Monday, 3 March 2025
Manuscript facsimiles (autographs & copyist manuscripts), facsimiles
of first editions & primary sources, and a selection of research material.
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HAYDN, Franz Joseph, 1732-1809
[Canzonetta, voice, keyboard]
Content–Facsimile Reproduction of Four Versions with Foreword by H.C. Robbins Landon. [Muzeum Narodowego, Krakow].
Cardiff, 1983. Oblong, 34 x 23 cm, iv, 12 pp. Halftone of the autograph sketch of “Der verdienstvolle Sylvius”, together with line-cut reproductions of three early printed editions: “Das Geständniß einer schönen Schäferinn” (Prague, 1795), “Transport of Pleasure” (after 1794) and “Content”. Issued on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of Haydn’s birth. Wrappers. Special sale
price $6, regularly $12
[item no.
[The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, sketches]
Die Schöpfung Hob.XXI:2. Skizzen. Herausgegeben von Annette Oppermann.
Joseph Haydn Werke, XXVIII/3/III. Munich, 2012 4°, 104 pp. Beautiful full-color reproduction of 36 sketch pages, hitherto unpublished, to Haydn’s oratorio “The Creation”, preserved in libraries in Vienna, London and New York. The sketches are very revealing: the famous soprano aria “On mighty pens” originally had an entirely different melody. The 5 notated beginnings of the
recitative “Our duty we performed now” make it clear that Haydn even pondered very carefully such apparently standardized musical phrases before opting for a variant. The 3 surviving full-score sketches for the overture “The Representation of Chaos” show in turn how Haydn slowly developed the whole movement out of a basic idea initially outlined on only one page and garnished it
with ever finer rhythmic and harmonic details. The whole set gives us a wonderful glimpse into workshop of the composer. With diplomatic transcription and notes in German. Handsome clamshell case in linen. $325
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[item no.
[Mass, “Creation”, Bb major]
Messe B-Dur (“Schöpfungs-Messe”). Faksimile nach der im Eigentum der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek befindlichen Urschrift. Veröffentlichung des Joseph Haydn-Instituts, Köln.
[Henle Music Facsimiles, 1]. Munich, 1957. Oblong, 33 x 24 cm, 112, 9 pp. Fine monochrome collotype of the autograph score from 1801. The fifth of six large masses composed on the commission of Count Nikolaus II. Esterházy. Contains numerous variants from the printed score that suggests that the first edition was prepared from a faulty intermediate copy. The autograph, lost for
some time, resurfaced in Switzerland shortly after the last war. Afterword by Wilhelm Virneisel. Coverboards in decorative paper. $175
[item no.
[Concerto, horn, orch, Hob. VIId:3, D major]
Hornkonzert D-Dur, Hob. VIId:3. Faksimile der autographen Partitur. Kommentar von Ingrid Fuchs.
Vienna, 2009. 22 x 32 cm, 28, 39 pp. Beautiful full-color facsimile. A fascinating and important representative of Haydn's entire concerto œuvre comes to light in this brilliant facsimile of the Horn Concerto in D Major, Hob. VIId:3. Haydn composed a relatively small group of wind concertos (6 in total), two which are lost. This work was most likely composed for the horn virtuoso
Joseph Leutgeb, and in violation of his contract with the Esterházy House, since it was not written for the court orchestra. Of special mention is Haydn's note written on the last page of the score stating "in schlaff geschrieben" (written while asleep). This is due to a mistake in the scoring of the instruments and was most likely the result of Haydn composing secretly at night,
half asleep. Commentary in German-English-Japanese. Limited edition of 500 copies with beautiful period design coverboards and pasted on etikette. $217
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[item no.
[Duos, 2 violins]
Trois grands duo. Dialogués et concertans pour deux violons.
Offenburg, 2004. 4°, 3 parts, i, 155 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, n.d. edition. An arrangement for 2 violins, published during the composer’s lifetime, of a combination of quartet movements, symphonies and piano trios, including the Andante from the “Surprise Symphony”. Includes modern edition in score. Introduction in Ger-Eng by Mihoko Kimura. Wrappers. $48
[item no.
[Fantasy, harpsichord/piano, op.58]
Fantesia per il clavicembalo o forte-piano. Opera 58.
Biblioteca Classica, 51. Rotterdam, 1988. Oblong, 30 x 21 cm, 10 pp. Line-cut of the Artaria edition, Vienna, 1789. Plastic ring binding. $13
[item no.
