other Short Aeirs both Grave and Light, in Five Parts, for Viols, Violins, or other Musicall Winde Instruments. [Christ Church Library, University of Oxford].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 263. New York, [2010]. 19 x 23 cm, 5 partbooks, c.180 pp. Line-cut of the 2nd edition, London, 1648. 65 instrumental pieces, suitable for strings & winds, in mensural notation. Wrappers. $45
[item no.
HOLDER, William, 1616-1697
Treatise of the Natural Grounds and Principals of Harmony. A Facsimile of the 1694 London Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/32. New York, 1967. 12 x 20 cm, 211 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1694 edition. Laid paper with handsome binding in white linen.
[item no.
HOOK, James, 1746-1827
[Sonatas, piano/harpsichord, flute/violin, op.54]
Six Sonatas for the Piano Forte, or Harpsichord, with an Accompaniment for the German Flute or Violin, Op. LIV.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 85. New York, [1990]. 25 x 32 cm, 27 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1788 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
HOPKINSON, Francis, 1737-1791
[Songs, keyboard & voice]
Seven Songs for the Harpsichord or Forte Piano. The Words and Music Composed by Francis Hopkinson. [Free Library of Philadelphia].
Philadelphia, 2/ 1959. Oblong, 4º, i, 14 pp. Line-cut of 1788 edition. Dedicated to George Washington. Wrappers. $35
[item no.
HOTTETERRE, Jacques Martin, 1674-1763
[Pièces, flute, bc, op.2, book 1]
Premier livre de pièces pour la flûte-traversiere et autres instruments avec la basse. Œuvre second, nouvelle edition. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 177. New York, [1998]. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 48 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1715 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
[Pièces, flute, bc, op.5, book 2]
Deuxiéme livre de pièces pour la flûte-traversiere et autres instruments avec la basse. Œuvre Ve. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 178. New York, [1998]. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 39 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1715 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
HOYLE, John, b.?-c.1797
Dictionarium musica. A Facsimile of the London, 1770 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/83. New York, 1976. 15 x 24 cm, 115 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1770 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
JACQUET DE LA GUERRE, Élisabeth, 1659-1729
[Cantatas, voice, violins, flutes, bc]
Cantates francoises. Semelé, L’Ile de Delos, Le sommeil d’Ulisse, aûquelles on a joint Le raccommodement comique. [British Library, London].
Performer’s Facsimiles, 225. New York, [1998]. 24 x 32 cm, 85 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, n.d. edition. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1]
Edited by Catherine Cessac and Arthur Lawrence. [private collection, Catherine Cessac].
Critical Facsimiles, 9. New York, 2009. Oblong, 26 x 20 cm, xii, 86, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1687] edition. Includes apparatus listing all editorial emendations. Wrappers. Special sale price $10 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $30
[item no.
JONES, Richard, b.?-1744
Suits or Setts of Lessons for the Harpsicord or Spinnet. Consisting of Great Variety of Movements as Preludes Aires Toccats All’mands Jigges Corrents Borre’s Sarabands Gavots Minuets X& c.&c. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 242. New York, [2000]. 24 x 31 cm, 59 pp. Line-cut of the London, [1732] edition. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
KIRCHER, Athanasius, 1602-1680
Phonurgia nova.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/44. New York, 1966. 4º, 257 pp. Line-cut of the Kempten, 1673 edition. Extensive treatment of the properties of sound as they relate to architecture and to musical instruments. Laid paper, cloth bound.
[item no.
KRIEGER, Johann Philipp, 1649-1725
Anmuthige Clavier-Ubung bestehend in unterschiedlichen Ricercarien, Praeludien, Fugen, einer Ciacona und einer auf das Pedal gerichteten Toccata. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 162. New York, [1997]. Oblong, 28 x 20 cm, 75 pp. Line-cut of the Wolfgang Moritz Endters edition, Nuremberg, 1699. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
LA BARRE, Michel de, 1674-1744
[Pièces, flute, bc, book 1 (= op.4)]
Premier livre de pièces pour la flûte traversière, avec la basse-continue.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 47. New York, [1988]. Oblong, 25 x 21 cm, 53 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1710 edition. Beautifully engraved edition with distinctive diamond-shaped note heads. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Pièces, flute, bc, book 2]
Deuxième livre de pièces pour la flûte traversière, avec la basse-continuë.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 48. New York, [1988]. Oblong, 25 x 21 cm, 55 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1710 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
LACASSAGNE, Joseph, 1720?-d.?
Traité général des élémens du chant.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/27. New York, 1967. 16 x 23 cm, 188 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1766 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
LALANDE, Michel-Richard de, 1657-1726
[Noëls, 2 flutes/violins/oboes, bc, book 1]
Noëls en trio avec un carillon, pour les flûtes, violins, et hautbois. Ier livre. [Bibl. Nationale de France, Paris].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 213. New York, [2001]. 4º, 3 partbooks, 33 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, n.d., edition. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
LAMBERT, Michel, 1610-1696
[Airs, 2 voices, bc]
Les airs, corrigez de nouveau de plusieurs fautes de graveure. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 258. New York, [2008]. Oblong, 25 x 21 cm, 85 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1669 edition. Airs for two voices and basso continuo in elegant staff notation. Contents: “Mon ame faisons un effort”; “Permettez qu’à mon dernier jour”; “Inutiles pensers”; “Il est vray son humeur”; “Mais comment avoir”; “O dieux comment se peut faire”; “Tous mes respectz attirent son
couroux”; “A quoy me serttant de constance”; “Il faut aymer”; “Superbes ennemis du repos de mon âme”; “Je garde le respect”; “Hon n’aprehendez point”; “Je dirois que vous”; “Jugez si ma peine est extresme”; “Helas ne suis je pas a plaindre”; “Mon coeur qui se rendavous coups”; “Malgre la rigueur de mon sort”; “Pourquoy vous offencer”; “Au lieu d'avoir pitié”; “Quand ie voudrois
celer”; “Pourquoy faut-il, belle inhumaine”; “Souffrir vostre rigueur extreme”; “Que me sert-il d'estre fidelle”; “Ah c’est trop de flatter”; “Ce seroit me tromper moy mesme”; “J'ay juré mile fois de ne jamais aymer”; “Hélas ! de mon erreur trop tard je m'apperçois”; “Puisque chacun doit aymer à son tour”; “Si c’est un mal que c’est un mal charmant”; “Jay merois mieux souffrir la
morte”; “Quand ie voudrois pour me vanger”; “D'un feu secret je me sens consommer”; “Quand je mourrois pourroit”; “Puisque cett’inratte beauté”; “Mais quoy la cruelle le qu’elle est”; “Loin de vos yeux belle filuie”; “Lassé de vostre iniuste hayne”; “Il est vray Philis ie vous ayme”; “Le plaisir d’aymer est extreme”; ”Puis que labsence a trop peu de pouvoir”; “Quel que rigueur que
ie puisse prevoir”; “Philis j’arreste en fin mon humeux”; “Aymons nous aymons nous”. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
LAMPE, John Frederick, 1703-1751
[Method, thoroughbass]
A Plain and Compendious Method of Teaching Thorough Bass. A Facsimile of the 1737 London Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/29. New York, 1969. 22 x 30 cm, 232 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1737 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
LEBÈGUE, Nicolas-Antoine, 1631-1702
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1]
Les pièces de clavessin [Premier livre]. [Yale Music Library, New Haven].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 256. New York, [2007]. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 94 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1677 edition. Includes an unmeasured prelude for each key used (5 in all). Wrappers. $25
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 2]
Second livre de clavessin. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 257. New York, [2007]. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 100 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1687 edition. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
LECLAIR, Jean-Marie, 1697-1764
[Overtures & sonatas, 2 violins, bc, op.13]
Ouvertures et sonates en trio pour deux violons, avec la basse continuë, œuvre XIIIe.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 83. New York, [1991]. 26 x 32 cm, 3 partbooks, 55 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1753 edition. Wrappers. $35
[item no.
[“Recreations”, 2 violins, bc, op.6]
Première recreation de musique d’une execution facile composée pour deux violons et la basse continue, œuvre VIe. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 123. New York, [1992]. 26 x 32 cm, 3 partbooks, 24 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1737 edition (engraved by Elisabeth-Catherine Ballard Boivin, Louise Catherine Leclair and Louise Anne Roussel). Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[“Recreations”, 2 flutes/violins, bc, op.8]
Deuxième recreation de musique d’une execution facile composée pour deux fluttes ou pour deux violons et la basse continue, œuvre VIIIe. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 124. New York, [1993]. 26 x 32 cm, 3 partbooks, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1737 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin/flute, bc, op.1]
Premier livre de sonates pour le violon et pour la flute traversiere avec la basse continue [Œuvre I]. [Yale University, New Haven, CT].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 285. New York, [2011]. 27 x 36 cm, 86 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1723 edition, containing 12 sonatas. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin/flute, bc, op.2]
Second livre de sonates pour le violon et pour la flute traversiere avec la basse continue [Œuvre II]. [Yale University, New Haven, CT].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 286. New York, [2010]. 27 x 36 cm, 90 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1728] edition, containing 12 sonatas. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.5]
Troisieme livre de sonates a violon seul avec la basse continüe. Œuvre V. [Yales University, New Haven, CT].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 287. New York, [2009]. 27 x 36 cm, 87 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1734 edition, containing 12 sonatas. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.9]
Quatrieme livre de sonates a violon seul avec la basse continüe. Œuvre IX. [Yale University, New Haven, CT].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 288. New York, [2009]. 27 x 36 cm, 80 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1738] edition, containing 12 sonatas. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
[Sonatas, 2 violins/violes, op.3]
Sonates à deux violons sans basse. Troisième œuvre. On peut jouer ces sonates a deux violes.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 88. New York, [1990]. 26 x 33 cm, 2 partbooks, 48 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1730 edition, containing 6 sonatas. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
LE ROUX, Gaspard, c.1660-c.1707
[Pièces, harpsichord; trios, strings/winds, bc]
Pièces de clavessin avec la manière de les joüer. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 222. New York, [2001]. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, 90 pp. Line-cut of another surviving print of the Paris, 1705 edition. A unique feature of this publication is that most pieces are also given in trio form—two melody instruments with figured bass line. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
LOCATELLI, Pietro, 1695-1764
[Sonatas, flute, bc, op.2]
XII sonate à flauto traversière solo à basso. Opera seconda. [Yale University, New Haven, CT].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 291. New York, [2010]. 25 x 32 cm, ii, 51 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, 1732 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
LOCKE, Matthew, 1630-1677
His Little Consort of Three Parts: Containing Pavans, Ayres, Corants and Sarabands, for Viols or Violins. In Two Several Varieties: The First 20 are for Two Trebles and a Basse. The Last 20 for Treble, Tenor & Basse. To be Performed either Alone or with Theorbo’s and Harpsecord. [The Chapter Library, The College, Durham].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 193. New York, [2002]. Oblong, 24 x 19 cm, 3 parts, 36 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1673 partbook edition, in staff notation. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
Melothesia. A Facsimile of the London, 1673 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/30. New York, 1975. Oblong, 26 x 14 cm, 95 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1673 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Melothesia, or Certain General Rules for Playing upon a Continued-Bass. With a Choice Collection of Lessons for the Harpsicord and Organ of all Sorts. The First Part. [Private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 234. New York, [2002]. Oblong, 26 x 15 cm, 95 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1673 edition. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
The Present Practice of Musick Vindicated. A Facsimile of the London, 1673 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/16. New York, 1974. 13 x 20 cm, 99 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1673 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
LŒILLET, Jean-Baptiste (Lœillet de Gant), 1688-c.1720
[Lessons (suites), harpsichord, c.1723]
Six Suits of Lessons for the Harpsichord or Spinnet in Most of the Key’s with Variety of Passages and Variations Throughout the Work. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 141. New York, [1994]. 25 x 32 cm, 55 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1723 edition. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
LÜBECK, Vincent, 1654-1740
Clavier Uebung bestehnd im Praeludio, Fuga, Allemande, Courante, Sarabande und Gigue. Edited by C. David Harris. [British Library, London].
