Monday, 3 March 2025
Manuscript facsimiles and facsimiles of & primary sources, together
with a selection of modern transcrptions and studies.
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• complete Plainsong
BRÜCKNER, Wolfgang, b.?-1646
Zweyfaches Zehen [ordentlicher Sonn- und Fest-Täglicher Evangelien Gott dem Allerhöchsten zu gebührenden Ehren dann Music liebenen Herzen zuschuldigem Gefallen mit und 8. Stimmen neben dem Basso Continuo beydes Vocaliter und Instrumentaliter zu gebrauchen aufgeseztet. Erfurt / Johann Birckner, Friedrich Melchio Dedekind 1656. [Pfarachiv
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 94. Suttgart, 2021. 16 x 20 cm, 8 partbooks, 48 pp. Line-cut of the Erfurt 1656 partbook edition. 20 (2x Zehen) religious settings for 8 voices with bc and strings. Wrappers with slipcase in decorative paper. $112
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DONFRID, Johannes, 1585-1650
Promptuarii musici, pars altera. Augustae Trebocorum / Paul Ledertz 1623. [Universitätsbibl. Regensburg; Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart; Proske-Bibliothek Regensburg].
Faksimile-Edition Rara, 110. Stuttgart, 2023. Upright & oblong, 22 x 32; 16 x 21 cm, 5 partbooks, 1030 pp. Line-cut of the Strasbourg, 1623 partbook edition, the second of three enormous sacred song collections published by Paul Ledertz under the title Promptuarii musici. RISM lists 16 libraries that possess 1 or more volumes of this rare work, attesting to the contemporary
reception of the work. “Par altera” contains 233 settings for 2, 3 & 4 voices plus basso continuo. The composers, mostly Italian but also German, are: Agazzari, Aichinger, Allegri, Anerio, Antonelli, Archangeli, Baccinetti, Badi, Balbi, Banchieri, Belli, Benn, Bernardi, Bollius, Borsaro, Brunelli, Brunetti, Burlini, Capello, Castro, Biondi, Cifra, Cornale, Croce, Corsi, Fabricius,
Fattorini, Finetti, Fontana, Grandi, De Grandis, Gussago, Hassler, Klingenstein, Lappi, Lasso, F., Lasso, Rudolph di, Leoni, Loth, Marazzi, Marenzio, Massiccio, Mezzogorri, Montesardo, Mortaro, Nanino, Pfendner, Porta, C., Porta, E., Dal Pozzo, Racholdinger, Scaletta, Spinello, Stadlmayr, Tarditi, Uffererii, Vecchi, Veneri, Vernizzi, Marchesi, Moro, Viadana, Victorinus, Zucchini.
Hardbound with decorative paper boards. $330
[item no.
I manoscritti liturgico-musicali di Bolzano (secoli XIII-XIX). A cura di Giulia Gabrielli.
Bibliotheca Mediaevalis, 3. Lucca, 2015. 21 x 26 cm. $75
[item no.
[Brussels, Bibl. Royale Albert I, 215-16]
A Choirbook for the Seven Sorrows / Een Koorboek voor de Zeven Smarten. Royal Library of Belgium / Koninklije Bibliothek van België MS 215-16. Facsimile. Study / Studie: Emily Thelen.
Leuven Library of Music in Facsimile, 2. Antwerpen, 2019. 32 x 43 cm, 2 vols, 98, 102 pp Full size facsimile and study of Brussel MS 215-16, one of only two anthologies with masses, motets and office plainchant that was prepared for actual use at sacred services in the Low Countries, in this case for some chapel in Brussels. It is dedicated to the Seven Sorrows of Mary and has two
masses specifically for the chapel. This sumptuous parchment choirbook comes from the workshop of Petrus Alamire and features the music De la Rue, Josquin, Pipelare and anonymous composers. The present publication offers a full color reproduction of the MS accompanied by a scholarly commentary in Eng/Fla. Hardbound, with paper boards that reproduce the original binding. $133
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[Cortona, Biblioteca del Comune e dell’Accademia Etrusca, MS no.91]
Il Laudario di Cortona. Cortona. Biblioteca del Comune e dell’Accademia Etrusca, ms. 91. A cura di Francesco Zimei e Marco Gozzi.