[“Kaiserhymne”, unison melody, keyboard]
“Gott Erhalte!”. Joseph Haydns Kaiserhymne. Mit einem Faksimile des Erstdrucks von 1797 herausgegeben von Otto Biba. Englisch von E. Hartzell.
Vienna, c.1980. Wrappers. $15
[item no.
[Quartets, strings, “Prussian”, op.50, 1st ed.]
Six quatuors pour deux violins alto et basse. Composes et dediés a sa Majesté Frederic Guillaume II, roi de Prusse, œuvre 50e. [Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 80. New York, [1992]. 27 x 26 cm, 4 partbooks: 88 pp. Line-cut of the Artaria edition, Vienna, 1787. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
[Quartet, strings, op.76,3]
Gott! Erhalte Franz den Kaiser (Hob. XXVIa: 4) und Streichquartett Op.76, Nr.3 (Hob. III:77), “Kaiserquartett” (Variationensatz). Vollständige Faksimile-Ausgabe im Originalformat der Mus. Hs. 16.501 aus dem Besitz der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Herausgegeben und kommentiert von Günther Brosche.
Musica Manuscripta, 3a. Graz, 2008 32 x 23 cm, 26, 24 pp. Deluxe bibliophile facsimile in the original format of a composite ms comprising various versions of the hymn “Gott! erhalte Franz den Kaiser”, which has served as the Austrian National Anthem for more than 140 years. The fascicle contains: 1) 1st ms version of the melody (sketch material on the backside), 2) fair copy of
the harmonized version with Haydn’s signature, 3) 1st version of the harmonized version with some erasures and corrections 4) complete score for unison voices and orchestra with signs of corrections, 5) four variations of the hymn for string quartet (= “Kaiser” quartet Hob. III: 77), 6) 1st printed edition of the hymn from 1787 with manuscript notations on the final page.
Commentary in Ger. Binding after the original, with slipcase. $263
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[item no.
[Quartets, strings, op.76; arr. Arnold]
Six Duets (Vol. 2, Nr. 4-6) Arranged for Two Flutes by Samuel Arnold (1740-1802).
Wiener Querflöten-Edition. Vienna, 1987. 4º, iii, 37 pp. Line-cut of the 18th-c. score. Preface in Ger-Eng-Fr. Wrappers. $26
[item no.
[Quartet, strings, op.77, Hob. III:81]
String Quartet in G, 1799. Hoboken III:81. Reprint of the Original Manuscript (National Széchényi Library, Budapest) with Commentaries by László Somfai.
Budapest, 1972. Oblong, 34 x 25 cm, 34, iv pp. Halftone of the autograph score. Afterword in Eng. Limited numbered edition, with laid paper. Linen.
[item no.
[Quartet, strings, op.77, Hob. III:82]
String Quartet in F, 1799, Hoboken III:82. Reprint of the Original Manuscript (National Széchényi Library, Budapest) with Commentaries by László Somfai.
Budapest, 1972. Oblong, 34 x 25 cm, 32, iv pp. Halftone of the autograph score. Afterword in Eng. Limited numbered edition, with laid paper. Linen.
[item no.
[Sonata, piano, Hob. XVI:26]
Klaviersonate A-Dur. Hob. XVI 26. Faksimile nach dem Autograph, im Besitz der Staatsbibliothek Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin.
[Henle Music Facsimiles, 2]. Munich, 2/ 1982. Oblong, 32 x 23 cm, 8, 2 pp. Fine 2-color collotype of the autograph. Afterword in Ger by Jens Peter Larsen. Laid paper, wrappers. $61
[item no.
[Sonata, piano, Hob. XVI:49]
Piano Sonata E Flat Major, Hob. XVI:49. Edited from the Autograph and the First Edition by Christa Landon. Fingering by Oswald Jonas.
Urtext Edition + Faksimile. Vienna, 1964. 4º, 20 (oblong), 21 pp. Halftone, plus new authoritative edition. Preface in Ger-Eng-Fr. Wrappers. $24
[item no.
[Sonatas, violin, bass/bc, Hob. VI 1-6, op.23]
Six sonates à violon seul avec la basse, Hob. VI 1-6. Inleidung-Introduction: Manuel Couvreur.
Fontes Musicae Bibliothecae Regiae Belgicae, II/3. Brussels, 2002. 4˚, 9, 25 pp. Line-cut of the Bailleux edition, Paris, 1775. Introduction in Fr-Flam. Wrappers. $20
[item no.