Critical Facsimiles, 5. New York, 2000. 30 x 43 cm, iv, 11, iii pp. Line-cut of the author’s edition, Hamburg, 1728. A “corrected” facsimile, with critical apparatus listing emendations. Wrappers. (Special sale price $8 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $18
[item no.
LULLY, Jean-Baptiste, 1632-1687
Achille et Polixene. Tragédie. Facsimile of the First Edition, Paris, 1687. Preface by Elma Sanders.
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragédies Lyriques, 15. Williamstown, 2007. 23.5 x 34 cm. viii, 358 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1687 edition. Cloth. $200
[item no.
Acis et Galatée. Tragédie mise en musique. Facsimile of the First Edition, Paris, 1686. Preface by François Lesure.
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragédies Lyriques, 14. Williamstown, 1998. 23.5 x 34 cm. Line-cut of the Paris, 1686 edition. Cloth. $200
[item no.
Alceste. Tragédie mise en musique. Facsimile Edition of the First Edition, Paris, 1708. Preface by Elma Sanders.
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragédies Lyriques, 2. Williamstown, 2007. 23.5 x 34 cm. ix, 267 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1708 edition. Cloth. $200
[item no.
Amadis. Tragédie mise en musique. Facsimile of the First Edition, Paris, 1684. Preface by Elma Sanders.
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragédies Lyriques, 11. Williamstown, 2007. 23.5 x 34 cm. viii, 322 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1684 edition. Cloth. $200
[item no.
Armide. Tragédie mise en musique. Facsimile of the First Edition, Paris, 1686. Preface by François Lesure.
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragédies Lyriques, 13. Williamstown, 2000. 23.5 x 34 cm. Line-cut of the Paris, 1686 edition. Cloth. $200
[item no.
[Armide, instrumental pieces]
Ouverture chaconne & tous les autres airs à jouer de l’opéra d’Armide [Amsterdam, c.1710]. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 113. New York, [1995]. Oblong, 26 x 19 cm, 4 partbooks, 56 pp. Line-cut Roger Marchand edition, Amsterdam, [1710]. Dessus, second dessus, taille, & basse partbooks. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
Atys. Tragédie mise en musique. Facsimile Edition of the First Edition, Paris, 1689. Preface by Elma Sanders.
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragédies Lyriques, 4. Williamstown, 1998. 23.5 x 34 cm, x, 317 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1689 edition. Cloth. $200
[item no.
Bellérophon. Tragédie mise en musique. Facsimile of the First Edition, Paris, 1679. Preface by François Lesure.
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragédies Lyriques, 7. Williamstown, 1998. 23.5 x 34 cm, ix, 308 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1679 edition. Cloth. $200
[item no.
Cadmus et Hermione. Tragédie mise en musique. Facsimile of the First Edition, Paris, 1673. Preface by Elma Sander.
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragédies Lyriques, 1. Williamstown, 2001. 23.5 x 34 cm, viii, 180 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1673 edition. Cloth. $200
[item no.
Isis. Tragédie mise en musique. Facsimile of the First Edition, Paris, 1719. Preface by Elma Sanders.
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragédies Lyriques, 5. Williamstown, 2007. 23.5 x 34 cm. viii, 296 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1719 edition. Cloth. $200
[item no.
Persée. Tragédie mise en musique. Facsimile of the First Edition, Paris, 1682. Preface by François Lesure.
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragédies Lyriques, 9. Williamstown, 1998. 23.5 x 34 cm. viii, 328 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1682 edition. Cloth. $200
[item no.
Phaëton. Tragédie mise en musique. Facsimile of the First Edition, Paris, 1683. Preface by François Lesure.
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragédies Lyriques, 10. Williamstown, 2001. 23.5 x 34 cm. viii, 341 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1683 edition. Cloth. $200
[item no.
Proserpine. Tragédie mise en musique. Facsimile of the First Edition, Paris, 1680. Preface by François Lesure.
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragédies Lyriques, 8. Williamstown, 2004. 23.5 x 34 cm, ix, 360 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1680 full score. Cloth. $200
[item no.
Psyché. Tragédie mise en musique. Facsimile of the First Edition, Paris, 1720. Preface by Elma Sanders.
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragédies Lyriques, 6. Williamstown, 2004. 23.5 x 34 cm. viii, 212 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1678 full score. Cloth. $200
[item no.
Roland. Tragédie mise en musique. Facsimile of the First Edition, Paris, 1685. Preface by François Lesure.
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragédies Lyriques, 12. Williamstown, 2000. 23.5 x 34 cm. ii, 404 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1685 edition. Cloth. $200
[item no.
Thésée. Tragédie mise en musique. Facsimile Edition of the First Edition, Paris, 1688. Preface by Buford Norman and Elma Sanders.
Jean-Baptiste Lully: The Tragédies Lyriques, 3. Williamstown, 2001. 23.5 x 34 cm, ix, 372 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1688 edition. Cloth. $200
[item no.
MACE, Thomas, c.1613-1709
Musick’s Monument. A Facsimile of the 1676 London Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/17. New York, 1966. 22 x 33 cm, 291 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1676 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
MANFREDINI, Vincenzo, 1737-1799
Regole armoniche. A Facsimile of the 1775 Venice Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/10. New York, 1966. 20 x 27 cm, 96, plus 16 foldout pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1775 edition. Laid paper, clothbound. $52
[item no.
MARAIS, Marin, 1656-1728
[La gamme, violin, viol, harpsichord]
La gamme et autres morceaux de simphonie pour le violon, la viole, et le claveçin.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 49. New York, [1988]. 27 x 34 cm, 63 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1723 edition. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
[Trios, flutes/violins/viols, bc]
Pièces en trio pour les flutes, violon, & dessus de viole. Edited by John Hsu.
Critical Facsimiles, 4. New York, 2003. Oblong, 21 x 13 cm, 3 partbooks, xiv, 342 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1692 edition. “Corrected” facsimile edition reflecting the views of the editor. With critical apparatus listing all errors and inconsistencies. Laid paper, wrappers. $50
[item no.
MARCELLO, Alessandro, 1684-1750
[Concerti, “La Cetra”, 2 ob/vln, strings, bc]
La cetra. Concerti [da Eterio Stinfalico. Parte prima. Oboe primo ò traversiere col violono principale]. [Staats- & Stadtbibliothek, Augsburg].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 233. New York, [2004]. Oblong, 38 x 28 cm, 6 partbooks, 72 pp. Line-cut of the Augsburg, c.1740 edition. 6 concerti scored for oboe I/violin I solo, oboe II/violin II solo, 2 violin I rip, 2 violins II rip, 2 violas, violoncello, cembalo & bc. Wrappers. $75
[item no.
MARCELLO, Benedetto, 1686-1739
[Sonatas, recorder, bc, op.2]
XII suonate a flauto solo con il suo basso continuo per violoncello ò cembalo, opera seconda.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 31. New York, [1988]. 26 x 34 cm, 37 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, c.1717 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Sonatas, violoncello, bc, op.2]
Six Solos for a Violoncello with a Thorough Bass for the Harpsicord. Opera Seconda. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 155. New York, [1996]. 24 x 30 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1732 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Trio sonatas, 2 vc/vdg, bc, op.2]
VI sonata a tré due violoncello o due viole di gamba e violoncello o basso continuo. Opera seconda. [Statens Musikbibliotek, Stockholm].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 239. New York, [2000]. 24 x 30 cm, 3 partbooks, 51 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, c.1734 edition. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
MARCHAND, Louis, 1669-1732
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1]
Pièces de clavecin, livre 1er.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 17. New York, 1985. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, 15 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1702 edition. Wrappers. $8
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 2]
Pièces de clavecin, livre 2e.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 18. New York, 1985. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, 15 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1702 edition. Wrappers. $8
[item no.
MARPURG, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1718-1795
Anfangsgründe der theoretischen Musik. A Facsimile of the 1757 Leipzig Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/33. New York, 1966. 19 x 24 cm, 183 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1757 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
[Fughe e capricci, keyboard, op.1]
Fughe e capriccj pel’clavicembalo ò per l’organo composti e dedicati al celebre signore C.P.E. Bach. Opera prima.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 142. New York, [1993]. 26 x 33 cm, 18 pp. Line-cut of the Hummel edition, Berlin & Amsterdam, [1777]. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Method, keyboard]
Anleitung zum Clavierspielen (Berlin, 1765).
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/110. New York, 1969. 4º, 84 pp. Line-cut of the Berlin, 1765 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Versuch in figurirten Chorälen sowohl für die Orgel, als für das Clavichord.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 136. New York, [1993]. 26 x 33 cm, 21 pp. Line-cut of the Hummel edition, Berlin & Amsterdam, c.1792. 21 chorales variés for organ or harpsichord. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Zweiter Versuch in figurirten Chorälen und Fugen so wohl für die Orgel, als für das Clavichord.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 137. New York, [1993]. 26 x 33 cm, 18 pp. Line-cut of the Hummel edition, Berlin & Amsterdam, c.1792. 15 chorales variés and fugues for organ or harpsichord. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
MARTINI, Giovannni Battista, 1706-1784
[Sonatas, keyboard]
Sonate d’intavolatura per l’organo e’l cembalo. A Facsimile of the Amsterdam Edition c.1742(?).
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/19. New York, 1967. 26 x 34 cm, 107 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, c.1742 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
[Sonatas, keyboard]
Sonate per l’organo e il cembalo. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. & Vassar College, Poughkeepsie].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 132. New York, [1993]. 4º, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Bologna, [1747] edition. The sonatas alternate between harpsichord and organ. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
MASSE, Jean-Baptiste, 18th c.
