Monday, 3 March 2025
Manuscript facsimiles (autographs & copyist manuscripts), facsimiles
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Opera listing
BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van, 1770-1827
[sketchbook, “Landsberg 6”]
Beethoven’s “Eroica” Sketchbook. A Critical Edition. Transcribed, Edited, and with a Commentary by Lewis Lockwood and Alan Gosman. Volume 1: Facsimile; Volume 2: Transcription, Commentary, Inventory.
Beethoven Sketchbook Series, [2]. Champaign, 2013. 4˚, 2 vols. Complete halftone reproduction and critical edition of the MS, currently in Kraków at the Biblioteka Jagiellońska (formerly Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Mus. ms. aut. Beethoven Landsberg 6). Once known as “Notierungsbuch E”, Landsberg 6 is perhaps Beethoven’s most famous sketchbook due in part to Nottebohm’s 1880
monograph on this source. This sketchbook documents Beethoven's creative work from sometime late in 1802 until early in 1804, a transformative period in his artistic career. The most significant sketches are those for the “Eroica” Symphony, op.55, the “Waldstein” Sonata, op.53, and for the first five numbers of the opera Leonore as produced in 1805 (later revised and renamed
Fidelio). Hardbound. $200
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[item no.
BERG, Alban, 1885-1935
Lulu, Particell des III. Aktes (Faksimile). Vorgelegt von Thomas Ertelt. [Mss. Stadt- und Landesbibl. Wien & Österreichische Nationalbibl.].
Alban Berg Sämtliche Werke, I/2, Lulu Supplement. Vienna, 2013. 27 x 37 cm, ix, 2, 144 pp. Fine 4-color facsimile of the holograph with paste-overs lifted and photographed separately. This is Berg’s relatively clean condensed score for Act III of Lulu, but the work was left incomplete at his death. This volume contains a short commentary and documents relating to the surviving
manuscript. Commentary in Ger/Eng. Green linen. (Rarely found separately, because this volume is normally available only as part of a subscription to the Berg Sämtliche Werke) $360
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[item no.
CACCINI, Francesca, 1587-1640
Il primo libro delle musiche a una, e due voci. [Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, Modena].
Performers’ Facsimiles, 295. New York, [2011]. 27 x 36 cm, 103 pp. Line-cut of the Florence, 1618 edition, containing 36 settings, among them sonetti, madrigali, arie, ottave, motetti, hinni, & conzonetti. Wrappers. $30
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[item no.
CAVALLI, Francesco, 1602-1676
[& A. Stradella]
Il novello Giasone. Partitura in facsimile ed edizione dei libretti. A cura di Nicola Usula. Saggio introduttivi di Fausta Antonucci, Lorenzo Bianconi e Nicola Usula.
Drammaturgia Musicale Veneta, 3. Milan, 2013. Oblong, 30 x 23 cm, 2 vols, cxcii, 567 pp. Line-cut reproduction of the Naples copy. Giasone, or Jason, was Cavalli’s tenth and most popular stage work, the most frequently performed of all 17th-c. operas. Linen. $291
[item no.
CESTI, Antonio, 1623-1669
Il Tito. Partitura in facsimile, ed. del libretto, saggio introduttivo a cura di Giada Viviani.
Drammaturgia Musicale Veneta, 5. Milan, 2012. Oblong, 30 x 23 cm, xc, 306 pp. Presented for the first time during the 1666 carnival at the Venetian theater of St. John & St. Paul, “Il Tito” of Nicolò Beregan and Antonio Cesti is an opera frequently cited in the musicological literature of the last 40 years. Surviving archival materials document the genesis of the score with an
unusual precision and have clarified many details necessary for reconstructing the Venetian theater production system of the second “Seicento”. In spite of the importance of the work—a collaboration between a not-so-prolific yet widely appreciated librettist and one of the most popular composers of that epoch, there has never been a complete study of the musical and literary
sources. The commentary to this new Drammaturgia Musicale Veneta volume finally fills this lacuna, reproducing the oldest and most complete manuscript score of Tito (preserved in the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana) together with a critical edition of the libretto and a comparative study of the three other musical sources that have survived. Linen. $216
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[item no.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Master Score. Music by Frank E. Churchill, Lyrics by Larry Mory and Additional Underscore by Leigh Harline and Paul J. Smith.
2015. 4°, 208 pp. Full-color facsimile of the master score for the 1937 film. Based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the first full-length animated feature film and the earliest in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series. The story was adapted by Dorothy Ann Blank, Richard Creedon, Merrill De Maris, Otto Englander, Earl Hurd, Dick
Rickard, Ted Sears and Webb Smith, with David Hand as supervising director. The songs including “Heigh-Ho”, “Some Day My Prince Will Come”, and “Whistle While You Work” were composed by Frank Churchill and Larry Morey. Further incidental music was provided by Paul J. Smith and Leigh Harline. This is the first time that this material is available to the public. Explore every
sequence from the film, from the first scene to the last and see, first hand, how the music and animation (tempos, scene length, camera movement, action, and sound) where synchronized. Limited edition of 459 copies. $295
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[item no.