Venite a Laudare, 1. Lucca, 2015. 21 x 26 cm. 342 pp + commentary. Full-color facsimile of a mid to late 13th c. manuscript produced by the Brotherhood of Santa Maria delle Laude at the Church of San Francesco. This important source transmits 66 lauds —46 with text and music—and is one of the few cases with texts and music together. While the majority of the lauds are Marian in
nature they also refer to Francisanism, morality subjects, and the liturgical calendar such as Nativity, Epiphany, Easter, Pentecost or specific saints (Vol. 2—Commentary—will be published in 2017) $195
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[item no.
Fragments of English Polyphonic Music c.1390-1475. A Facsimile Edition Edited by Margaret Bent & Andrew Wathey.
Early English Church Music, 62. London, 2022. 30 x 43 cm. 78, 306 pp. This long-awaited volume contains fragments of English polyphonic music from the 1390s to the 1470s. Like the previous facsimile volume (EECM57) it has a large page format maximizing the number of manuscripts that can be reproduced at full size; color reproduction conveys the syntax of late-medieval notation,
particularly the use of red notation; page-turns follow the recto-verso arrangement of the original MSS far as possible; extensive image editing restores a degree of legibility to much-degraded MSS. The MSS reproduced here include the famous Coventry Caput Mass, vestiges of a royal choirbook virtually reassembled by Bent and a systematic investigation by Wathey of the Beverley
fragments. Although fragmentary, these 15th-century sources, containing music by Dunstable, Power, Plummer and their contemporaries, attest to the vitality of the English polyphonic tradition as it neared its pre-Reformation zenith. Buckram. $265
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[León, Catedral de Santa María de Regla, ms.8]
Liber antiphonarium de toto anni circulo a festivitate sancti Aciscli usque in finem
Cathedralis Ecclesae Legionensis in Hispania codex signatus nr. VIII : Librum Ikilani Abbati. Curavit: Ismael Fernández de la Cuesta.
Madrid, 2011. 25 x 35 cm, 620 pp. Full color facsimile of a 11th century MS containing all the chants for the mass and office in calendar order, plus the chants for feast days and Sundays. It is the most important musical codex of the hispanic liturgy and one of the most representative musical codices of the West. At the same time it is the only complete visigothic mozarabic
antiphonary that has survived. $148
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[item no.
Manuscripts of English Thirteenth-Century Polyphony. Facsimile Edition by William J. Summers and Peter M. Lefferts.
Early English Church Music, 57. London, 2016. 30 x 43 cm. 340 pp. The third facsimile collection to be published by Early English Church Music, Volume 57 attests to the quality and depth of the polyphonic traditions during the long reigns of Henry III and his son Edward I, when the music of English high culture achieved a technical autonomy from the common international
Anglo-French repertoire of the period. Assembling within the covers of one publication a set of facsimiles of the extant remains of native origin, it comprises images of more than 60 sources of 13th-c. polyphony, including the Reading rota, the conductus-rondellus Flos regalis, and the Worcester fragments, here reunited from three codices. The large page layout adopted enables
almost all the MSS to be reproduced at full size for direct comparison of different sources, layouts and dimensions. Buckram. $275
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[item no.
[Milan, Museo Diocesano s.n. “Antifonario ambrosiano”; olim Vendrogno in Val Muggiasca]
L’antifonario di Muggiasca. A cura di Giacomo Baroffio.