[Sonatas, 2 violoncelli, op.1]
Sonates a deux violonchelles. Œuvre 1er.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 6. New York, 1985. 28 x 36 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of the author’s, Boivin, & Le Clerc edition, Paris, c.1736. 6 sonatas that can also be played by 2 bassoons, violas or violins. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Sonatas, 2 violoncelli, op.2]
Sonates a deux violonchelles. Œuvre IIe.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 7. New York, 1986. 28 x 36 cm, c.28 pp. Line-cut of Paris, c.1736 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Sonatas, 2 violoncelli, op.3]
Sonates a deux violonchelles. Œuvre IIIe.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 8. New York. 28 x 36 cm, c.28 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1736 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
MATTHESON, Johann, 1681-1764
[Pièces, harpsichord]
Pièces de clavecin. Facsimile of the 1714 London Edition. Volumes I-II.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/5. New York, 1965. 4º, 47 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1714 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord]
Pièces de clavecin en deux volumes.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 21. New York, [1986]. 26 x 38 cm, 47 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1714 edition. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
[Sonatas, flute/violin, bc]
Der brauchbare Virtuoso, welcher sich (nach beliebiger Uberlesung der Vorrede) mit zwölff neuen Kammer-Sonaten auf der Flute Trafersiere, der Violine und dem Claviere bey Gelegenheit hören lassen mag. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 221. New York, [1998]. 25 x 36 cm, 69 pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1720 edition. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
MEIBOM, Marcus, 1626-1710
Antiquae musicae auctores septem.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/51. New York, 1977. Line-cut of the Elzevir edition, Amsterdam 1652. Valuable source of information for ancient music and precursor of Gerbert and Coussemaker. Laid paper with handsome binding in white linen. In 2 vols.
[item no.
MERULO, Claudio, 1533-1604
[Toccatas, organ, book 1]
Toccate d’intavolatura d’organo libro primo. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 281. New York, [2008]. 26 x 34 cm, 47 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1598 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Toccatas, organ, book 2]
Toccate d’intavolatura d’organo libro secondo. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 282. New York, [2008]. 26 x 34 cm, 53 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1604 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
MORLEY, Thomas, 1557-1602
[Canzonets, a2]
The First Booke of Canzonets to Two Voyces.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 39. New York, [1988]. 4º, 2 partbooks, c.60 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1595 edition. 11 duos (with texts) for cantus and tenor. Also contains 9 instrumental fantasies. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
[Canzonets, a3]
Canzonets or Little Short Songs to Three Voyces. Library of Congress & Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 93. New York, [1990]. 18 x 25 cm, 3 partbooks, c.132 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1593 edition. 20 canzonets for cantus, altus & bass. Wrappers. $35
[item no.
Madrigales. The Triumphes of Oriana, to 5. and 6. Voices: Composed by Divers Severall Authors. Newly Published by Thomas Morley.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 63. New York, [1992]. 18 x 24 cm, 6 partbooks, c.150 pp. Line-cut of the Thomas Este edition, London, 1601. Wonderful anthology of works by Bennet, Carlton, Cavendish, Cobbold, Farmer, Gibbons, Hilton, Holmes, Hunt, Johnson, Jones, Kirbye, Lisley, Marson, Milton, Morley, Mundy, Nicholson, Norcombe, Tomkins, Weelkes and Wilbye. Wrappers. $45
[item no.
MOURET, Jean-Joseph, 1682-1738
Eglé. Cantatille françoise.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 26. New York, [1987]. Oblong, 27 x 19 cm, 15 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1738 edition. Wrappers. $8
[item no.
[Fanfares, winds/strings]
Fanfares pour des trompettes timbales violons et hautbois avec une suitte de simphonies melées de cors de chasse. Livre second. [Bibl. Nationale, Paris].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 109. New York, [1993]. 4º, 23 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1729 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Hymne à l’amour. Cantatille françoise.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 25. New York, [1987]. Oblong, 27 x 19 cm, 15 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1738 edition. Wrappers. $8
[item no.
[Sonatas, 2 flutes, book 1]
Sonates a deux flutes-traversieres. Premier livre.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 144. New York, [1994]. 24 x 31 cm, 29 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1725 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
[Quartets, strings, nos.14-19, “Haydn”, first ed.]
Sei quartetti per due violini, viola, e violoncello. Composti e dedicati al Signor Giuseppe Haydn. Opera X.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 100. New York, [1991]. 4º, 4 partbooks. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1785 edition. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
[Symphony, no.41, “Jupiter”, K.551, first ed., parts]
Grande sinfonie à plusieurs instruments. Œuvre 38me [Symphony No.41, K.551]. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 200. New York, [2005]. 4º, 13 partbooks, 57 pp. Line-cut of the André edition, Offenbach, 1800, plate no. 622. Scored for vln I-II, vla, vc, bass, fl, ob I-II, bsn, hrn I-II, trp I-II, timp ; two copies of the bass part are supplied. Wrappers. $75
[item no.
MUFFAT, Georg, 1653-1704
Apparatus musico-organisticus liber primus. [Musikarchiv, Kremsmünster Benediktiner-Stift, Kremsmünster].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 181. New York, [1997]. 27 x 40 cm, 70 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1690 edition. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
MUFFAT, Gottlieb, 1690-1770
Componimenti musicali. A Facsimile of the Vienna Edition c.1739 (?).
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/8. New York, 1967. Oblong, 35 x 26 cm, 112 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, c.1739 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
12 Toccaten und 72 Versetl. A Facsimile of the 1726 Vienna Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/18. New York, 1967. Oblong, 30 x 25 cm, 93 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1726 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
72 Versetl sammt 12 Toccaten besonders zum Kirchen-Dienst bey Choral-Aemtern und Versperen dienlich.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 262. New York, [2008]. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, 93 pp. Line-cut of the Vienna, 1726 edition. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
NAUDOT, Jacques-Christophe, c.1690-1762
[Sonatas, 2 flutes, op.3]
Sonates pour deux flutes-traversières sans basse. Œuvre troisième.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 38. New York, [1987]. 24 x 29 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1727 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
NEGRI, Cesare (“il trombone”), c.1546-d.?
Le gratie d’amore. A Facsimile of the Milan, 1602 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/141. New York, 1969. 8º, 306 pp. Line-cut of the Milan, 1602 edition. One of the great early works on Renaissance dance similiar to that of Caroso. Contains 58 engravings by Leon Palavicino after designs by Mauro Rovere showing dancers executing the figures of the gaillarde, pavane and other dances of the period. The
accompanying music is in lute notation (Italian tablature), along with detailed instructions for steps and movements. Fine portrait of Negri. Laid paper. Cloth.
[item no.
NOVERRE, Jean-Georges, 1727-1810
Lettres sur la danse, et sur les ballets.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/47. New York, 1967. Line-cut of the Stuttgart, 1760 edition. Most important ballet text of the 18th c. by one of the leading authorities of dancing and the chief reformer of the French ballet. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
PACHELBEL, Johann, 1653-1706
[Hexahcordum apollinis, organ/harpsichord]
Hexachordum Apollinis, sex arias exhibens organo pneumatico, vel clavato cymbalo, modulandas, quarum singulis suae sunt subjectae variationes. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 182. New York, [1998]. Oblong, 26 x 20 cm, 51 pp. Line-cut of the Nuremberg, 1699 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
PAGANINI, Niccolò, 1782-1840
[Caprices, violin, op.1, printed ed.]
24 capricci per violino solo, op.1
. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 244. New York, [2002]. 28 x 35 cm, 46 pp. Line-cut of the Milan (Ricordi), 1820 edition. There is no equivalent for the Paganini capriccios in all previous violin literature. His were the first to be grounded in the romantic spirit and instead of fitting them in the circle of 24 major and minor keys (e.g., Bach's Well-Tempered) Paganini chose the keys ad
libitum with regard to their suitability for the violin technique. The Capricci left an indelible mark on 19th and 20th c. music, inspiring composers such as Schumann, Brahms, Rachmaninov or Lutoslawski to compose variations on them. Interestingly the Capricci remained long in manuscript until 1820 when Ricordi of Milan published them as Paganini's opus 1. Dedicated “Agli Artisti”,
because of their extreme technical requirements and new or newly exploited elements it took some time for them to enter the general repertory. This facsimile allows violinists to play or study from a genuine contemporary edition of the capricci. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
PAXTON, Stephen, 1735-1787
[Sonatas, violoncello, bc, op.1]
Six Solos for the Violoncello. Opera Prima. [Private Library, Sidney Beck].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 184. New York, [1996]. 25 x 32 cm, 35 pp. Line-cut of the London, [1772] edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
PEPUSCH, John Christopher, 1667-1752
A Treatise on Harmony Containing the Chief Rules for Composing in Two, Three and Four Parts.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/28. New York, 1966. Line-cut of the enlarged, second edition, London 1731. This is Pepusch’s most important theoretical work noted for its revival of the ancient system of nomenclature comprising the Gamut. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
PERGOLESI, Giovanni Battista, 1710-1736
[Sonatas, 2 violins, bc/orchestra]
Twelve Sonatas for Two Violins and a Bass or an Orchestra.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 23. New York, 1987. Line-cut of the London, [1780] edition. These pieces are now attributed to Domenico Gallo. 3 partbooks. Wrappers. $35
[item no.
PERI, Jacopo, 1561-1633
Le musiche sopra l’Euridice. A Facsimile of the Florence, 1600 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/28. New York, 1973. 26 x 37 cm, 55 pp. Line-cut of the Florence, 1600 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Le varie musiche a una, due, e tre voci con alcune spirituali in ultimo. Per cantare nel clavicembolo, e chitarrone, & ancora la maggior parte di esse per sonare semplicemente nel organo.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 235. New York, [2000]. 25 x 35 cm, 32 pp. Line-cut of the Florence, 1609 edition. 20 monodies for 1 to 3 voices and basso continuo. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
PETRUCCI, Ottaviano, 1466-1539 [publisher]
Canti B numero cinquanta. A Facsimile of the Venice, 1501/2 Edition. [Unique copy, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, Bologna].
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/23. New York, 1975. Oblong, 26 x 17 cm, 111 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1501/2 edition. Continuation of Harmonice musices odhecaton A. Laid paper, handsomely bound in white linen.
[item no.
Canti C numero cento cinquanta. A Facsimile of the Venice, 1503/4 Edition. [Copy, Österreichische Nationalbibl., Vienna].
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/25. New York, 1978. Oblong, 26 x 17 cm, 334 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1503/4 edition. Continuation of Odhecaton A and Canti B. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Harmonice musices odhecaton A. A Facsimile of the Venice, 1504 Edition. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/10. New York, 1973. Oblong, 26 x 17 cm, 234 pp. Line-cut of the third edition, Venice, 1504. Laid paper, clothbound. (used copy in excellent condition, white linen boards yellowed)
[item no.
Harmonice musices odhecaton A. Edited by Stanley Boorman and Ellen S. Beebe. Introduction by Stanley Boorman. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Critical Facsimiles, 7. New York, 2001. Oblong, 26 x 17 cm, xvii, 234 pp. Line-cut of the third edition, Venice, 1504. “Corrected” facsimile edition reflecting the views of the editors. With critical apparatus listing all errors and inconsistencies. Laid paper, wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $15) $45
[item no.