[Symphony, no.45, “Farewell”, F sharp major, Hob.I:45]
Symphony F Sharp Minor (No. 45) (“Farewell-Symphony”). Score. Facsimile of the Original Haydn Manuscript in the National Széchényi Library, Budapest [Mus. Ms. I 36].
Budapest, 1959. 26 x 41 cm, ii, 58 pp. 2-color facsimile issued on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the composer’s death. Introduction by László Somfai. Coverboards in decorative paper. $59
[item no.
[Symphony, no.45, “Farewell”, F sharp major, Hob.I:45]
Sinfonie Fis-Moll, Hob. I:45 “Abschiedssinfonie” Faksimile nach dem Autograph der Országos Széchényi Könyvtár, Budapest. Mit einem Kommentar von Armin Raab.
Meisterwerke der Musik im Faksimile, 11. Laaber, 2010 21 x 34 cm, xviii, 62 pp. Full-color facsimile of the autograph score issued on the occasion of the bicentenary of the composer’s death. Commentary in Ger-Eng. Hardbound in decorative paper. $149
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[item no.
[Symphony, Hob.I:48, orch, parts]
Symphonia in C, Nr. 48 (“Maria Theresia”). Facsimile of the Ms. in the Matica Slovenska, Martin.
Martin, 1989. 4º, 8 parts, 12, 86 pp. Halftone of the autograph parts in the hand of Joseph Elssler, one of Haydn’s main copyists. Scored for vln I-II, vla, bass, ob I-II, & hn I-II. Linen portfolio. $70
[item no.
[Symphonies, `London”, 1-3, arr. Salomon, = 97, 93, 94]
12 London Symphonies: 1-3.
Huntingdon, n.d. 4º. Xerographic reprint of the London, c.1800 edition. Scored for fl, 2 vln, vla, vc, kbd ad lib. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
[Symphonies, `London”, 4-6, arr. Salomon, = 98, 95, 96]
12 London Symphonies: 4-6.
Huntingdon, n.d. 4º. Xerographic reprint of the London, c.1800 edition. Scored for fl, 2 vln, vla, vc, kbd ad lib. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
[Symphonies, `London”, 7-9, arr. Salomon, = 104, 103, 102]
12 London Symphonies: 7-9.
Huntingdon, n.d. 4º. Xerographic reprint of the London, c.1800 edition. Scored for fl, 2 vln, vla, vc, kbd ad lib. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
[Symphonies, `London”, 10-12, arr. Salomon [= 99, 101, 100])
12 London Symphonies: 10-12.
Huntingdon, n.d. 4º. Xerographic reprint of the London, c.1800 edition. Scored for fl, 2 vln, vla, vc, kbd ad lib. Wrappers. $50
[item no.
[Symphony, no.102, Bb major, Hob.I:102]
Sinfonie Nr. 102 (”London”)
Faksimile nach dem Autograph in der Staatsbibliothek Berlin. Mit einer Einleitung (deutsch/englisch) von Armin Raab.
Meisterwerke der Musik im Faksimile, 12. Laaber, 2010 26 x 41 cm, xvi, 57 pp. Full-color facsimile of the autograph fair copy composed in 1794 for Haydn's second London visit. Scored for 2 fl, 2 ob, 2 bsn, 2 hn, 2 tpt, timp, & strings, the work has all the stylistic hallmarks of the late Haydn symphony with its masterly confluence of simplicity and complexity, folkishness and
sophistication. There is also the element of thematic surprise as well as orchestral excitement (the drumroll that ushers in the recapitulation in the first movement) and outrageous wit, shown by the violins getting “stuck” on a phrase in the finale and unable to remember what comes next. A fitting tribute for the celebration of the bicentenary of the composer’s death. Commentary
in Ger-Eng. Hardbound in decorative paper. $142
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[item no.
[Symphony, no.104, D Major, Hob.I:104]
Sinfonie D-Dur Hob. I: 104. Faksimile der autographen Partitur aus dem Bestand der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek Berlin. Herausgegeben von Wolfgang Goldhan.
Leipzig, 1983. 32 x 26 cm, 9, 78 pp. Beautiful 2- and 3-color halftone. Scored for flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, horns, trumpets, drums & strings. Linen. $160
[item no.
[Variations, “Gott Erhalte”, keyboard]
“Gott Erhalte”. Variations on the Imperial Anthem. Authentic Keyboard Version after Hob. III/77 II. Edited from the Autograph and the First Edition and with Fingering Added by Franz Eibner and Gerschon Jarecki. [Stefan Zweig Collection, Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin].