Bibliotheca Mediaevalis, 2. Lucca, 2014. 17 x 25 cm, 3 vols, 584, 596, 384 pp. Ambrosian chant, non-Roman chant cultivated within the historical boundaries of the archdiocese of Milan including the cities of Bergamo, Brescia, Pavia, Piacenza & Vercelli, has a complex history. It has been pointed out that its syllabic chants exhibit even more rigidity than equivalent Gregorian
examples, yet at the same time its melismatic chants can burst forth with unusual excesses comparable to those of ancient Hispanic chant. Unlike sources transmitting the Roman tradition the Ambrosian manuscripts preserve chants of the mass together with those for the office. The antiphonary of Muggiasca, a wonderful 14th-c. manuscript—reproduced here for the first time in facsimile
(full-color, in reduced format), is considered by scholars to be one of the three most important sources of Ambrosian chant. Wrappers. $298
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[item no.
Montecassino Archivio dell’Abbazia Cod. 318. Facsimile e commentarii. A cura di Mariano Dell’Omo e Nicola Tangari.
Bibliotheca Mediaevalis, 4. Lucca, 2018. 21 x 30 cm. 258, 320 pp. Color halftone of one of the most important medieval manuscripts of writings about music. MS 318, possibly copied at Montecassino, is an enormous compendium, containing the writings of Guido d’Arezzo, the famous Musica enchiriadis texts and much more. Many items are unique to this MS. There is non-musical matter as
well. Contributors to commentary: Mariano Dell’Omo, Francis Newton, Giiulia Orofino, Thomas Forrest Kelly, Angelo Rusconi, Luisa Nardini, Maddalena Sparagna, Nicola Tangari. 2 vols. $179
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[item no.
[Montecassino, Archivio della Badia, ms. 542]
Montecassino, Archivio dell'Abbazia, Ms. 542. Antiphonaire, 12eme siècle. Katarina Livljanić.
Paléographie Musicale, I/23. Solesmes, 2014. 4˚, 194 pp. Facsimile, in color, of a 12th c. antiphoner from Montecassino. Beneventan notation on dry-point staff, the manuscript is devoted almost entirely to chants of the Gregorian tradition. Introduction and inventory by Katrina Livljanić. Wrappers. $126
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[item no.
[Montserrat, Bibl. del Monasterio, cód. 1]
Llibre vermell — The Red Book of Montserrat. [Forward: Eckart Rahn; Introduction: Winsome Evans].
Berlin, 2022. 14.5 x 21 cm, xiii, 136, [30] pp. Full-color reproduction in reduced format of LLibre vermell (the “Red Book”). For musicians the jewel in this ms are the 10 pieces for 1 to 3 voices, including 3 caça (caccia), 1 ballada a ball redon, 3 dances and 3 cantilenas, all dating from the end of the 14th and early 15th century. Includes a description of the manuscript and
purpose of the repertoire, texts of the pieces and English translations. Wrappers. $30
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[item no.
[Mozarabic chant, Toleldo rite]
Los cantorales mozárabes de Cisneros. Catedral de Toledo. Edición facsimilar coordinada por Ángel Fernández Collado, Alfredo Rodríguez e Isidoro Catañeda Tordera.
Primatialis Ecclesiae Toletanae Memoria, 11. Toledo, 2011. 20 x 29 cm, 2 vols, xi, 903 pp. The general definition of Mozarabic chant is the repertoire used by Christians of modern Spain and Portugal living under Muslim rule. Following the reconquest of Toledo in 1085 the Mozarabic rite was gradually replaced by the Roman rite. There were exceptions, one notable example is the
remarkable action taken by Cardinal Ximenes de Cisneros (1436-1517) to print in 1500 and 1502—on parchment—a “mozarabic” missal & breviary, followed by a complete repertoire of chants. Although the intention was to revive and restore the Mozarabic tradition this was a tall order: mozarabic chant was largely an oral tradition, and because the mss and notation that were available
to Cisneros' editors was at best ambiguous, the Cardinal’s musicians had no choice but to invent at times and use elements of Gregorian chant in their "restoration". This fascinating publication produced by the Spanish Musicological Society allows us for the first time to see and compare the “restored” texts with some of the ancient manuscripts and to form a better understanding of
what exactly Cisneros created. It provides a complete facsimile of the 4 printed music volumes—Cantoral Mozárabe Cisneros I, II, III & IV—comprising 796 pp, as well as relevant pages from genuine Mozarabic mss dating from the 10th to the 14th c. Introduction in Spanish with complete index of chants. 2 vols, wrappers. $120
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[item no.