FALLA, Manuel de, 1876-1946
El retablo de Maese Pedro. Edición facsímil de los manuscritos fundamentales del Archivo Manuel de Falla. Edición y estudio de Elena Torre.
Colección “Facsímiles”, Serie “Manuscritos”, 5. Granada, [2011]. 25 x 35 cm. 194 pp. Full-color reproduction of the autograph issued on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Archivo Manuel de Falla. Translated “Master Peter’s Puppet Show”, the work, in one act with prologue and epilogue, is based on an episode (chap. 26, part II) from Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes.
Commentary in Sp. Limited edition of 500 copies. Cloth. $178
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[item no.
HASSE, Johann Adolph, 1699-1783
Demetrio. Partitura in facsimile. Edizione dei libretto. A cura di Reinhard Strohm e Francesca Menchelli-Buttini. Saggi introduttivi de Reinhard Strohm e Francesca Menchelli-Buttini. [Biblioteca Marciana, Cod. It. IV, 482 (=10006)].
Drammaturgia Musicale Veneta, 17. Milan, 2014. Oblong, 30 x 23 cm, cixi, 350 pp. Line-cut reproduction of a copyist ms. The Dramma per musica Demetrio was premiered on 10 Feb. 1732 at the Teatro S. Giovanni Grisostomo in Venice. Given during carnival season, it was one of the most lavishly staged works of the season. The success of the opera is attested by the Venetian
newsletter Diario ordinario, which praised it as “a marvel, as much for the music as for the magnificent scenes and singers”. Subsequent revivals and the survival of many ms sources show that this characterization was not an exaggeration. Part commentary in Eng (with It summary) and part in It, with Eng summary). Linen. $205
[item no.
KINNINGER, Josef Franz, c.18th c.
Cythara David [excitans, Das ist: Kürzlich doch besser gegründete Erweckung unter der Leitter von einen vollkommenen Unterricht zur edlen Choral-Music traumenden Jacob, genaue Reglen untersucht, und mit Fundamenten unterstüzt, zum bessten der in erwhneter Choral-Music sich exerirend - auch die Passiv-Instruction angehende Jungen, allen Fählern
vorzubiegen, heraus gegeben]. [Stift Kremsmünster].
Faksimile-Edition Kremsmünster, 18. Stuttgart, 2011. Oblong, 25 x 17 cm, 90 pp. Line-cut of the Linz, 1745 edition. A little known treatise on choral music. Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $46
[item no.
MAHLER, Gustav, 1860-1911
[Lied von der Erde, selection]
Der Abschied—Facsimile Edition of the Sixth Movement of Das Lied von der Erde. I: Draft Orchestral Score; II: Particel, Short Score; III: Texts on the Facsimile. [Willem Mengelberg Archive, Nederlands Muziek Institut, The Hague].
The Hague, 2017. Oblong, 35 x 27, 3 vols, 44, 20; 46 pp. Fine bibliophile facsimile of Mahler’s manuscripts of “Der Abschied” (Farewell), the sixth movement of Das Lied von de Erde, issued on the 60th anniversary of the Dutch Mahler Society. The edition includes the manuscripts of both the draft orchestral score and the particel short score. In December 1917, the great Dutch
conductor Willem Mengelberg conducted the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in a performance of Das Lied and following that performance, Alma Mahler presented Mengelberg with the 2 manuscripts which are the basis of this facsimile. Alma included the note (also provided in facsimile): “To the Friend of Gustav Mahler. . . the most wonderful interpreter of his work, Willem
Mengelberg”. The particle represents a relatively early stage of the composition and reveals many aspects of how the movement took shape. The orchestral version is much more complete, but still is considered a draft. Notes by Eveline Nikkels & Frits Zwart, with introduction by Edward Reilly. Limited edition of 400 numbered copies in the original format as presented by Alma
Mahler to Mengelberg, 3 volumes, housed in a beautiful box covered with black paper.
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[item no.
[Rückert Lieder, selections, voice & orch, voice/piano]
Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen. Facsimile Edition of the Autograph Manuscripts, Gilbert Kaplan, Editor.
New York, 2015. 29 x 37 cm, 92 pp, CD audio recording. Full-color reproduction of one of Mahler’s most popular and poignant songs, composed in 1901 with a text by Friedrich Rückert. It is the third of the original five-song cycle “Rückert-Lieder”; Mahler himself conducted the first performance in 1905 and described “Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen” / “I am lost to the
world” as creating “a feeling that rises just up to the lips, but does not pass beyond them... It is my very self”. This carefully executed facsimile includes the orchestra & piano-vocal autograph versions, sketches, incomplete fair copy in the hand of Alma Mahler, and extensive historical notes and documentation by Gilbert Kaplan and Stephen Hefling. The manuscript and its
survival has an amazing story. Limited bibliophile edition of 400 copies, only 200 for the trade. Clothbound with slipcase. $100
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[item no.