PHILIDOR, Pierre Danican, 1681-1731
[Suites, 2 flutes; Suites, oboe/flute/violin, bc, op.1]
Premier œuvre contenant III. suittes a II. flûtes traversieres seules avec III. autres suittes dessus et basse, pour les hautbois, flûtes, violons, &c. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 275. New York, [2007]. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 52 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1717 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Suites, 2 flutes; Suites, oboe/flute/violin, bc, op.2]
Deuxiéme œuvre contenant II. suittes a 2. flûtes-traversieres seules avec II. autres suittes deßus et baßse, pour les hautbois, flûtes, violons, &c. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 276. New York, [2007]. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1718 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
[Suite, 2 flutes; Suite, oboe/flute/violin, bc, op.3]
Troisiéme œuvre contenant une suitte a deux flûtes-traversieres seules, et une autre suitte dessus et basse, pour les hautbois, flûtes, violons, &c. Avec une réduction de la chaße. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 277. New York, [2007]. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 22 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1718 edition. Wrappers. $13
[item no.
PILKINGTON, Francis, c.1562-1638
The First Booke of Songs or Ayres of 4. Parts: with Tableture for the Lute or Orpherian, with the Violl de Gamba. [Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 95. New York, [1991]. 25 x 35 cm, 46 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1605 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
PLAYFORD, John, 1623-1686 [publisher]
[Divisions, violin, 1st part]
The Division-Violin: Containing a Choice Collection of Divisions to a Ground for the Treble-Violin. [London, 1684]. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 115. New York, [1995]. Oblong, 23 x 20 cm, 42 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1684 edition. Pieces by Becket, Baltzer, Banister, Farinel, Frecknold, Mell, Powlwheel, Reading, C. & R. Smith, Tollet, Van Shmelt, and others. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Divisions, violin, 2nd part]
The Second Part of the Division-Violin, Containing the Newest Divisions upon Grounds for the Violin. The Fourth Edition. [Royal College of Music, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 116. New York, [1995]. Oblong, 23 x 20 cm, 53 pp. Line-cut of the 4th edition, London, [1705]. Pieces by Baltzer, Banister, Bullimore, Lord Byron, Clarke, Corelli, Dean, J. & S. Eccles, Farmer, Finch, Finger, Haym, King, Lully, Morgan, Poole, D. & H. Purcell, and others. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Musick’s Hand-maid, keyboard, part 1]
Musicks Hand-maid: New Lessons and Instructions for the Virginals or Harpychord. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 101. New York, [1994]. Oblong, 23 x 15 cm, 82 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1678 edition. Pieces by Bryan, Jackson, Lawes, Locke, Mell, Moss, Pratt, Rogers, Sandley, and others. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Musick’s Hand-maid, keyboard, part 2]
The Second Part of Musick’s Hand-maid: Containing the Newest Lessons, Grounds, Sarabands, Minuets, and Jiggs, Set for the Virginals, Harpsichord, and Spinet. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 102. New York, [1995]. Oblong, 23 x 15 cm, 70 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1689 edition. Pieces by Blow, Motley, Purcell, Snow, Turner, and others. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
PTOLEMAEUS, Claudius, c.85-c.163
Harmonicorum libri tres. A Facsimile of the Oxford, 1682 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/60. New York, 1977. 20 x 26 cm, 447 pp. Line-cut of the Latin translation edited by John Wallis (Oxford, 1682). Considered the most scientific and best arranged treatise on the theory of musical scales by a Greek writer. Laid paper with handsome binding in white linen.
[item no.
PURCELL, Daniel, c.1660-1717
Psalms, Set Full for the Organ or Harpsicord as They are Plaid in Churches and Chappels in the mañer Given Out; as also with their Interludes of Great Variety. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 264. New York, [2008]. Oblong 35 x 24 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1718]. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bc; Sonatas, recorder, bc]
Six Sonata’s or Solos, Three for a Violin, and Three for the Flute, with a Through Bass for the Harpsicord.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 71. New York, [1989]. 25 x 37 cm, 14 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1698]. Wrappers. $13
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bc]
Six Sonatas or Solos for the Violin with a Through Bass for the Harpsicord or Bass Violin, Compos’d by Mr. G. Finger and Mr. D. Purcell. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 108. New York, [1994]. 23 x 31 cm, 23 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1690]. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Trios sonatas, 2 recorders, bc; Sonatas, recorder, bc]
Six Sonatas, Three for Two Flutes & a Bass, and Three Solos for a Flute and a Bass. The Whole Fairly Engraven & Carefully Corrected by ye Author.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 69. New York, [1989]. 24 x 36 cm, 3 parts, 22 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, c.1710. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
PURCELL, Henry, 1659-1695
[Lessons, harpsichord/virginal]
A Choice Collection of Lessons for the Harpsichord or Spinnet.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/26. New York, 1978. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, 69 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1696 edition. Laid paper, beautifully bound in white linen.
[item no.
[Lessons, harpsichord/virginal]
A Choice Collection of Lessons for the Harpsichord or Spinnet.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 134. New York, [1993]. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, 69 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1696 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
Orpheus Britannicus. The First Book. A Facsimile of the 1698 London Edition. . . The Second Book. A Facsimile of the 1702 London Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/1. New York, [2011]/1965. 4º, xx, 237 pp. Line-cut of the Playford edition, London, 1698-1702. The first attempt towards a collection of Henry Purcell’s vocal music. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
[Sonatas, 2 violins, bass, bc]
Ten Sonata’s in Four Parts.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 60. New York, [1988]. 23 x 35 cm, 4 partbooks, c.90 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1697 edition. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
[Theater music, strings, a4]
A Collection of Ayres, Compos’d for the Theatre, and upon other Occasions. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 110. New York, [1994]. 22 x 35 cm, 4 partbooks, 156 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1697 edition. Partbook format, for vln I, vln II, tenor & bass. Contents: 16 numbers from Dioclesian, 7 from Abdelazer, 7 from The Gordian Knut Untied, 8 from The Married Beau, and 7 from The Double Dealer. Wrappers. $65
[item no.
[Trio sonatas, 2 violins, bass, bc]
Sonnata’s of III Parts: Two Viollins and Basse: to the Organ or Harpsecord.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 10. New York, 1986. 23 x 30 cm, 4 partbooks, c.56 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1683 edition. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
QUANTZ, Johann Joachim, 1697-1773
[Sonatas, 2 flutes, op.2, QV 3:2.9, 12, 13, 1, 4 & 7]
Sei duetti a due flauti traversi. Opera seconda.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 58. New York, [1988]. 28 x 39 cm, 32 pp. Line-cut of the G.L. Winter edition, Berlin, 1759. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
RADINO, Giovanni Maria, fl.1575-1600
[Intavolatura di balli, lute/harpsichord]
Il primo libro d’intavolatura di balli d’arpicordo di Gio. Maria Radino, organista in S. Gio. di Verdara in Padova Venetia MDXCII. Facsimile with Transcription by Rosamond E.M. Harding. [Copy, Bibl. Royale, Brussels].
Cambridge & New York, 1949. 8º, v, 26, 45 pp. Halftone of the Venice, 1592 edition, together with new practical edition and historical introduction. First Italian collection of dances to specify the harpsichord. Hardbound. $40
[item no.
RAMEAU, Jean-Philippe, 1683-1764
Code de musique pratique.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/5. New York, 1965. Line-cut of the Paris, 1760 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Démonstration du principe de l’harmonie.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/4. New York, c.1965. Line-cut of the Paris, 1750 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Erreurs sur la musique dans l’encyclopédie.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/137. New York, 1969. 8º, 217 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1755 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Génération harmonique.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/6. New York, 1966. 13 x 20 cm, 271 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1737 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Nouveau système de musique théorique.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/7. New York, 1965. 4°, 145 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1726 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Nouvelles réflexion sur sa démonstration du principe de l’harmonie.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/138. New York, 1969. Line-cut of the Paris, 1752 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Nouvelles suites de pièces de clavecin avec remarques sur les différents types de musique.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/13. New York, 1967. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1728 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Nouvelles suites de pièces de clavecin avec des remarques sur les différens genres de musique.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 157. New York, [1996]. Oblong 29 x 22 cm, 31 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1728 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
Observations sur notre instinct pour la musique.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/54. New York, 1967. 8º, 142 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1754 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord]
Pièces de clavessin.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/7. New York, 1967. Line-cut of the Paris, 1724 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord]
Pièces de clavessin avec une méthode pour la mechanique des doigts, où l’on enseigne les moyens de se procurer une parfaite éxecution sur cet instrument.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 156. New York, [1996]. Oblong 29 x 22 cm, 41 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1724 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1]
Premier livre de pièces de clavecin. Edited by R. Peter Wolf.
Critical Facsimiles, 1. New York, 1986. Oblong, 28 x 21 cm, v, 15, iii pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1706 edition (contains introduction and apparatus listing editorial emendations). Wrappers. Special sale price $8 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $15
[item no.
[Pièces, harpsichord, violin/flute, viol/violin, parts]
Five Concertos for the Harpsicord Accompanied with a Violin or German Flute or Two Violins or Viola, with Some Select Pieces for the Harpsicord Alone. London: I. Walsh, [1750]. [Pièces de clavecin en concert].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 13. New York, 1987. 26 x 34 cm, 3 partbooks, 73 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1750]. Wrappers. $45
[item no.
Traité de l’harmonie [réduite à ses principes naturels; divisé en quatre livres]. Facsimile of the 1722 Paris Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/3. New York, 1965. 20 x 26 cm, 473 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1722 edition. Rameau’s first theoretical work, comprising four books; books 1-2 deal with intervals, chords and the concept of the fundamental bass, book 3 applies his conception of harmony to the craft of the composer, and book 4 is a treatise on keyboard
accompaniment. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
RAMEAU, Pierre, 18th c.
Le maître à danser. A Facsimile of the 1725 Paris Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/45. New York, 1967. 15 x 22 cm, 296, plus 1 foldout pp. Line-cut. One of the most famous dance books of the 18th c., giving a detailed account of the steps and dances of the period. Sets down for the first time the five essential positions for the feet. Numerous illustrations showing positions of the body and hands, steps,
etc. Laid paper. Cloth.
[item no.