[Opus artis novae, polyphonies]
Le codex de Chypre (Torino, Biblioteca Universitaria.J.II.9). Vol.I: Rondeaux et virelais I. Edition par Cécile Beaupain et Germana Schiassi sous la direction de Raphaël Picazos.
Opus Artis Novae, Polyphonies et Transcription Diplomatique 1300-1500, 1. Bologna, 2011. 4º, 127 pp. New critical edition using diplomatic transcription principles (original clefs, mensural notation). Wrappers. (In process of continuation, standing orders invited). $73
[item no.
[Opus artis novae, polyphonies]
Le codex de Chypre (Torino, Biblioteca Universitaria.J.II.9). Vol. II: Ballades I
Introductory Texts, Poetic Texts and Critical Notes in French and English.
Opus Artis Novae, Polyphonies et Transcription Diplomatique 1300-1500, 2. Bologna, 2013. 24 x 32 cm, 232 pp. New critical edition using diplomatic transcription principles (original clefs, mensural notation). Wrappers. (In process of continuation, standing orders invited). $92
[item no.
[Opus artis novae, polyphonies]
Le codex de Chypre (Torino, Biblioteca Universitaria.J.II.9). Vol. III: Ballades II
Introductory Texts, Poetic Texts and Critical Notes in French and English.
Opus Artis Novae, Polyphonies et Transcription Diplomatique 1300-1500, 3. Bologna, 2014. 24 x 32 cm, 236 pp. New critical edition using diplomatic transcription principles (original clefs, mensural notation). Wrappers. (In process of continuation, standing orders invited). $97
[item no.
[Opus artis novae, polyphonies]
Le codex de Chypre (Torino, Biblioteca Universitaria.J.II.9). Vol. IV: Ballades III
Introductory Texts, Poetic Texts and Critical Notes in French and English.
Opus Artis Novae, Polyphonies et Transcription Diplomatique 1300-1500, 3. Bologna, 2016. 24 x 32 cm, 224 pp. New critical edition using diplomatic transcription principles (original clefs, mensural notation). Wrappers. (In process of continuation, standing orders invited). $85
[item no.
[Osnabrück, Diözesanarchiv, Inv. Nr. Ma 101]
Codex Gisle — Gradual of Gisela von Kerssenbrock.
Lucerne, 2014. 35.5 x 26 cm, 344 pp. Of the approximately 500 mss copied by nuns that survive from medieval Germany, none stands out quite like “Codex Gisle”, a Gradual in courtly gothic style with about 1500 Gregorian chants adorned with 53 historiated initials. It gets its name from the Cistercian nun Gisela von Kerssenbrock who, according to the memorial inscription on fol. 1
(in an early 14th c. hand), copied and illuminated it sometime before 1300 for her convent of Marienbrunn in Rulle near Osnabrück. Already known to art connoisseurs through a fine but partial collotype facsimile published in 1926 with the participation of the art historian Martin Wackernagel, the manuscript will now be given its due worth in a complete and exacting fine arts
facsimile by Quaternio Verlag of Lucerne. Deluxe edition of 480 copies bound with tooled leather and metal bosses and clasps.
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[item no.
[Oxford, Bodleian Library, canon. lit. 342]
Missale beneventanum notatum ecclesiae cathedralis ragusii. Oxford, Bodleian Library—MS. Canon. Liturg. 342.