MATTHESON, Johann, 1681-1764
Nerone - Nero. Partitura in facsimile. Edizione dei libretti. A cura di Francesco Giuntini. Saggi introduttivi di Francesco Giuntini & di Reinhard Strohm.
Drammaturgia Musicale Veneta, 14. Milan, 2013. Oblong, 30 x 23 cm, cxxi, 129 pp. Nerone, a “tragedia per musica” by Agostino Piovene, received its first staging in Venice in 1721 with music by Giuseppe Maria Orlandini, but won great success two years later in Hamburg in the version by Johann Mattheson, who retained the original arias, translated the recitatives into German and
provided new musical settings for them, and added a few pieces of his own composition. In addition to a score corresponding to the Hamburg version (D-B, Mus. ms. 16370), the volume contains editions of the Italian libretto of 1721 and the German one of 1723. The opera is one of the most advanced manifestations of the reformist tendencies of the early eighteenth century: this
is a genuine tragedy, inspired by the Britannicus of Racine, that concludes with a simple recitative given to Agrippina accusing her assassins before her killing. Linen. $216
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[item no.
MONTEVERDI, Claudio, 1567-1643
L’Incoronazione di Poppea. Facsimile della partitura di Napoli. Edizione del libretto a cura di Lorenzo Bianconi. Saggi introduttivi di Gino Benzoni e Alessandra Chiarelli.
Drammaturgia Musicale Veneta, 2. Milan, 2011. Oblong, 30 x 23 cm, xcvi, 233 pp. Within the history of opera L’incoronazione di Poppea (Venice, 1643), with a libretto by Giovan Francesco Busenello and music attributed to Claudio Monteverdi, holds a special place, being the very first opera on a historical subject: instead of Daphne, Orpheus or Adonis, we meet the emperor Nero,
the empress Octavia, the courtesan Sabina Poppea and the philosopher Seneca. A mocking cynicism pervades the opera, which is drawn from the Annals of Tacitus and from a Latin tragedy attributed to Seneca (Octavia): one recognizes in it the imprint of the philosophical and moral libertinism cultivated by the Accademia degli Incogniti. This volume reproduces the manuscript score
preserved in Naples. Like the manuscript in the Biblioteca Marciana (already reproduced in facsimile in 1938), this one is the product of several hands: Francesco Cavalli, perhaps Benedetto Ferrari and probably an unknown Neapolitan composer. In his introductory essay, the historian Gino Benzoni delineates the reception during the 17th c. of Tacitus, the main basis of the
opera. Alessandra Chiarelli clarifies the complex web of sources for the music and libretto. Lorenzo Bianconi contributes editions of the “scenario” (1643), the text as its author chose to publish it (1656) and the variants of the Neapolitan libretto (1651). Linen.
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[item no.
Lamento d'Arianna. Faksimile nach dem Erstdruck der Universitätsbibliothek Gent. Herausgegeben und mit einer Einführung von Silke Leopold.
Meisterwerke der Musik im Faksimile, 49. Laaber, 2017. 21.5 x 27.5 cm, 12, 32 pp. Line-cut of Magni edition, Venice, 1623 (sole surviving copy), containing the “Lamento d’Arianna” and two “Lettere amorose” from the seventh book of of madrigals. The Lamento d’Arianna (”Let me die”) is the centerpiece of Monteverdi’s lost second opera L’Arianna first performed in Mantua on May
28, 1608. Contemporary reports describe it as the most beautiful composition in the new genre of opera. Severo Bonini writes in his treatise that there was scarcely a domestic harpsichord in the whole of Italy on which a copy of the Lamento did not lie open. Introduction in Ger/Eng. Hardbound. Special sale price $60, regularly $93
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[item no.
MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
[Requiem mass, K.626]
Requiem. K.626. Facsimile of the autograph
score held in the Austrian National Library. With a commentary by Christoph Wolff and Günter Brosche.
Bärenreiter Facsimile, [10]. Kassel, 2015. Oblong, 35 x 26 cm, 40, 200 pp. New deluxe facsimile edition of the autograph parts and sketches with the finishing work of Süßmayr and others. Commentary in Eng-Ger by Christoph Wolff and Günter Brosche. Limited bibliophile edition produced on natural paper with individually trimmed pages. Quarter leather with decorative paper
boards. $595
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[item no.
[Requiem mass, K.626, 1st ed.]
