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Saturday, 8 March 2025   

MANUSCRIPTS (by location)
[Bogotá, Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia, ms. 291 (Palomino 807)]
El carnero. Conquista y descubrimiento del nuevo reino de granada.
Colección Thesaurus Americae, 2. Madrid: Testimonio, 1994. 21 x 31 cm, 180 pp + commentary.

El Carnero is not only a historical chronicle and witchery breviary, but an anthology of picaresque tales written by a pre-Voltairian priest, Juan Rodríguez Freyle in the city of Sante Fé de Bogotá. The writer was born in 1566 in Bogotá and died there in 1640. He was in Spain for six years and then returned to the New World where he married and searched continuously for treasures. It was the search for El Dorado which spurred on the conquistadors, but Rodriquez Freyle, after many failed adventures found his promised land in the pages of this book which has become more and more valuable with the passing of time. The magic of El Carnero capitivates the reader with all the fantasies of the mestizo culture and the strength of a language, anachronistic but alive, which recreates a world permanently in a trance of adventure, fusion and change. Transcription by Delia Palomino Urbano, commentary by R.H. Moreno-Durán. Limited edition of 980 bound in full leather with generous tooling. €775 [84-95767-54-6] 

[Bologna, Bibl. Universitaria, Cod. 4093]
Codex Cospi. Calendario Messicano, 4093, Biblioteca Universitaria Bologna. Einleitung und Summary: K.A. Nowotny.
Codices Selecti, XVIII. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1968. 18 x 18 cm. 49, 32 pp.

Codex Cospi, consisting of a series of beautifully executed pictures painted on deer skin forming a religious calendar, belongs to the “Borgia” group of Mexican codices. Cospi provides insight on the fantasy and cults of the old priestly class, its religious world view and temple rituals. The artistic style relates to the art of painted ceramics from Nochistlan in Mixteca Alta and also Cholula Tlaxcala. Commentary by Karl A. Nowotny. Full-color facsimile of the 20 double-sided pages, presented in clamshell case covered in half leather. €290 [3-201-00762-5] 

[Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek, R 310]
Codex Dresdensis (Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden Mscr. Dresd. R 310).
Codices Selecti, LIV. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1975. 205 x 90 cm, 78 (accordion format), 93 pp.

The most important of three surviving Mayan codices, consisting of a series of 78 pictograph pages (3.56 meters long), mostly with explanatory hieroglyphs. Although imperfectly understood, they have added considerably to our knowledge of the Mayan deities. Commentary by F. Anders & H. Deckert. Limited edition, encased in a clamshell box with leather spine. [3-201-00960-1] 

[Dublin, private collection Sean Galvin]
Códice Murúa.
Colección Thesaurus Americae, [5]. Madrid: Testimonio, 2004. 20 x 30 cm, 290, 277 pp.

At the end of the 16th c. a set of chronicles appeared in Perú which had as its central theme the cultures of the prehispanic and autochthonous populations. These chronicles had two authors: Fray Martín de Murúa, a priest, and Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, an indigene, who included in their works a great number of illustrations. There is evidence that the two authors knew each other and a great number of the illustrations in the priest’s work were executed by Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala. The work of the latter “El Primer Nuova Cronica y Buen Gobierno” (c.120 pages) has 399 drawings. The priest is the author of two codices, one—presented here for the first time in facsimile—is known as the Galvin Manuscript—named after its owner and is kept in Dublin, Ireland. It dates from 1590 and has additions that go as far back as the beginning of the 16th c. Its title “Historia y Genealogía Real de los Reyes Incas del Perú, de sus hechos, costumbres, trajes y manera de Gobierno” tells us about the history, genealogy of the Inca Kings and of their customs, temples, cities, prisons, costumes, dresses and ways of government. The drawings show both an European and an indigene artist. As mentioned, this work had never been published but its text was known thanks to a copy made in 1890, known as the Loyola Ms. That copy did not reproduce the 113 watercolors of the original displayed now faithfully in this fantastic facsimile. The other codex of Fray Martín de Murúa was discovered in the 1940s, disseminated in two editions and known as the Wellington Manuscript. Commentary by Juan Ossio. Limited edition of 980 copies, bound in full vellum with leather ties after the original. €1700 [84-95767-27-9]  (more info... )

[Escorial, Biblioteca del Monasterio, Ç.IV.5]
Relación de Michoacán o Códice de Michoacán.
Colección Thesaurus Americae, 3. Madrid: Testimonio, 2001. 15 x 21 cm 2 vols, 306, 606 pp.