RAVENSCROFT, Thomas, c.1590-c.1633
A Briefe Discourse of the True (But Neglected) Use of Charact’ring the Degrees.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/22. New York, 1976. Line-cut of the London, 1614 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Deuteromelia: or the Second Part of Musicks Melodie, or Melodius Musicke, of Pleasant Roundelaies, K.H. Mirth, or Freemens Songs, and Such Delightfull Catches. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 227. New York, [1998]. 17 x 24 cm, 46 pp. Line-cut of the William Adams edition, London, 1609. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Melismata. Musicall Phansies, fitting the Court, Citie, and Countrey Humours, to 3.4. and 5. Voyces. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 228. New York, [1998]. 17 x 24 cm, 45 pp. Line-cut of the William Stanley edition, London, 1611. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Pammelia. Musicks Miscellanie, or, Mixed Varietie of Pleasant Boundelayes, and delightfull Catches, of Parts in one. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 226. New York, [1998]. 17 x 24 cm, 55 pp. Line-cut of the William Barley edition, London, 1609. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
REINAGLE, Alexander, 1756-1809
[Sonatas, violoncello]
Six Favorite Solos for the Violoncello. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 274. New York, [2007]. 26 x 33 cm, 40 pp. Line-cut of the J. Bland edition, London, [178?]. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
ROSEINGRAVE, Thomas, 1690-1766
[Fugues, organ/harpsichord]
6 Double Fugues for the Organ or Harpsichord to which is Added, Sigr. Domenico Scarlatti’s Celebrated Lesson for the Harpsichord, with Several Additions by Mr. Roseingrave. [Yale University, New Haven].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 105. New York, [1993]. Oblong, 31 x 22 cm, 25 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, c.1750. The Roseingrave pieces are concluded by Scarlatti’s K.37. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Solos, flute, bc]
XII Solos for a German Flute, with a Through Bass for the Harpsichord. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 91. New York, [1992]. 25 x 32 cm, 50 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1730 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Suites, harpsichord/virginal]
Eight Suits of Lessons for the Harpsichord or Spinnet.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/27. New York, 1967. Line-cut of the London, 1728 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
[Suites, harpsichord/virginal]
Eight Suits of Lessons for the Harpsicord or Spinnet in Most of the Keys; with Variety of Passages & Variations Throughout the Work.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 19. New York, 1986. 25 x 33 cm, 40 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1728 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Voluntaries & fuges, organ/harpsichord]
Voluntarys and Fugues Made on Purpose for the Organ or Harpsicord.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 5. New York, 1985. 25 x 34 cm, 30 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh & Hare edition, London, c.1730. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
ROSSETER, Philip, 1568-1623
A Booke of Ayres, Set Foorth to be Sung to the Lute, Orpherian, and Base Violl.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 119. New York, [1992]. 24 x 36 cm, 48 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1601 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
ROSSETTI, Biago, 16th c.
Libellus de rudimentis musices.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/136. New York, 1968. Line-cut of the Verona, 1529 edition. Laid paper, clothbound. $38
[item no.
ROUSSIER, Pierre-Joseph, 1716-1792
Mémoire sur la musique des anciens.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/41. New York, 1966. Line-cut of the Paris, 1770 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
ROYER, Pancrace, c.1705-1755
[Pièces, harpsichord, book 1]
Pièces de clavecin, premier livre. [Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 112. New York, [1994]. 25 x 33 cm, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1746 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
SALMON, Thomas, 1648-1706
An Essay to the Advancement of Musick.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/11. New York, 1966. Line-cut of the London, 1672 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
SALTER, Humphrey, f.1683-1718 [compiler]
The Genteel Companion; Being Exact Directions for the Recorder, with a Collection of the Best and Newest Tunes and Grounds Extant, Carefully Composed and Gathered by Humphrey Salter. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 185. New York, [1996]. Oblong, 23 x 15 cm, 70 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1683 edition. 48 numbers by Reading, Farinel and anonymous composers, preceeded by a short method for the recorder. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
SAMMARTINI, Giovanni Battista, c.1700-1775
[Sonatas, 2 violins, bc]
Six Sonatas for Two Violins with Thorough Bass for the Harpsicord or Violoncello.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 73. New York, [1990]. 24 x 32 cm, 3 partbooks, 31 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, [1756]. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
SCARLATTI, Alessandro, 1660-1725
[Concerti grossi, strings]
VI. Concertos in Seven Parts, for Two Violins & Violoncello Obligato With Two Violins More, a Tenor & Thorough Bass. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 173. New York, NY, [1998]. 4º, 7 partbooks, c.90 pp. Line-cut of the Benjamin Cooke edition, London, c.1740. Scored for solo vln I-II, vc, kbd; ripieno vln I, II, vla, vc, & bc. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
SCARLATTI, Domenico, 1685-1757
[Sonatas, keyboard]
Six Sonatas for the Harpsichord. Vol. III. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 252. New York, [2006]. Oblong, 4º, 27 pp. Line-cut of the John Johnson edition, London, n.d. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Suites, harpsichord, Roseingrave ed.]
XLII Suites de pièces pour le clavecin. En deux volumes. Vol.I. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 236. New York, [2003]. Oblong, 30 x 22 cm, 70 pp. Line-cut of the Thomas Roseingrave edition, London 1739. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
[Suites, harpsichord, Roseingrave ed.]
XLII Suites de pièces pour le clavecin. En deux volumes. Vol.II. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 237. New York, [2003]. Oblong, 30 x 22 cm, 70 pp. Line-cut of the Thomas Roseingrave edition, London 1739. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
SCHENCK, Johannes, c.1660-d.?
[Le nymphe di Rheno, sonatas, 2 viols, op.8]
Le nymphe di Rheno per due viole di gamba sole. Opera ottava. [The Chapter Library, The College, Dublin].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 229. New York, [2002]. 4º, 2 parts, 58 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, c.1710 edition. 12 sonatas. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
SCHICKHARDT, Johann Christian, c.1680-c.1762
[Sonatas, flute, 2 oboes, vdg, bc, op.5]
Six sonates à une flute, deux haubois, une viole de gamba & basse continue. Cinquiéne ouvrage. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 183. New York, [1997]. 24 x 30 cm, 5 parts, c.60 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, n.d. Wrappers. $38
[item no.
[Sonatas, oboe/violin/recorder, bc, op.8]
Six sonates pour un hautbois ou violon & basse continue. Huitième ouvrage. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 171. New York, [1996]. 25 x 32 cm, 21 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, [1710]. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Trio sonatas, 2 oboes/violin, bc, op.7]
XII sonates à deux haubois ou violons & basse continue. Septiéme ouvrage. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 253. New York, [2006]. 4º, 3 partbooks, 64 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, n.d. edition. Wrappers. $35
[item no.
SCHMID, Bernhard (Younger), 1567-1623
Tabulatur Buch. A Facsimile of the 1607 Strasbourg Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/20. New York, 1967. 23 x 35 cm, 225 pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1607 edition. Mostly transcriptions of Italian masters (the Gabrielis, Diruta, Mortaro, Massaino, etc.). Motets, madrigals, canzoni, toccatas, galliards and fugues. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
SCHMÜGEL, Johann Christoph, 1727-1798
[Preludes, fugues, organ, op.1]
Préludes, fugues, et autres pièces pour l’orgue, œuvre premier.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 81. New York, [1990]. 25 x 35 cm, 18 pp. Line-cut of the Berlin, 1778 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
SCHUBERT, Franz, 1797-1828
[Quintet, piano, strings, “Trout”, D.667, A major]
Grand quintuor pour le piano-forte, violon, alto, violoncelle, & contrebass [“The Trout”].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 160. New York, [1997]. 25 x 31 cm, 5 parts, 104 pp. Line-cut of the Josef Czerny edition, Vienna, [1829]. Wrappers. $45
[item no.
SEGER, Josef, 1716-1782
Acht Toccaten und Fugen für die Orgel. Mit einer Vorrede von Daniel Gottlob Türk.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 62. New York, [1989]. 25 x 32 cm, 31 pp. Line-cut of the Leipzig, 1793 edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
SERRÉ, Jean Adam, 1704-1788
Essais sur les principes de l’harmonie.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/52. New York, 1967. Line-cut of the Paris, 1753 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Observations sur les principes de l’harmonie.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/53. New York, 1967. Line-cut of the Geneva, 1763 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
SHIELD, William, 1748-1829
Six Duettos, Five for Two Violins and One for Two German Flutes. Opera 1. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 188. New York, [1996]. 26 x 33 cm, 2 part, 28 pp. Line-cut of the William Napier edition, London, [1777]. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
Six Duets for Two Violins. Opera 2d. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 189. New York, [1996]. 26 x 33 cm, 2 partbooks, 18 pp. Line-cut of the William Napier edition, London, c.1780. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
SIMPSON, Christopher, c.1605-1669
The Division-Violist: or An Introduction to the Playing upon a Ground. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 215. New York, [1998]. 20 x 33 cm, 78 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1659 edition (in English only). Wrappers. $28
[item no.
SIRMEN, Maddalena Laura Lombardini, 1735-c.1785
[Duets, violin]
Six Duetts for Two Violins. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 179. New York, [1996]. 26 x 34 cm, 2 parts, 26 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1775, edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Trios, 2 vlns, vc, op.1]
Six Trios a deux violons et violoncello obligé, œuvre première. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 153. New York, [1996]. 26 x 34 cm, 3 parts, 45 pp. Line-cut of the London, [1770], edition. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
SMITH, Theodore, c.1740-c.1810
Six Sonatinas for the Harpsichord or Piano Forte. [Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 126. New York, [1992]. 26 x 32 cm, 13 pp. Line-cut of the London, c.1785 edition. Wrappers. $13
[item no.
SOLER, Antonio, 1729-1783
Llave de la modulación.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/42. New York, 1967. 8˚, 272 pp. Line-cut of the Madrid, 1762 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
[Sonatas, harpsichord]
XXXVII sonatas para clave. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 294. New York, [2010]. Oblong, 34 x 24 cm, ii, 95 pp. Line-cut of the Robert Birchall edition, London, c.1795. Wrappers. $30
[item no.
SOMIS, Giovanni Battista, 1686-1763
[Sonatas, violin, violoncello, bc, op.2]
Sonata da camera a violino solo, e violoncello, ò cembalo.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 11. New York, 1986. 26 x 33 cm, 47 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, c.1717 edition. In score format. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
SPATARO, Giovanni, c.1458-1541
Tractato di musica. A Facsimile of the Venice, 1531 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/88. New York, 1979. 22 x 33 cm, 116 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1531 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
TARTINI, Giuseppe, 1692-1770
L’arte del arco ou L’art de l’archet contenant 38. variations composées sous la plus belle gavotte de Corelly. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 168. New York, [1997]. Oblong, 27 x 20 cm, 16 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1758 edition. This version of L’art de l’archet, engraved by Mme. Leclair, includes 38 variations on Corelli’s Gavotte melody from Op.5, no 10. Wrappers. $13
[item no.
De’ principj dell’ armonia musicale (Padua, 1767).
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/64. New York, 1967. Line-cut of the Padua, 1767 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, from Cartier’s L’art du violon]
L’art du violon. Works from the Famous Anthology of Jean-Baptiste Cartier. Selected and Introduced by David L. Sills. 4) Giuseppe Tartini: Sonate Ie, œuvre 1e; Sonate Ie, œuvre 2e; L’art de l’archet; Le trille du diable.