Requiem KV 626 - W.A. Mozarti: Missa pro defunctis / W.A. Mozarts Seelenmesse. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig [1800]. Herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort von Markus Eberhardt. [Archiv des Bistrums Passau].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 67. Stuttgart, 2015. Oblong, 35 x 26 cm, 178, vi pp. Line-cut of the first edition, Leipzig, 1800. Although there have been many attempts of reconstructing the text of the Requiem, the 1800 printed version, largely based on Süssmayr’s work, remains the prime historical document. It is interesting that Breitkopf & Härtel provides no credit to Süssmayr
for the completion of the work although correspondence in early 1800 between Gottfreid Christoph Härtel and Süssmayr clearly establishes the extent of his role. Hardbound in decorative paper which reproduces the original 1800 binding. $100
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[item no.
ORLANDINI, Giuseppe Maria, 1676-1760
Nerone - Nero. Partitura in facsimile. Edizione dei libretti. A cura di Francesco Giuntini. Saggi introduttivi di Francesco Giuntini & di Reinhard Strohm.
Drammaturgia Musicale Veneta, 14. Milan, 2013. Oblong, 30 x 23 cm, cxxi, 129 pp. Nerone, a “tragedia per musica” by Agostino Piovene, received its first staging in Venice in 1721 with music by Giuseppe Maria Orlandini, but won great success two years later in Hamburg in the version by Johann Mattheson, who retained the original arias, translated the recitatives into German and
provided new musical settings for them, and added a few pieces of his own composition. In addition to a score corresponding to the Hamburg version (D-B, Mus. ms. 16370), the volume contains editions of the Italian libretto of 1721 and the German one of 1723. The opera is one of the most advanced manifestations of the reformist tendencies of the early eighteenth century: this
is a genuine tragedy, inspired by the Britannicus of Racine, that concludes with a simple recitative given to Agrippina accusing her assassins before her killing. Linen. $175
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[item no.
RAMEAU, Jean-Philippe, 1683-1764
Les Indes galantes. Paris. [Bibliothèque d’étude et de conservation Besançon].
Faksimile-Edition Kammermusik des Barock, 5. Stuttgart, 2015. Oblong, 31 x 23 cm, 226 pp. Line-cut of the Paris, 1735-1736 edition (short score). Hardbound, with boards in decorative paper. $83
[item no.
RIES, Ferdinand, 1784-1838
Zigeuner, WoO 53. Melodram in 2 Akten für Sopran, Chor und Orchester. Herausgegeben von Bert Hagels.
Berlin, 2017. Oblong, 32 x 24 cm. 74 pp. Facsimile of the autograph score Mus. ms. autogr. F. Ries 8N, preserved in the Staatsbibliothek Berlin. The first facsimile edition of a work by Ries. Wrappers. $125
[item no.
ROSSINI, Gioachino, 1792-1868
Petite messe solennelle. Facsimile del manoscritto / Facsimile of the Manuscript.
Milan, 2011. Oblong, 37.5 x 29.5 cm. viii, 252 pp. Full-color reproduction of the original 1863 autograph including the separate parts for harmonium and second piano. Rossini composed two versions of this work, the first (reproduced here in facsimile) for “Twelve singers of three sexes, men, women and castrati... that is, eight for the choir, four soloists, in all twelve
cherubim”. The Petite Messe solennelle was dedicated to the Contessa Louise Pillet-Will (the count and countess were close friends of Rossini), and the first performance inaugurated the splendid new residence that the count had commissioned in Paris. The use of two pianos and harmonium may at first seem odd but given its context as a salon piece is appropriate. Rossini
composed hardly at all in the period 1829 to 1855 but after returning to Paris in 1855 wrote quite a few works for private audiences. He wittingly referred to them as Péchés de vieillesse (‘sins of old age’), and wrote in the score of the Petite messe solennelle “Good God – behold completed this poor little Mass – is it indeed music for the blest [‘musique Sacrée’] that I have
just written, or just some blessed music [‘Sacrée musique’]? Thou knowest well, I was born for comic opera. A little science, a little heart, that is all. So bless Thee and grant me Paradise! G Rossini – Passy 1863”. Limited edition of 310 copies bound in dark brown linen, with matching slipcase with embossed signature of Rossini. $399
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[item no.
[Correspondence, complete, 1831-1835]
Lettere e documenti. Volume IV, 5 gennaio 1831-post 28 dicembre 1835. A cura di Bruno Cagli e Sergio Ragni.
Pesaro, 2015. 8º, xxxvii, 682 pp. Linen. $116
[item no.
SACRATI, Francesco, 1605-1650
La finta pazza. Partitura in facsimile ed edizione dei libretti. A cura di Nicola Usula.