Michoacán (“place of the fish”) is a territory in the middle western part of México which belonged to the Tarasco or Purepecha Kingdom. This codex, copied in the years 1539-1540, contains the narration of a Franciscan monk, whom the American historian Dr. Benedict Warren identified as Fray Gerónimo de Alcalá. The period covered by his relation goes from the beginning of the XIII century to the XVI century. The narration is in 3 parts: I (now lost) - dealt with the gods and main religious fests of the people of Tarasco. II - consists of 35 chapters and relates the wars and settlement in Michoacán. III - 29 chapters, deals with the forms of government, marriage celebrations and the arrival of the Spaniards. The codex is an exceptional document, a testimony of the old, courageous and invincible people of Tarasco. The relation of their settlement, wars, customs, religion and forms of government, accompanied by their illustrations is an invaluable treasure not only for México but for America. Only now with this facsimile, taking advantage of the best technology of today, do we have a reproduction so close to the original to allow us to fully appreciate and study the codex. Commentary by Armando Mauricio, María del Carmen Hidalgo, Vicenta Cortés, Benedic Warren, Francisco Miranda, Juan José Batalla & Gerardo Sánchez. Full leather. [84-88829-99-X]  (more info... )

[Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurentiana, plut. 218, 219, 220]
Bernardino da Sahagún. Historia universal de las cosas de Nueva España.
Florence: Giunti Barbèra, 1995. 22 x 32.5 cm, 3 vols, 3,120 pp.

Compiled between 1576 and 1577 and known as the “Florentine Codex”, this bilingual MS (Castilian and Nahua) contains information and lavish illustrations about pre-Hispanic civilizations in Mexico. It is the only known complete text of Fra Bernardino (b.1499) who entered the Franciscan order and arrived in Mexico in 1529. The books are indigenous accounts verbalized by Fra Bernardino from the year 1559. In 1569, after reorganizing and correcting the accounts gathered directly from various sources, he eventually drafted a complete version of the entire Historia. The codex reached the Biblioteca Palatina of the Grand Duke of Tuscany around 1589, probably a gift from Philip II. Hardbound, with slipcase. [16171-M] 

[Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, CL. XIII.3 (B.R. 232)]
Codex Magliabechiano Cl. XIII. 3 (B. R. 232). Anon. Vida de los Indios.
Codices Selecti, XXIII. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1970. 15.5 x 21.5 cm, 186, 78 pp.

From the library of Antonio de Marco Magliabechi from which it gets its name, this Codex is a post pre-Columbian witness to Mexican Aztec religious ritual with generous commentaries in Spanish, although it preserves the native technique. The early colonial period work, copied on paper, consists of divine mantles, a series of day signs, a 52-year cycle, including vivid depictions of the gods of the veintenas, movable feasts, pulque gods, gods of sickness, death and funerary rites—in all a treasure of ethnographic information. Commentary (in German, with summaries in English & Spanish) by F. Anders. Full-color facsimile edition, in handsome clamshell case bound in half leather. €390 [3-201-00763-3] 

[Liverpool, Museum of the City]
Codex Fejérváry-Mayer (Museum of the City of Liverpool).
Codices Selecti, XXVI. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1971. 17 x 17 leporello folding cm, 46 (accordion format), 48 pp.

Codex Fejérváry-Mayer is one of the best preserved of all the religious Mexican codices; its line drawings and symbols are of the highest quality, and the colors exactly to fill the spaces alotted for them. Commentary by C.A. Burland. Limited edition, presented in a clamshell case covered in half leather. €390 [3-201-00764-1] 

[London, British Library, Add. 39671]
Codex Zouche-Nuttall (British Museum, London, Add. Mss. 39671).
Codices Selecti, LXXXIV. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1987. 24.5 x 19.1 cm, 96 pp (accordion format), 60 pp.

Codex Zouche-Nuttall takes its name after the English bibliophile Robert Curzon (Lord Zouche) and the American anthropologist Zelia Nuttall. The 11.22 meter-long accordion-format document, together with MSS Vienna ÖNB Mex. 1 and Bibl. Apost. Vat. mes. 1 (”Codex Borgia”) form an important trio of old Mexican sources, and as such are an indispensable resource for the study of the Mayan people, their history, culture, art, and religious rites. Preface by F. Anders and introduction by N.P. Troike. Limited edition with clam shell case in half leather. €790 [3-201-01350-1] 

[London, British Library, Egerton 2895]
Codex Egerton 2895 (Codex Waecker Götter).
Codices Selecti, VII. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1965. 21 x 27 cm, 32 folios (4.42 meters long), 30 pp.

First complete facsimile edition (the Berlin, 1890 edition of Antonio Penafiel made by colored lithography from drawings of Domingo Carral, did not transcribe the important glosses in the MS). The gloses represent important examples of how the non-European languages of the New World were ”‘written” in the native pictorial tradition—in other words, the gloses in Codex Egerton are “recordings” of Mixtec in European writing. Commentary by C.A. Burland. Limited edition, presented in clamshell case with leather spine. €490 [3-201-00758-7] 

[Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, vitr. 26-9]
El catecismo de Fray Pedro de Gante.
Colección Thesaurus Americae, 1. Madrid: Testimonio, 1992. 6 x 7.5 cm, 83, 152 pp.