Performers’ Editions. New York, 1989. 27 x 35 cm, iii, 28 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1803 edition. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.4]
Sonates a violon seul avec la basse continue, œuvre IVe.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 44. New York, [1988]. 24 x 32 cm, 29 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1747 edition. Op.4-7 & 9 are considered “suspect” as they were not authorized by the composer. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.5]
Sonates a violon seul avec la basse continue, œuvre Ve.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 45. New York, [1988]. 24 x 32 cm, 33 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1747 edition. Op.4-7 & 9 are considered “suspect” as they were not authorized by the composer. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.6]
Sei sonate a violino e violoncello o cimbalo, opera VI.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 46. New York, [1988]. 24 x 32 cm, 30 pp. Line-cut of the LeClerc edition, Paris, c.1745. Op.4-7 & 9 are considered “suspect” as they were not authorized by the composer. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Trattato di musica secondo la vera scienza dell’armonia. A Facsimile Edition of 1754 Padua Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/8. New York, 1966. 8º, 175, plus 1 foldout pp. Line-cut. Treatise in six sections. Includes one of the first scientific explanations of the “terzo suono” (the difference in tone that is heard below two notes in “just” intonation if they are sounded together loudly and clearly). Contains valuable information on Dalmatian folk
music of the period. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
TELEMANN, Georg Philipp, 1681-1767
[Essercizii musici; sonatas/trio sonatas, vln/fl, bc, TWV 42]
Essercizii musici overo dodeci soli e dodeci trii à diversi stromenti. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 140. New York, [1996]. 25 x 31 cm, 3 partbooks, 138 pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1739-1740 edition. Telemann’s “pedagogical” sonatas, 2 for keyboard or lute (TWV 32:3 & 4), 2 for violin (TWV 41:F4 & A6), 2 for flute (TWV 41:D9 & G9), 2 for viola da gamba (TWV 41:a6 & e5), 2 for recorder (TWV 41:d4 & C5), 2 for oboe (TWV 41:B6 & e6), and the 12 trios: olo
instrument and bc, and 12 trio sonatas (TWV 42..) for rec.+ob. (c2), vdg.+harps.obl. (G6), vln.+ob. (g5), fl.+harps.obl. (A6), rec.+vln. (a4), fl.+vdg. (h4), rec.+vdg. (F3), rec.+harps. obl. (B4), fl.+vln. (E4), vln.+vdg. (D9), fl.+ob. (d4) and
ob.+harps.obl. (Eb3). Wrappers. $50
[item no.
[Quartets, vln, fl, viol/vc, bc, no.1-6, “Paris”]
Six quatuors à violon, flûte, viole ou violoncelle, et basse continuë [“Paris Quartets” Nos. 1-6]. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 223. New York, 1999. 4º, 5 partbooks, 130 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1736 edition. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
[Quartets, vln, fl, viol/vc, bc, no.7-12, “Paris”]
Nouveaux quatuors en six suites a une flûte traversiere, un violon, une basse de viole, où violoncel, et basse continuë [“Parisian Quartets” Nos. 7-12]. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 224. New York, 1998. 4º, 5 partbooks, 130 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1736 edition. Wrappers.
[item no.
[Sonate metodiche, violin/flute, bc, op.13, part 1, works w/o TWV]
Sonate metodiche à violino solo ò flauto traverso. Opera XIII. [Staatsbibliothek, Berlin].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 175. New York, [1996]. 25 x 31 cm, 36 pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1728 edition. published at the composer’s expense. Wrappers.
[item no.
[Sonate metodiche, violin/flute, bc, op.13, part 2, works w/o TWV]
Continuation des sonates methodiques à flûte traverse ou à violon, avec la basse chiffrée. [Staatsbibliothek, Berlin].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 176. New York, [1996]. 25 x 31 cm, 31 pp. Line-cut of the Hamburg, 1732 edition published at the composer’s expense. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
TESSARINI, Carlo, 1690-c.1765
Il piacer del amator di musica: facile sonatine da camera à due violini è basso con canone al fine.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 43. New York, [1988]. 4º, 3 partbooks. Line-cut of the Paris, c.1745 edition. Wrappers. $23
[item no.
TIGRINI, Orazio, c.1535-1591
Il compendio della musica. A Facsimile of the 1588 Venice Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/25. New York, 1966. 18 x 24 cm, 146 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1588 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
TINCTORIS, Joannes de, c.1435-1511
Terminorum musicae diffinitorium. A Facsimile of the Treviso Edition (c. 1494).
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/26. New York, 1966. 12 x 18 cm, 30 pp. Line-cut of the Treviso, c.1494 incunabulum. Handsome binding in white cloth. $29
[item no.
TOSI, Pietro Francesco, 1646-1732
Opinioni de’ cantori antichi, e moderni. A Facsimile of the 1723 Bologna Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/133. New York, 1968. 15 x 22 cm, 121 pp. Line-cut of the original Italian edition, Bologna, 1723. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
TURNER, William, 1651-1740
Sound Anatomiz’d in a Philosophical Essay on Musick.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/127. New York, 1974. Line-cut of the London, 1724 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
VALERIUS, Adriaen, 1575-1625
Neder-Landtsche Gedenck-Clanck. A Facsimile of the Haarlem, 1626 Edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/63. New York, 1974. Oblong, 29 x 21 cm, 306 pp. Line-cut of the Haarlem, 1626 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
VINCENT, Thomas, c.1720-1783
[Solos, oboe/flute/violin, bc, op.1]
Six Solos for a Houtboy, German Flute, Violin, or Harpsichord, with a Thorough Bass.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 51. New York, [1988]. 4º. Line-cut of the London, [1748] edition. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
VIRDUNG, Sebastian, 1465-c.1511
Musica getutscht 1511.
Publikation Älterer Praktischer & Theoretischer Musik-Werke, XI. New York, 1966. Oblong, 25 x 20 cm, 111, v pp. (Rpt. of Berlin, 1882 edition). Line-cut of the Basel, 1511 edition. Written in the form of a dialogue, this is one of the earliest known works to describe musical instruments and instrumental practice in detail. In addition it teaches the student how to play the organ,
lute, or flute. Laid paper. Modern index. Cloth. $75
[item no.
VIVALDI, Antonio, 1678-1741
[Concerti, flute, strings, op.10]
VI concerti a flauto traverso, violino primo, e secondo, alto viola, organo e violoncello. Operas decima. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 203. New York, [1999]. 23 x 31 cm, 5 partbooks, c.94 pp. Line-cut of the Le Cène edition, Amsterdam, c.1728. Concerti correspond to RV 433, 439 (including “La Notte”), 428, 435, 434, & 437. Wrappers. $60
[item no.
[Concerti, violin, strings, “L’estro armonico”, op.3]
L’estro armonico. Concerti. Op.3. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. and Houghton Library, Cambridge].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 103. New York, [1992]. 22 x 28 cm, 8 partbooks, c.229 pp. Line-cut of the Roger & Le Cène edition, Amsterdam, [1711]. These 12 works (for one to four solo violins & orch) include some of the most dramatic and moving music Vivaldi ever wrote. Ryom (RV) catalog numbers are: 549, 578, 310, 550, 519, 356, 567, 522, 580, 565, & 265. Wrappers. $85
[item no.
[Concerti, violin, strings, “La Stravaganza”, op.4]
La Stravaganza concerti. Opera quarta. Libro I [-II]. [Royal Academy of Music, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 250. New York, [2005]. 22 x 29 cm, 5 partbooks, 173 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, [1712]. Scored for vln solo, vln I, II, vla, org/vc. Ryom numbers: 383a, 279, 301, 357, 347, 316a, 185, 249, 284, 196, 204, & 298. Wrappers. $70
[item no.
[Concerti, vln, strgs, “Cimento dell’armonia”, op.8]
Il cimento dell’armonia e dell’inventione. Concerti a 4 e 5. Opera ottava [libro primo & libro secondo].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 3. New York, [1991]. 22 x 28 cm, 5 partbooks, c.160 pp. Line-cut of the Le Cène edition, Amsterdam, 1725. Contains 12 concerti, RV 269, 315, 0293, 297 (4 Seasons); 253 (La tempesta di mare), 180 (Il piacere), 242, 332, 362, 210, 178, & 449. Wrappers. $75
[item no.
[Concerti, violin, strings, “La Cetra”, op.9]
La Cetra concerti. Opera nono.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 290. New York, [2009]. 22 x 29 cm, 5 partbooks, 173 pp. Line-cut of the Le Cène edition, Amsterdam, [1727]. Scored for vln I [solo], II, III, vla, vc, & bc. Ryom numbers: 181a, 345, 334, 263a, 358, 348, 359, 238, 530, 300, 198a, & 391. Wrappers. $75
[item no.
[Sonatas, musette/vielle/fl/rec/ob/vln, bc, op.13, RV 54-59]
Il pastor fido, sonates, pour la musette, viele, flûte, hautbois, violon, avec la basse continüe. Opera XIII. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 111. New York, [1992]. 24 x 31 cm, 41 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1737 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bc, op.2]
Sonate a violino e basso per il cembalo. Opera seconda. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 138. New York, [1994]. 26 x 33 cm, 47 pp. Line-cut of the Roger edition, Amsterdam, [1711]. 12 sonatas notated in score (violin clef plus figured bass). RV numbers are: 27, 31, 14, 20, 36, 1, 8, 23, 16, 21, 9, & 32. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bc, & 2 violins, bc, op.5]
VI sonate, quatro à violino solo e basso & due a due violini & basso continuo. Opera quinta, o vero parte seconda del opera seconda. [Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 139. New York, [1995]. 4º, 2 partbooks, 30 pp. Line-cut of the Michel Charles Le Cène edition, Amsterdam, [1716]. RV numbers: 18, 30, 33, 35, 76, & 72. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Sonatas, 2 violins, bc, op.1, RV 61-67, 69, 73, 75, 78-79]
Suonate da camera a tre. Due violini e violone o cembalo.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 30. New York, [1987]. 4º, 3 parts, 60 pp. Line-cut of the Estienne Roger edition, Amsterdam, c.1705. 12 sonatas, of which no.12 is also known Sonate a tre ‘La Folia’. Wrappers, with folder. $35
[item no.
[Sonatas, violoncello, bc]
VI sonates violoncello solo col basso. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 125. New York, [1992]. 24 x 21 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, [1740] edition by Le Clerc le Cadet. Ryom (RV) numbers: 47, 41, 43, 45, 40, & 46. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
WEBER, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826
[Quintet, cl, 2 vln, vla, vc, op.34]
Quintetto pour clarinette, deux violons, alto & violoncelle, op.34. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 273. New York, [2007]. 26 x 34 cm, 5 parts, 42 pp. Line-cut of the Berlin, [1816] edition. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
WEELKES, Thomas, c.1576-1623
Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites for Three Voices.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 33. New York, [1988]. 17 x 24 cm, 3 partbooks, 90 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1608 edition. Wrappers, with folder. $35
[item no.
Madrigals to 3.4.5. & 6. Voyces.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 90. New York, [1990]. 19 x 25 cm, 6 partbooks, c.120 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1597 edition. Wrappers, with folder. $45
[item no.
Madrigals of 5. and 6. Parts, Apt for the Viols and Voices. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 190. New York, [1998]. 19 x 25 cm, 6 partbooks, c.140 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1600 edition. Wrappers, with folder. $48
[item no.