Drammaturgia Musicale Veneta, 1. Milan, 2018. Oblong, 30 x 23 cm. Line-cut reproduction of a copyist ms. La finta pazza (The feigned Madwomen), with libretto by Giulio Strozzi, was premiered during the Carnival season of 1641 inaugurated by the newly created Teatro Novissimo. A variation on the story of Achilles on Skyros, its incredible success was attributed to the presence
of the diva Anna Renzi, the amazing stage machinery of Giacomo Torelli, combined with remarkable music with extremely sophisticated relation between music text. It was the first opera performed at the French court in 1645, leaving a huge impact on the young Louis XIV. Linen. $175
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[item no.
WAGNER, Richard, 1813-1883
[Lieder, “Matthilde Wesendonck”, WWV 91A]
“Wesendonk-Lieder”, Fünf Gedichte für eine Frauenstimme mit PianoforteBegleitung (WWV 91). Faksimile nach dem Autograph des Nationalarchivs der Richard-Wagner-Stiftung Bayreuth. Mit einem Kommentar von Elisabeth Schmierer.
Meisterwerke der Musik im Faksimile, 25. Laaber, 2012. 27 x 35 cm, xviii, 22 pp. Full-color facsimile of the autograph (piano & voice) of the work that served as the model for Tristan. Individual settings are “Stehe still”, “Der Engel”, “Schmerzen”, “Im Treibhause”, and “Träume”. Introduction in Ger-Eng. Hardbound. $111
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[item no.
Parsifal (WWV 111). Facsimile of the Autograph Score from the National Archive of the Richard-Wagner-Stiftung Bayreuth. With a Commentary by Ulrich Konrad.
Documenta Musicologica, II/56. Kassel, 2020. 29.5 x 41 cm, 340, c.50 pp. Full-color facsimile of the autograph score, the same score Hermann Levi conducted from for the work’s premier on July 26, 1882. Wagner wrote the autograph score almost entirely in violet ink, a color he preferred to use in the final years of his life. Throughout his life, Richard Wagner was proud of his
even clear handwriting, always striving to produce manuscripts of a high calligraphic standard. The opera, Wagner’s last work, is about healing and compassion and is in many ways it represents the summation of the composer’s creative career. Commentary in Eng-Ger. Hardbound, with leather spine and decorative paper Full-color facsimile of the autograph score, the very score
Hermann Levi conducted from for the work’s premiere on July 26, 1882. Wagner wrote the autograph almost entirely in violet ink, a color he preferred to use in the final years of his life. Throughout his life, Richard Wagner was proud of his even clear handwriting, always striving to produce manuscripts of a high calligraphic standard. The opera, Wagner’s last work, is about
healing and compassion and in many ways reflects the summation of the composer’s creative career. The idea was already in the back of his mind in the early 1840s when he first read the medieval epic “Parzival” by Wolfram von Eschenbach; that character became one of the main roles in Tannhäuser (1845). Parsifal’s son is the protagonist of Lohengrin (1848), and in the same ope
the ending (“The Narrative of the Grail”) sets forth the Grail story. With Parsifal Wagner can now tell that full story, armed with a rich musical language that he developed from writing of the Ring, Tristan and other operas. Commentary in Eng-Ger. Hardbound, with leather spine and decorative paper boards. 10% discount for early subscribers. $835
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[item no.
[Tristan & Isolde, WWV 90]
Tristan & Isolde (WWV 90). Facsimile of the Autograph Score from the National Archive of the Richard-Wagner-Stiftung Bayreuth. With a Commentary by Ulrich Konrad.
Documenta Musicologica, II/45. Kassel, 2012 29.5 x 41 cm, 354, 17, 20 pp. Full-color facsimile of the autograph score issued on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Wagner's birth. In addition to the complete score, the edition includes the autograph concert ending of the Vorspiel as well as three pages that Wagner rejected while composing and later used for sketches.
While working on the score to Tristan und Isolde, Richard Wagner expressed his excitement and elation about his new musical drama. Indeed, the radical originality of the work proved to be both unique and forward-looking: Over 150 years ago it signified the dawn of the modern era and to this day it has not lost any of its fascination. Throughout his life, Richard Wagner was
proud of his even clear handwriting, always striving to produce manuscripts of a high calligraphic standard. The Tristan manuscript is an example of this but it also bears traces of his working process. It is precisely this aspect of the autograph that makes it fascinating. Reading it, one is witness to Wagner’s highly-concentrated, powerful and relentless writing. It evokes
the aura of a singular individual. Commentary in Eng-Ger. Hardbound, with leather spine and decorative paper boards. $977
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[item no.
Cimarosa, Domenico.
Li due Baroni. Commedia per musica in 2 atti. Edizione critica a cura di Stefanoo Faglia [e] Franca Maria Saini.
Lucca, 2013. 22 x 32 cm, xci, 442 pp. Critical edition of the full score. Wrappers. $56
[item no.
Croft, William.
Canticles and Anthems with Orchestra. Edited by Donald Burrows.