Urtext Edition + Faksimile. Vienna, 1975. 4º, 4 (oblong), vii, 6 pp. Halftone, together with new authoritative edition. Preface in Ger-Eng-Fr. Wrappers. $17
[item no.
[Variations, piano, F minor, Hob.XVII:6]
Variationen F-moll (Sonate) Hob. XVII:6. Introduction: Armin Raab. [New York Public Library, New York].
[Henle Music Facsimiles, 20]. Munich, 2008. Oblong, 33 x 26 cm, x, 12 pp. Deluxe color facsimile of the autograph issued on the occasion of the bicentenary of the composer’s death. Four leaves contain the fair copy of the work, while two leaves represent a composing copy. Originally entitled “Sonate for Signora de Ployer” (probably the pianist Barbara Ployer, a piano and
composition pupil of Mozart), the variation movement was apparently intended as the beginning of a sonata with several movements. As can be seen from the second part of the autograph score, Haydn later extended the movement, ending it with an expansive Capriccio Coda. The first printed edition already bears the title “Variations”. The moving masterpiece has been played all over the
world as “Variations in f minor” ever since. Commentary in Ger-Eng. Wrappers, in decorative paper. $86
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[item no.
[Fuchs, Alois]
Thematisches Verzeichnis der sämtlichen Kompositionen von Joseph Haydn zusammengestellt von Alois Fuch 1839. Faksimile-Nachdruck. Herausgegeben von Richard Schaal.
Quellen-Kataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 2. Wilhelmshaven, 1968. 25 x 31 cm, x, 204 pp. Halftone. Linen. $99
[item no.
Hoboken, Anthony von.
Joseph Haydn. Thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis. Band I: Instrumentalwerke.
Mainz, 1957. 8º, xxi, 848, 20 pp. $165
[item no.
Hoboken, Anthony von.
Joseph Haydn. Thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis. Band II: Vokalwerke.
Mainz, 1971. 8º, 602, xxxii pp. $165
[item no.
Hoboken, Anthony von.
Joseph Haydn. Thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis. Band III: Register. Addenda und Corrigenda.
Mainz, 1978. 8º, 424 pp. $139
[item no.
(Jaenecke, Joachim)
Joseph und Michael Haydn. Autographe und Abschriften. Katalog bearbeitet von Joachim Jaenecke.
Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Kataloge der Musikabteilung, I/4. Munich, 1990. 8º, 401 pp. Annotated catalog of the complete musical holdings of Joseph and Michael Haydn in the SBKB in Berlin. Linen. $248
[item no.
(Ohrenberger, A.J. & A. Hahn)
Haydn-Autographe aus dem Haydn-Haus Eisenstadt (Faksimile-Drucke).
Eisenstadt, 1976. 25 x 40 cm, iv, 13 pp. Beautiful 2- and 3-color halftone of 13 Haydn works (mostly autographs), all in their original format. Selections include the Alleluja-Chor (Hob. XXIIIc:3), Minuet sketches (IX:11,1), 2 Marches (VIII:7 & VIII:2), Aria & Chorus “Ah gran Dio” (from Il Ritorno di Tobia), and 6 letters, whose recipients include Artaria, Griesinger, Michael
Haydn, and Fürst Nikolaus II von Esterházy. With a reproduction of a portrait of the composer by L. Darcis. Foreword in Ger with work list. Loose sheets in a folder. $45
[item no.
(Somfai, László)
Joseph Haydn: His Life in Contemporary Pictures Collected and Supplied with a Commentary and an Iconography of Authentic Haydn Pictures by László Somfai.
New York, 1969. 20 x 29 cm, 247, with numerous illus pp. Hundreds of facsimiles of documents, letters, musical autographs and contemporary reports. Profusely documented. Includes 35 contemporary portraits. Linen. $65
[item no.
(Vecsey, Jeno)
Haydn Compositions in the Music Collection of the National Széchényi Library, Budapest. Published on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of Haydn’s Death (1809-1959). Edited by Jeno Vecsey.
Budapest, 1960. Oblong, 21 x 20 cm, xxiv, 46, 96 pp. Halftones of numerous Haydn autographs and contemporary copies. Collaborators include Zoltán Falvy, Istvan Kecskemeti, László Somfai, and Klara Uhereczky. Extensive description and catalog of material; index of vocal and instrumental works. Text in Eng.Beautifully bound in light maroon silk. $31
[item no.