WESLEY, Samuel, 1766-1837
Voluntaries for the Organ. Opus 6, Nos.1-6. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 217. New York, [2000]. 25 x 31 cm, 37 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1802-5 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
Voluntaries for the Organ. Opus 6, Nos.7-12. [private collection].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 218. New York, [2000]. 25 x 31 cm, 37 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1806-8 edition. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
ZARLINO, Gioseffo, 1517-1590
Dimostrationi harmoniche. A Facsimile of the 1571 edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/2. New York, 1965. 4º, 330 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1571 edition. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Le istituzioni harmoniche. A Facsimile of the 1558 Venice edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/1. New York, 1965. 4º, 358 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1558 edition. Zarlino’s principal work. Beginning from the ratios for the primary consonances, the theorist succeeds in arriving at many of the conclusions that modern theory draws from the harmonic series. Zarlino was the first to fully comprehend the implications of
just intonation, to deal with harmony in terms of the triad (rather than the interval), and to recognize the importance of the basic antithesis of major and minor. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Sopplimenti musicali. A Facsimile of the Venice, 1588 edition.
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, II/15. New York, 1979. 22 x 34 cm, 366 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1588 edition. A reply to the position taken by Vincenzo Galilei (a rebellious student) who attacked Zarlino’s teachings in his Dialogo della musica. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
[Bamberg, Staatsbibl., Lit. 115; olim Ed.IV.6]
Cent motets du XIIIe siècle publiés d’après le manuscrit Ed. IV. 6 de Bamberg par Pierre Aubry, Archiviste-Paléographe.
Publications de la Société Internationale de Musique; Section de Paris. New York, 1964. 21 x 28 cm, 130, 233, 161 pp. (Rpt. of Paris, 1908 edition). Excellent halftone of a central motet repository from the second half of the 13th c. Separate edition and commentary vols. Wrappers. $175
[item no.
A Choice Collection of Ayres for the Harpsichord or Spinett. With very Plain & Easey Directions for Young Beginners. [British Library, London].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 201. New York, [1998]. Oblong, 26 x 20 cm, 24 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1700 edition. Pieces by Blow, Piggot, J. Clarke, Barrett, Croft and others. Also contains Clarke’s “Prince of Denmark’s March”, also known as “Trumpet Voluntary”, erroneously attributed to Purcell. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
Compleat Instructions for the Fife, containing the Best and Easiest Directions to Learn that Instrument, with a Collection of the Most Celebrated Marches, Airs &c. Perform’d in the Guards & Other Regiments. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 158. New York, [1998]. Oblong, 27 x 18 cm, 38 pp. Line-cut of the London, n.d. edition. Anonymous anthology of tunes (some by C.F. Weideman), preceded by “new instructions for the fife”. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Divisions, flute]
The First Part of the Division Flute Containing a Collection of Divisions Upon Several Excellent Grounds.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 15. New York, [1987]. 22 x 32 cm, 18 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1706 edition. Works by J. Banister, Eccles, Faronell, Finger, Reading, Tollet, Lord Byron, Clark, Eccles, Finger, Gorton, Hills, King, Lully, Morgan, Mr. O., Pepusch, D. & H. Purcell, & others. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
[Divisions, flute]
The Second Part of the Division Flute Containing the Newest Divisions Upon the Choisest Grounds.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 16. New York, [1987]. 22 x 32 cm, 17 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1708 edition. Works by J. Banister, Eccles, Faronell, Finger, Reading, Tollet, Lord Byron, Clark, Eccles, Finger, Gorton, Hills, King, Lully, Morgan, Mr. O., Pepusch, D. & H. Purcell, & others. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
Ecorcheville, Jules.
Vingt suites d’orchestre du XVIIe siècle français. Publiées pour la première fois d’après un manuscrit de la Bibliothèque de Cassel.
New York, [1970]. 4º, 2 vols, 448, with 47 pp. Study, edition, and line-cut (in reduced format) of a c.1660 ms transmitting orchestral suites for the “vingt-quatre violons” orchestra of Louis XIV. 2 vols, cloth. $195
[item no.
[Ladys Entertainment, book 1]
The 1st Book of the Ladys Entertainment or Banquet of Musick Being a Choice Collection of the Newest and Most Airy Lessons for the Harpsicord or Spinnet. [Nederlands Musiek Instituut, The Hague].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 204. New York, [2001]. 22 x 32 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, n.d. Works by Amadori, Simonelli and others (title page note: lessons can also be preformed on the lute or harp). Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[Ladys Entertainment, book 2]
The 1st Book of the Ladys Entertainment or Banquet of Musick Being a Choice Collection of the Newest and Most Airy Lessons for the Harpsicord or Spinnet. [Nederlands Musiek Instituut, The Hague].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 205. New York, [2001]. 22 x 32 cm, 26 pp. Line-cut of the Walsh edition, London, n.d. Works by Fontana, D. Purcell, H. Hall, Richardson and others (title page note: lessons can also be performed on the lute or harp). Wrappers. $18
[item no.
New Instructions for Playing the Harpsichord, Piano-Forte or Spinnet. A Facsimile of the London Edition c.1790(?).
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/15. New York, 1967. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 38 pp. Line-cut. Explains the Italian manner of fingering and rules for playing continuo. Laid paper. Beautifully bound in white linen.
[item no.
[Paris, Bibl. Nationale, fr. 146]
Le roman de Fauvel in the Edition of Mesire Chaillou de Pesstain. A Reproduction in Facsimile of the Complete Manuscript Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Fonds français 146. Introduction by Edward H. Roesner, François Avril and Nancy Freeman Regalado.
New York, 1991. 41 x 52 cm, 280 pp (incl. 205 B/W + 12 color reproductions). Gervais de Bus’ great poetic narrative written between 1310 and 1314 with interpolations of over 150 monophonic songs and polyphonic motets, including some of the works of Phillipe de Vitry. The name Fauvel is derived from the first letters of Flaterie, Avarice, Vilanie, Variété, Envie, Lascheté. Men of
all walks and conditions try to cleanse Fauvel. The Roman is a sharp attack on the failings of the medieval church and the political establishment. $575
(more info... )
[item no.
[Paris, Bibl, Nationale, fr. 844]
Le manuscrit du roi, fonds français no. 844. Par Jean Beck . . . et Madame Louise Beck.
New York, 1970. 29 x 22 cm, 2 vols, 31, 466 pp. (Rpt. of Philadelphia, 1938 edition). Halftone of a major troubadour source. Deluxe edition with laid paper and handsome cloth binding. $225
[item no.
Parthenia or the Maydenhead of the First Musicke that ever was Printed for the Virginalls. A Facsimile of the London, [1612/3?] Edition. [Unique copy, Huntington Library, San Marino].
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/11. New York, 1972. 22 x 32 cm, 30 pp. Line-cut. Laid paper, clothbound.
[item no.
Parthenia or The Maydenhead of the First Musicke that Ever Was Printed for the Virginals.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 1. New York, 1985. 21 x 31 cm, 30 pp. Line-cut. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
The Preceptor for the Piano-Forte, Organ or Harpsichord. A Facsimile of the London Edition c.1785(?).
Monuments of Music and Music Literature in Facsimile, I/16. New York, 1967. Oblong, 27 x 21 cm, 35 pp. Line-cut. Explains the proper mode of fingering. Includes airs, a collection of progressive lessons and 2 celebrated lessons by James Hook. Laid paper. Cloth.
[item no.
Select Preludes & Vollentarys for the Violin. Being Made and Contrived for the Improvement of the Hand with Variety of Compositions by all the Greatest Masters in Europe for that Instrument. [Library of Congress, Washington, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 164. New York, [1996]. Oblong, 24 x 21 cm, 35 pp. Line-cut of the John Walsh edition, London, c.1705. Pieces by Albinoni, Banister, Barenclow, Bassani, Biber, Bononcini, Corbett, Corelli, Cosma, Dean, H. Eccles, Finger, Gasparini, Gorton, Hills, Hyam, Keller, King, Lonati, Matteis, Pepusch, H. Purcell,Simons, Smith, Torelli, Vitali & Ziani. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Sonatas, 2 recorders]
Quatorse sonates a 2 flustes dont les 6 premier sont composés par Mr. Fingher, les 6 suivants par Mr. Courtivill et les 2 derniers par Mr. Paisible.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 29. New York, [1987]. Oblong, 24 x 18 cm, 2 partbooks, 58 pp. Line-cut of the Amsterdam, c.1698 edition. Wrappers in folder. $20
[item no.
[Thesaurus Musicus, book 1]
Thesaurus Musicus: Being, a Collection of the Newest Songs Performed at Their Majesties Theatres. . . With a Thorow-Bass to Each Song, for the Harpsicord, Theorbo, or Bass-Viol. To Which is Annexed, a Collection of Aires, Composed for Two Flutes by Several Masters. The First Book. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 145. New York, [1995]. 23 x 37 cm, ii, 41 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1693 edition. Pieces by Akeroyde, Barrett, Bannister, Courteville, Finger, Keen, King, Purcell, Staggins & Tollet. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Thesaurus Musicus, book 2]
Thesaurus Musicus: Being, a Collection of the Newest Songs Performed at Their Majesties Theatres. . . With a Thorow-Bass to Each Song, for the Harpsicord, Theorbo, or Bass-Viol. To Which is Annexed, a Collection of Airs, Composed for Two Flutes by Several Masters. The Second Book. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 146. New York, [1995]. 23 x 37 cm, 43 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1694 edition. Pieces by Bannister, Bowman, Courteville, J. & S. Eccles, Finger, Hall, King, Pack, Paisible, Purcell, and others. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Thesaurus Musicus, book 3]
Thesaurus Musicus: Being, a Collection of the Newest Songs Performed at Their Majesties Theatres. . . With a Thorow-Bass to Each Song, for the Harpsicord, Theorbo, or Bass-Viol. To Which is Annexed, a Collection of Airs, Composed for Two Flutes by Several Masters. The Third Book. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 147. New York, [1995]. 23 x 37 cm, 44 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1694 edition. Pieces by Courteville, D’Urfrey, Eccles, Finger, King, Pack, Pigott, Purcell, Turner, & anonymous composers. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Thesaurus Musicus, book 4]
Thesaurus Musicus: Being, a Collection of the Newest Songs Performed at Their Majesties Theatres. . . With a Thorow-Bass to Each Song, for the Harpsicord, Theorbo, or Bass-Viol. To Which is Annexed, a Collection of Airs, Composed for Two Flutes by Several Masters. The Fourth Book. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 148. New York, [1995]. 23 x 37 cm, 36 pp. Line-cut of the London, [1695] edition. Songs by Courteville, Eccles, Finger, R. King, Pack, Pigott, Purcell, Turner and others. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Thesaurus Musicus, book 5]
Thesaurus Musicus: Being, a Collection of the Newest Songs Performed at Their Majesties Theatres. . . With a Thorow-Bass to Each Song, for the Harpsicord, Theorbo, or Bass-Viol. To Which is Annexed, a Collection of Airs, Composed for Two Flutes by Several Masters. The Fifth Book. [Library of Congress, Washington, DC].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 149. New York, [1995]. 23 x 37 cm, 38 pp. Line-cut of the London, [1695] edition. Songs by Bannister, Eccles, Finger, Franck, King, Paisible, D. & H. Purcell, R.W., & Williams. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
Volentarys & Fugues Made on Purpose for the Organ or Harpsichord.