Musica Britannica, XCI London, 2011. 4º, li, 207, 26 pp. Modern critical edition. William Croft's career as the leading native-born composer of English church music was established in the period between the death of Purcell and the arrival of Handel in London. His education took place among musicians from Purcell's circle, and his style was modified by the influence of
Handel's 'Utrecht' Te Deum and Jubilate of 1713. All the music in this volume was composed for various royal church services that took place between 1709 and 1720, in the Chapel Royal at St James's Palace and in St Paul's Cathedral. The contents include the Te Deum and Jubilate Deo, sung at the coronation of George I, and the anthems The Lord is a sun and a shield, O give
thanks unto the Lord, and call upon his name, O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious, and Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous. Buckram. $164
[item no.
Donizetti, Gaetano (new critical edition)
Maria di Rohan, melodramma tragico in tre atti. Edizione critica / Critical Edition a cura di / Edited by Marco Zoppello. Partitura / Full Score.
Critical Edition of the Works of Gaetano Donizetti, [11]. Milan, 2012. 4º, 2 vols, 808 pp. Cloth. $452
[item no.
Donizetti, Gaetano (new critical edition)
Les martyrs—opera in quattro atti. Edizione critica a cura di Flora Willson.
Critical Edition of the Works of Gaetano Donizetti, [12]. Milan, 2016. 4º, 2 vols, 969 pp. Cloth. $468
[item no.
Donizetti, Gaetano (new critical edition)
Anna Bolena. Tragedia lirica in due atti. Edizione critica a cura di Paolo Fabbri. Partitura.
Critical Edition of the Works of Gaetano Donizetti, [13]. Milan, 2017. 4º, 2 vols, lvii, 944 pp. Cloth. $448
[item no.
Donizetti, Gaetano (new critical edition)
Lucrezia Borgia, Melodramma in un prolongo e due att. Edizione critica a cura di Roger Parker e Rosie Ward. Partitura.
Critical Edition of the Works of Gaetano Donizetti, [14]. Milan, 2019. 4º, 2 vols, lvii, 944 pp. Originally premiering at La Scala on Dec. 26, 1833, Lucrezia Borgia is considered one of Donizetti’s most innovative operas and by the late 1830s it had become one of the composer’s most popular operas in Italy and abroad. Lucrezia Borgia spotlights an unconventional heroine, who’s
bold and strong-willed; an unusual multitude of characters caught up in their own moral turmoil; and hard-fought musical dramaturgy that succeeds in blending comic and tragic. The new critical edition of Lucrezia Borgia takes the 1998 critical edition a step further. The earlier version was based solely on the original manuscript of the score, and limited itself to a
reconstruction of the 1833 premiere. But now, for the first time, Parker and Ward’s critical edition brings back all the changes made by Donizetti over the course of at least ten years. His revisions were done partly to adapt the opera to the demands of new singers and new venues in cities like Florence, London, Milano, Paris, Rome, Metz, to name just a few; and partly as a
way to experiment with new dramaturgical solutions, especially in the finale. Cloth. $458
[item no.
Donizetti, Gaetano (new critical edition)
La fille du régiment. Opéra comique en deux actes di Jules-Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges e Jean-Françcois-Alfred Bayard. Edizione critica a cura di Claudio Toscani. Partitura.
Critical Edition of the Works of Gaetano Donizetti, [15]. Milan, 2021. 4º, 2 vols, lii, 599 pp. Cloth. $538
[item no.
Donizetti, Gaetano (new critical edition)
Lucia di Lammermoor. Dramma tragico in tre atti di Salvadore Cammarano. Edizione critica a cura di Roger Parker. Partitura.
Critical Edition of the Works of Gaetano Donizetti, [16]. Milan, 2021. 4º, 2 vols, xliv, 648 pp. Cloth. $511
[item no.
Donizetti, Gaetano (new critical edition)
Roberto Devereux. Tragedia lirica in tre atti di Salvadore Cammarano. Edizione critica a cura di Julia Lockhart. Partitura.
Critical Edition of the Works of Gaetano Donizetti, [17]. Milan, 2022. 4º, 2 vols, xl, 559 pp. Cloth. $412
[item no.
Legrenzi, Giovanni.
Zenobia e Radamisto. Dramma in musica in tre atti. Edizione critica a cura di Stefano Faglia [e] Franca Maria Saini.
Lucca, 2013. 22 x 32 cm, cxiii, 224 pp. Critical edition with unrealized basso continuo. Wrappers. $56
[item no.
Sammartini, Giovanni Battista.
Cantate per la Quaresima. Il pianto degli Angeli della Pace (J-C 119). A cura di Marina Vaccarini Gallarani.
Musiche Italiane del Settecentro, [8]. Lucca, 2011. 4º, lxxiii, 84 pp. Critical edition. Wrappers. $37
[item no.
Savoy Curtain-Raisers. Edited by Christopher O'Brien.