Dubrovnik, 2011. 22 x 30 cm, 173, 256 pp. Beautiful full-color facsimile of a 12th c. notated missal from the Cathedral of Saint Mary in Dubrovnik. Though the MS has been in the possession of the Bodleian Library since 1817—part of the sizable collection acquired from the estate of the Jesuit Matteo Luigi Canonici—scholars realized early on of its connection with the city of
Dubrovnik based on the inclusion of prayers in honor of three local otherwise unknown martyrs from Kotor: Peter, Andrew and Lawrence. Another connection with Dubrovnik is the cult of St. Blaise. The missale survives with 122 parchment leaves although it is estimated that about a quarter of its original content has been lost. The texts of the MS were copied in rounded Dalmatian
Benevantan script, while the music notation to be sung by the ‘scholae cantorum’ is written in cursive Beneventan notation of the Dalmatian style (the Italian version has more detailed liquescent neumes). As the missal is the only book of rites which assembles in one place everything necessary to conduct the Mass this source is of great interest for the history of Dubrovnik
Cathedral at a time when each Catholic diocese organized its own liturgy by importing, according to local conditions, adapted texts and rubrics of the Roman rite and adding particular features of its own liturgical traditions. Edited by Miho Demovic; with parallel texts in English. Facsimile volume hardbound, commentary in wrappers; slipcase with reproduction of a page of the
original. $185
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[item no.
[Salamanca, Archivo de la Catedral, ms 2631]
Codex Calixtinus de Salamanca.
Burgos, 2012. 27 x 37 cm, 246 pp + commentary. Students and scholars of the camino are now fortunate to have a second facsimile of Codex Calixtinus, based on the Salamanca copy. Known as Ms. S, and copied around 1325 in Santiago de Compostela, this counts as one of four complete (long) versions of the Jacobus compilation and at the same time one of four that are illustrated.
According to M. Alison Stones the meagerness of Jacobus transmissions is a bit baffling—compared to about 200 sources for the Historia Turpini (Book IV), so the facsimile of the Salamanca source is all the more welcome. Telltale aspects of Ms. S show it has a slightly different lineage from Ms. C, and in that way the text and illustrations offer the historian new insights and
challenges. Salamanca comes down to us without title page and the initial portrait of Pope Calixtus has been vandalized, however, other than this the manscript is beautifully executed and adorned with 5 stunning illuminations, 1 of them a whole page. Although Salamanca provides full texts for the chants for the office and mass of St. James, the compiler didn't get around to enter
the pitches for the chant around the a single reference line (usually C or F). Limited edition of 898 copies. Artisan binding in full leather with gold decoration on spine, pasted etikette and buckram-leather covered slipcase.
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[item no.
Antifonale Ambrosiano. Commune di Milano, Arcidiocesi di Milano. Servizio per la Pastorale liturgica.
Milan, 2011. 17 x 23 cm, 271 pp, audio CD. Wrappers. $53
[item no.
Songs in British Sources c.1150-1300. Transcribed and Edited by Helen Deeming.
Musica Britannica, XCV. London, 2013. 4º, lx, 226 pp. Modern critical edition. Partly as a result of the nature of their manuscript transmission, songs from the period 1150 to 1300 have remained unknown or unnoticed with the exception of Sumer is icumen in and Angelus ad virginem. The rich variety of content in MB95 is therefore an important corrective and addition to our knowledge
of the period, and is evidence for a vigorous interest in the cultivation and preservation of song in the 12th and 13th centuries. Not all the songs edited here originated in Britain, but their presence in MSS of British origin suggests that all were at least sung here. Most items are found uniquely in single music sources, or with text-only concordances, and around half are
published for the first time. Buckram. $175
[item no.
Latin Church Music I: Mass Salve intemerata & Antiphons
Contrafactum Se lord and behold
Transcribed and edited by David Skinner.
Early English Church Music, 64. London, 2022. 30 x 43 cm. 192 pp. First all-Tallis volume since EECM 12 and EECM 13. Focuses on Latin polyphony that is either demonstrably Henrician or can plausibly be dated to before 1547. Contents: Ave dei patris filia; Ave rosa sine spinis; Gaude gloriosa dei mater; Salve intemerata; Mass Salve intemerata; Se lord and behold. Buckram. $115
[item no.