Performers’ Facsimiles, 64. New York, [1991]. 4º, 28 pp. Line-cut of the London, 1710 edition. Works by Bassani, Colonna, Giustiniani, Monari, Pasquini, Francesco, Pollaroli and Ziani. Wrappers. $18
[item no.
[“Bauyn” manuscript]
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Ms. Rés. Vm7 674-675: The Bauyn Manuscript. Edited by Bruce Gustafson with R. Peter Wolf.
The Art of the Keyboard, 10. New York, 2014. 4˚, 4 vols. Wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $35) $150
[item no.
Buxtehude, Dietrich.
Keyboard Works, Part 3. Preludes, Toccatas, Fugues, and Canzonas for Organ (manualiter), Harpsichord, or Clavichord. Editions by Christoph Wolff.
Dietrich Buxtehude, The Collected Works, 17. New York, 2016. 4˚, xxvi, 128 pp. Hardbound. Special sale price $25 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $140
[item no.
Buxtehude, Dietrich.
Keyboard Works, Part 4. Suites and Variations for Harpsichord or Clavichord. Edited by Christoph Wolff.
Dietrich Buxtehude, The Collected Works, 18. New York, 2016. 4˚, xxxviii, 260 pp. Hardbound. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $25) $140
[item no.
Chambonnières, Jacques Champion de.
The Collected Works. Edited by Bruce Gustafson & Denis Herlin.
The Art of the Keyboard, 12. New York, 2017. 4˚, 2 vols. Wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $30) $100
[item no.
Doles, Johann Friedrich, Jr.
The Collected Works for Keyboard. Edited by C. David Harris.
The Art of the Keyboard, 5. New York, 1999. 4˚, xviii, 83 pp. Wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $10) $30
[item no.
Dumont, Henry.
The Collected Works. Edited by Bruce Gustafson & Denis Herlin.
The Art of the Keyboard, 11. New York, 2016. 4˚. 2 vols. Wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $10) $30
[item no.
Fiocco, Joseph-Hector.
Werken voor Clavecimbel. Edited by Jos. Watelet, with a Short Biography by Christiane Stellfeld.
New York, 1971. 4˚, xvi, 58 pp. (rpt. of the Berchem-Antwerp, 1936 edition). Wrappers. $25
[item no.
[Forqueray family]
Antoine Forqueray, Jean-Baptiste Forqueray, Michel Forqueray, Nicolas-Gilles Forqueray. The Works, Part One [& Part 2]. Edited by Mary Cyr.
New York, 2012. 4º, 2 vols, lxxxv, 129 pp; x, 235 pp. Cloth. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $30) $300
[item no.
Francisque, Antoine.
Le trésor d’Orphée. Transcribed for Keyboard by H. Quittard.
New York, 1967. 4˚, 80, iii pp. Reprint of the Paris, 1905 edition. Editorial notes in French with English translation. Wrappers $18
[item no.
Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas.
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Ms. Rés. 475, Works by Jean Nicolas Geoffroy Edited by Mary Tilton.
The Art of the Keyboard, 9. New York, 2007. 4˚, 2 vols, 197, 217 pp. This ms is the largest collection of 17th century French harpsichord music devoted to music by a single composer. 213 distinct pieces, including suites for harpsichord, string trios for 3 viols, quartets for harpsichord & 3 viols, & organ music. Wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $25) $100
[item no.
Hardel, Jacques.
The Collected Works. Edited by Bruce Gustafson.
The Art of the Keyboard, 1. New York, 1991. 4˚, xviii, 38 pp. Wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $10) $25
[item no.
Henry d’Anglebert, Jean.
The Collected Works. Edited by C. David Harris.
The Art of the Keyboard, 7. New York, 2009. 4˚, 2 vols, 218, 245 pp. Wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $25) $100
[item no.
Hsu, John.
A Handbook of French Baroque Viol Technique.
New York, 1981. 4˚, iv, 51 pp. Wrappers. $25
[item no.
Jacquet de la Guerre.
Harpsichord Works. Edited by Arthur Lawrence
Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre - Collected Works, 1. New York, 2008. 4º, liii, 135 pp. Cloth. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $25) $175
[item no.
Kerll, Johann Caspar.
The Collected Works for Keyboard. Edited by C. David Harris.
The Art of the Keyboard, 2. New York, 1995. 4˚, 115 pp. 2 vols, 359 pp. Wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $20) $100
[item no.
Kuhnau, Johann.
The Collected Works for Keyboard. Edited by C. David Harris
The Art of the Keyboard, 6. New York, 2003. 4˚, 2 vols. Wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $25) $100
[item no.
La Barre, J. Chabanceau de.
Harpsichord Music Associated with the Name La Barre. Edited by Bruce Gustafson and R. Peter Wolf.
The Art of the Keyboard, 4. New York, 1999. 4˚, xix, 104 pp. Courants, allemandes, sarabandes, and other pieces for harpsichord, probably by members of the Chabanceau de La Barre family of Paris. Wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $15) $30
[item no.
Lully, Jean-baptiste (new collected works edition)
Quare fremuerunt gentes; Notus in Judaea Deus; Exaudiat te Dominus.
The Collected Works, IV/5. New York, 1996. 4º. $200
[item no.
Morphy, G. ed.,
Les luthistes espagnols du XVIe siecle. Volume I[-II].
New York, 1967. 4º, liv, 252 pp. Reprint of the Breitkopf & Härtel edition, Leipzig, 1902 edition. Edition, in modern staff notation of: Luis Milan, “El Maestro” (1536), Luis de Narvaez, “Delfin para vihuela” (1538), Alonso de Mudarra, “Tres libros de música en cifras” (1546), Anriquez de Valderrábano, “Silva de Sirenes” (1547), Diego Pisador, “Libro de música de vihuela” (1552),
Miguel de Fuenllana, “Orphénica lira” (1554), Venegas de Hinestrosa, “copla de Jorge Manrique” (1557), and Esteban Daza, Villancicos (1576). Cloth. $95
[item no.
Chambonnières, Jacques Champion de.
Œuvres complètes. Edited by Paul Brunold and André Tessier. English Translation and New Preface by Denise Restout.
New York, 1967. 27 x 36 cm, xxxv, 139 pp. Cloth. $75
[item no.
Marais, Marin (new edition of instr. works)
Pièces à une et deux violes (1686-89). Edited by John Hsu.
Marin Marais, The Instrumental Works, 1. New York. 1980. 4°, xxvii, 191 pp. Cloth. Special sale price $18 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $158
[item no.
Marais, Marin (new edition of instr. works)
Pièces de violes, second livre (1701). Edited by John Hsu.
Marin Marais, The Instrumental Works, 2. New York. Cloth. Special sale price $18 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $158
[item no.
Marais, Marin (new edition of instr. works)
Pièces de violes, troisième livre (1711). Edited by John Hsu.
Marin Marais, The Instrumental Works, 3. New York. 1996 4°, xxii, 193 pp. Cloth. Special sale price $18 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $158
[item no.
Marais, Marin (new edition of instr. works)
Pièces à une et à trois violes. Quatrième livre (1717). Edited by John Hsu.
Marin Marais, The Instrumental Works, 4. New York, 1998. 4º, xxi, 197 pp. Cloth. Special sale price $18 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $158
[item no.
Marais, Marin (new edition of instr. works)
Pièces de viole. Cinquième livre (1725). Edited by John Hsu.
Marin Marais, The Instrumental Works, 5. New York, 2000. 4º, xxii, 199 pp. Cloth. Special sale price $18 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $158
[item no.
Marais, Marin (new edition of instr. works)
Pièces en trio pour les flûtes, violon & dessus de viole (1692). Edited by John Hsu.
Marin Marais, The Instrumental Works, 6. New York, 2001. 4º, xvii, 153 pp. Cloth. Special sale price $18 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $158
[item no.
Marais, Marin (new edition of instr. works)
La gamme et autres morceaux de simphonie pour le violon, la viole et le claveçin (1723). Unpublished Pieces from the Panmure Manuscripts. Edited by John Hsu.
Marin Marais, The Instrumental Works, 7. New York, 2002. 4º, xxii, 154 pp. Cloth. Special sale price $18 eff. 7/15/23, regularly $158
[item no.
Richard, Etienne.
The Collected Works. Edited by Bruce Gustafson.
The Art of the Keyboard, 3. New York, 1994. 4˚, xix, 49 pp. For unspecified keyboard instrument. Works commonly attributed to Etienne Richard; other atributions include Pierre Richard (d.1642) and/or Charles Richard (1620-1652). Wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $10) $25
[item no.
Roberts, John.
The Collected Works. Edited by Candice Bailey.
The Art of the Keyboard, 8. New York, 2003. 4˚. xviii, 53 pp. Wrappers. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $10) $25
[item no.
Sullivan, Arthur, Sir (new collected works edition)
H.M.S. Pinafore, or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor. Edited by Percy M. Young. Part A: Music; Part B: Commentary.
The Operas, 3. New York, 2003. 4º, 2 vols, xviii, 321; vii, 201 pp. New critical edition. Cloth. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $225) $300
[item no.
Sullivan, Arthur, Sir (new collected works edition)
Trial by Jury. Edited by Steven Ledbetter.
The Operas, 1. New York, 1994. 4º, xlvi, 208 pp. New critical edition. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $150) $225
[item no.
Sullivan, Arthur, Sir (new collected works edition)
Iolanthe, or the Peer and the Peri. Music Edited by Gerald Hendrie. Introduction by Gerald Hendrie, Dinah Barsham, and Helga J. Perry. Part A: Music: Act I; Part B: Act II; Part C: Commentary.
The Operas, 6. New York, 2017. 27 x 34 cm, 3 vols, 53, 211, 217 pp. New critical edition. Cloth. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $275) $375
[item no.
Aubry, Pierre.
Les plus anciens monuments de la musique française par Pierre Aubry, Archiviste-Paléographe.
Mélanges de Musicologie Critique, IV. New York, 1969. 25 x 33 cm, 95, with 24 pp. (Rpt. of Paris, 1905 edition). Halftones from chansonnier sources, c.1200-1300. Laid paper. Wrappers. $48
[item no.
Jeppesen, Knud.
The Copenhagen Chansonnier. The Thott 2918 manuscript in the Royal Library of Copenhagen. Edited, with an Introduction, and New Remarks (1965) by Knud Jeppesen. Texts Revised and Supplied with a Glossary by Viggo Brondal.
New York, 1965 4˚, 172 pp. Includes modern transcription and 8 halftone plates of openings. Cloth.
[item no.