Musica Britannica, XCVIII. London, 2015. 4º. 276 pp. Shedding light on a little-known aspect of late-Victorian theatre, this volume offers full scores and librettos of two one-act operettas, produced at the Savoy Theatre and written to precede as curtain-raisers the main, full-length work of the evening. Richard D’Oyly Carte did much to cultivate the genre, initiated by Trial
by Jury in 1875, and featured regularly at the Savoy Theatre between 1878 and 1908. Though all but forgotten today, the composers François Cellier (1849-1914) and Ernest Ford (1858-1919) had strong connections with Sullivan, and wrote a number of one-act works, of which only Captain Billy (1891) and Mr Jericho (1893) respectively are known to have survived. Buckram.
[item no.
Sullivan, Arthur, Sir (new collected works edition)
Iolanthe, or the Peer and the Peri. Music Edited by Gerald Hendrie. Introduction by Gerald Hendrie, Dinah Barsham, and Helga J. Perry. Part A: Music: Act I; Part B: Act II; Part C: Commentary.
The Operas, 6. New York, 2017. 27 x 34 cm, 3 vols, 53, 211, 217 pp. New critical edition. Cloth. (Special sale price eff. 7/15/23: $275) $375
[item no.
Weill, Kurt (collected edition)
Mahagonny: Ein Songspiel. Edited by Giselher Schubert.
The Kurt Weill Edition, I/3. New York, 2016. 30 x 39 cm. 182; 59 pp. This first collaboration between Weill and Bertolt Brecht would achieve epochal importance in the genre of opera (and music theater in general); it led Weill to form his signature 'Song style,' which would exercise a stylistically formative impact on the music of the Weimar Republic; it brought about a
musical breakthrough for Weill's wife Lotte Lenya, whose performance inaugurated a new species of singer-actor; and it represents Brecht's debut as a stage director in the domain of musical theater. In addition the work served as a study for one of the most popular operas of the 20th century, Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny. Linen. $340
(more info... )
[item no.
Weill, Kurt (collected edition)
Johnny Johnson. Edited by Tim Carter.
The Kurt Weill Edition, I/13. New York, 2012. 30 x 39 cm. 348; 116 pp. Originally produced by the legendary Group Theatre in 1936, Johnny Johnson marked Weill's first contribution to the American musical theater. With book and lyrics by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Paul Green, the anti-war musical opened in November 1936 on Broadway, where it enchanted audiences and
critics alike. Lee Strasberg directed, and the cast included a young Elia Kazan. The edition presents Johnny Johnson in full score, with the complete spoken text placed between the musical numbers. The editor drew on a vast array of surviving source materials, including not only Weill's manuscripts but also rehearsal scores and sets of instrumental parts, often containing
several layers of chaotic performance annotations. Carter's introductory essay illuminates the work's genesis and performance history, the editorial process, and performance issues. 11 plates with facsimiles illustrate editorial challenges and solutions. A separate critical report documents every step of the editorial process and provides additional information for future
stagings. Linen. $440
(more info... )
[item no.
Weill, Kurt (collected edition)
Lady in the Dark. Edited by Bruce D. McClung and Elmar Juchem.
The Kurt Weill Edition, I/16. New York, 2018. 30 x 39 cm. 3 vols, 748; 137 pp. Two fateful meetings in Nov. 1939 between Kurt Weill and Moss Hart led inexorably to a new kind of Broadway musical. It was the brainchild of Weill, Hart and lyricist Ira Gershwin, and the opening-night roster included the talented Gertrude Lawrence, Danny Kaye, Victor Mature, Bert Lytell, Natalie
Schaefer, MacDonald Carey and producer Sam Harris. The new show, entirely innovative in form and subject matter, used psychoanalysis as the primary plot driver and staged the protagonist's spectacular dreams as one-act operas, giving audiences glimpses of the glamorous worlds of fashion and publishing as well as the intimacies of a psychiatrist's office. Lady in the Dark
landed like a bombshell on Broadway in January 1941. Now, for the first time since then, producers and directors can recreate the magic from this new critical edition of the score, book, and lyrics. Through patient and thorough examination of a wealth of archival and other unpublished sources, the editors present a version of the show very close to what hit the boards in 1941.
3 vols, linen bound. $675
(more info... )
[item no.
Weill, Kurt (collected edition)
Happy End. ein Stück mit Musik in drei Akten von Elisabeth Hauptmann. Edited by Stephen Hinton and Elmar Juchem.
The Kurt Weill Edition, I/6. New York, 2020. 30 x 39 cm. 2 vols, 240, 61 pp. Hardbound. $450
(more info... )
[item no.
Weill, Kurt (collected edition)
Love Life. Vaudeville in Two Parts. Edited by Joel Galand,
The Kurt Weill Edition, I/21. New York, 2023. 30 x 39 cm. 3 vols, 1015, 254 pp. Hardbound. (Subscribers to the series receive a substantial savings). $990
(more info... )
[item no.