Beautiful little book belonging to the genre “manuscritos testerianos” which include the pictorial catechisms produced in the New World by the Franciscans and Dominicans with the purpose of “converting the natives”. Some 25 of these catechisms are catalogued around the world. One of the oldest seems to be Fray de Gante’s, produced between 1525 and 1528 (the first printing press came into operation in the New World in 1539). The pictures which are very primitive in appearance are not only illustrations of a text (memory aids) but have incorporated characters of a script which is read in the Nahuatl language (the language of the Aztecs). This system of writing is the direct descendant of the pictographic script of the natives, and comprises multipurpose elements that can be iconic, symbolic and phonetic in character. Commentary: Manuel Sánchez Mariana. Limited edition with beautifully tooled brown leather binding with geometric designs and hand-made gold clasp. €675 [84-86290-69-4] 

[Madrid, Biblioteca del Palacio Real]
Codice Veitia. Biblioteca del Palacio Real, Madrid.
Colección Tabula Americae, 4. Madrid: Testimonio, 1986. 14 x 22 cm, 2 vols, 138, 165 pp.

One of the few Mexican codices saved from destruction. Codex Veitia dates from 1755 and tells us the ways in which the Indians celebrated their festivals. It is one of the last in a large important family of Mexican codices known as the Magliabecchiano group, which includes codices Magliabecchiano, Tudela, and Ixtlilxochitl. Codex Veitia takes its name from the scholar who commissioned it, Don Mariano Fernándex de Echevarría y Veytia. 22 pages of colored drawings make up the codex proper, with additional texts explaining various themes in Aztec culture. The ms consists of six parts: 1) Mexican counting system; 2) The way in which Indians celebrated their feasts; 3) The gods and the Main Temple of Mexico City; 4) Chronology of the foundation of Mexico City; 5) Ixtlilxochitl calendar; 6) Notes on the calendar. Commentary: José Alcina Franch. €1475 [84-86290-08-2] 

[Madrid, Museo de América]
Codex Tro-Cortesianus (Codex Madrid).
Codices Selecti, VIII. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1967. 12.5 x 23 cm, 112 pp (in folded format), 54 pp.

This codex is one of the four extant Mayan sources in the world and an essential reference work for any study of the Mayan culture. It dates from the 15th c. and came to Spain in two parts, one with Cortés himself and one witih Juan de Tro. Drawn on both sides of a 6.83 meter long piece of fig-bark paper, and folded like an accordeon, it includes divinatory almanacs on a number of themes (information on the gods of the days and which are unfavorable or unfavorable for the sowing crops or hunting; there are also passages on astronomical matters). Commentary volume with contributions by F. Sauer, J. Stummvoll & F. Anders. Limited edition in the original accordian format, with clamshell case in half leather. €590 [3-201-00759-5] 

[Madrid, Museo de América]
Códice Trocortesiano.
Colección Tabula Americae, 12. Madrid: Testimonio, 1991. 12 x 22 cm, accordion of 108 panels, 136 pp.

This codex is one of the four extant Mayan sources in the world and an essential reference work for any study of the Mayan culture. It dates from the 15th c. and came to Spain in two parts, one with Cortés himself and one witih Juan de Tro. Drawn on both sides of a 6.83 meter long piece of fig-bark paper, and folded like an accordeon, it includes divinatory almanacs on a number of themes (information on the gods of the days and which are unfavorable or unfavorable for the sowing crops or hunting; there are also passages on astronomical matters). This deluxe facsimile captures every nuance of the original including the texture of the unusual writing material. Commentary by Manuel Ballesteros Gaibrois & Miguel Rivera Dorado. Limited edition of 980 copies, with display case. €2650 [84-86290-35-X] 

[Madrid, Museo de América]
Códice de Tudela.
Colección Thesaurus Americae, [4]. Madrid: Testimonio, 2002. 16 x 22 cm. 125 pp + commentary

The Tudela Codex, also called Codex of the America Museum, was executed in the middle of the 16th c. in central Mexico during the early years of the Conquest. The book has 3 other manuscripts attached to it: The Indigeneous Book, The European Painted Book and The European Written Book. The first one (fol. 11-25) was painted c.1540 in a prehispanic style and contains iconographic information and writings about Mexican or Aztecan religion: calendaries, rituals, gods, death, etc. The European Painted Book was attached to the Codex in 1554, (fols. 1-10; only 4 survive) and portrays different groups of indigenes paired in couples, man/woman in a European renaissance style. The European Written Book from around 1553-1554 gathers commentaries on the paintings by an anonymous author. The Tudela Codex is of great importance not only as a primary source for the knowledge of Aztecan religion but because it originated, through the Indigene Book, another set of nine documents known as the Magliabechiano Group. In this manner Codex Tudela, besides its valuable religious and ethnographic contents, shows through its relationship with the Magliabechiano Group the changes or deteriorations that occured in the copying of paintings from one to another source taking those of the Tudela Codex as the point of departure. Commentary by Juan Jose Batalla. Limited edition of 980 copies bound in full leather with generous tooling. €1400  

[Mexico City, Museo Nacional de Antropología, Cod. 35-52]
Matrícula de Tributos (Códice de Moctezuma).
Codices Selecti, LXVIII. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1980. 29 x 42 cm, 46 pp, 16 plates.