Arienta, Sonia.
Opera - Paesaggi, sonori, visivi, abitati. Ambientazioni, drammaturgia del suono e personaggi nel melodramma italiano dell’Ottocento. A cura di Sonia Arienta.
Quaderni di Musica/Realtà, 59. Lucca, 2011. 8˚, 440 pp. Wrappers. $40
[item no.
Bertiere, Maria Chiara.
I teatri di Ferrara. Il Tosi-Borghi (1857-1912)
Con Notazioni, 11. Lucca, 2012. 8º, lxxx, 616 pp. Wrappers. $91
[item no.
Bissoli, Francesco.
Storia e fonti della Marion Delorme di Ponchielli.
Strumenti della Ricerca Musicale, 18. Lucca, 2012. 8º, x, 256 pp. Wrappers. $42
[item no.
Sirsch, Licia, Maria Grazia Sità, & Marina Vaccarini.
L’insegnamento dei conservatori, la composizione e la vita musicale nell’Europa dell’Ottocento. A cura di Licia Sirch, Maria Grazia Sità, Marina Vaccarini.
Strumenti della Ricerca Musicale, 19. Lucca, 2012. 8º, xxiv, 671 pp. Wrappers. $77
[item no.
Cavallo, Paolo.
Le fonti musicali in Piemonte, Vol. III: Asti e Provincia. A cura di Paolo Cavallo.
Cataloghi di Fondi Musicali del Piemonte, 6. Lucca, 2012. 17 x 24 cm, xxxvi, , 428 pp. Wrappers. $58
[item no.
Boella, Daniela Petrobelli.
Tra feste e cerimonie. Catalogo di una collezione dispersa. A cura di Daniela Petrobelli Boella.
Lucca, 2012. 17 x 24 cm, xx, 530 pp. Wrappers. $58
[item no.
Cicco, Dario de.
Cicco. ‘Amico carissimo...’ Verdi e Fraschini attraverso alcune corrispondenze. A cura di Dario de Cicco.
Lucca, 2013. 14 x 22 cm, xix, 102 pp. Wrappers. $28
[item no.
Colturato, Annarita & Andrea Merlotti.
La festa teatrale nel Settecento. Dalla corte di Vienna alle corti d’Italia. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Reggia di Venaria, 13-14 novembre 2009. A cura di Annarita Colturato e Andrea Merlotti.
Lucca, 2011. 8º, 345 pp. Wrappers. $60
[item no.
Colturato, Annarita.
Mettere in scena la regalità. Le feste teatrali di Gaetano Pugnani al Regio di Torino.
Le Chevalier Errant, Studi sulla degli Antichi Stati Sabaudi e del Piemonte, 8. Lucca, 2012. 17 x 24 cm, 148 pp. Wrappers. $43
[item no.
Cresti, Renzo.
Richard Wagner. La poetica del puro umano.
Lucca, 2012. 8º, xxv, 700 pp. Wrappers. $69
[item no.
Cresti, Renzo.
Richard Wagner. The Poetics of the Pure Human.
Lucca, 2012. 12º, 236 pp. Wrappers. $44
[item no.
Dellaborra, Mariateresa.
“Il ciel non soffre inganni”. Attorno al Demetrio di Mysliveček, “Il Boemo”. A cura di Mariateresa Dellaborra.
Strumenti della Ricerca Musicale, 17. Lucca, 2011. 8º, xii, 167 pp. Wrappers. $45
[item no.
Dolfi, Teresa & Luciano Vannucci.
Catalogo del Fondo Musicale Rospigliosi. A cura di Teresa Dolfi e Luciano Vannucci.
Beni Culturali, Provincia di Pistoia, 50 Lucca, 2011. 12º, xxx, 565 pp. Wrappers. $67
[item no.
Fassone, Alberto.
Come un suono di natura.. Saggi su Mahler
Musica Ragionata, 20. Lucca, 2015. 12º, 401 pp. Wrappers. $38
[item no.
Moffa Bosco, Rosy.
Fondi musicali dell’archivio ebraico Terracini. Fondo Saluzzo, Fondo Alessandria, Manoscritti di Musica Sinagogale dell’Ottocento.
Cataloghi di Fondi Musicali del Piemonte, 8. Lucca, 2012. 17 x 24 cm, xlx, , 214 pp. Wrappers. $44
[item no.
Porrino, Stefania.
Teatro musicale. Lezioni di regia. Prefazione di Guido Salvetti con contributi di Carla Carretti, Laura Citti, Luciano D’Arpino, Vincenzina Nicastri, Daniela Terreri.
Lucca, 2013. 17 x 24 cm, xv, 335 pp. Wrappers. $56
[item no.
Ruberti, Giorgio.
Il verismo musicale.
Lucca, 2011. 12º, xiv, 280 pp. Wrappers. $44
[item no.