Color facsimile, reproduced to 7/10s of the original size. Along with Codex Mendoza the most important surviving pictographic record of the towns and tribute goods of the 33 provinces comprising the central Mexican empire in the early 16th century. None of the pictographic content or style betrays any European influence. It does not employ, like other indigenous Mesoamerican codices, the screen-fold style. The document’s potential in resolving research problems is great: it could provide important clues to the nature of Aztec writing, especially through intensive study of the numerous place-glyphs. Contains the most important surviving documents concerning the sources, types, amounts, and periodicity of payments of the vast quantities of tribute which sustained México-Tenochtitlán, the capital of the Aztecs at the time of the conquest. Introduction by J. de Durand-Forest & Frances F. Berdan. €190 [3-201-01130-4] 

[New Orleans, Tulane Univ. Library]
Codex Tulane. Latin American Library at Tulane University.
Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1991. 25 x 377 cm, 1 roll, x, 142 pp

A richly illuminated Mixtec MS written in the form of a scroll, 3.77 meters long. Copied in the middle of the 16th century in the environs of South Puebla, the MS contains 50 line drawings with genealogical and historical significance. Commentary (in English) by M.E. Smith and R. Parmenter. Limited edition of 200 copies, with deluxe clamshell box. €290  [3-201-01547-5] 

[Oxford, Bodleian Libary, Laud, Misc. 678]
Codex Laud (Ms. Laud Misc. 678, Bodleian Library).
Codices Selecti, XI. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1966. 16 x 17 cm, 48 pp, 4 plates, 42 pp.

Important pre-columbian codex (named after its former owner, the Archbishop of Canterbury William Laud, d.1645), with depictions of gods belonging to the Nahuatl-speaking people and later Aztec civilisation of southern Mexico. The MS bears striking similarities with Codices Fejérváry-Mayer and Cospi, especially in terms of size, format, and coloring. Commentary by C.A. Burland. Limited edition, housed in clamshell case in half leather. €390 [3-201-00761-7] 

[Paris, Bibl. de l’Assemblée Nationale]
Codex Borbonicus (Bibl. de l’Assemblée Nationale, Paris).
Codices Selecti, XLIV. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1974. 39 x 40 cm 38, 40 pp.

A colonial document—38 pages in accordion format—which follows its pre-Spanish prototype almost exactly and which depicts Aztec deities and ritual. Commentary (in German) by Karl A. Nowotny and Jacqueline de Durand-Forest, with summaries in English, French & Spanish. Limited edition, presented in clamshell case with leather spine. €790 [3-201-00901-6] 

[Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale]
Codex Peresianus (Codex Paris).
Codices Selecti, IX. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1968. screenfold, 12.5 x 25 cm, 22 pp.

The Paris MS—known as “Peresianus” after the name “Perez” written on it—has suffered significantly with flaking of the plaster at the edges of each page. Its rich but “crowded” illustrations, offer two contrasting scales of large and small figures surrounded by a mosaic of pebble-like glyph forms. Reprint of the color facsimile first published by Léon de Rosny, but bound in the original screenfold format. Commentary by F. Anders (in German with English summary), includes photographs of the 1864 edition and two color photographs of the first two pages of the original. Limited edition, encased in handsome clamshell case covered in half leather. €290 [3-201-00760-9] 

[Valencia, Biblioteca General e História de la Universidad]
Atlas de historia natural de Felipe II (Códice Pomar. C. XVI.).
Valencia: Vicent García Editores, 1990. 23.5 x 33.6 cm, 468 pp + commentary.

Pictorical manuscript composed of 218 color illustrations painted on recto sides only, the first 47 concerning animals and from 48 onwards plants. Latin titles in 16th-c. humanistic script. Although none of the illustrations are signed, a significant number of the illustrations show features of Jacobo Ligozzi from Verona, one of the most famous plant and animal artists of the 16th century. The rest of the Atlas illustrations are drawings of American plants and animals carried out in what is considered to be the first modern scientific expedition, the one sent by Philip II to research "the history of natural things in our Indies". Directed by Francisco Hernández, this famous expedition studied Mexican nature from 1571 to 1577. The MS constitutes a source of exceptional importance of Renaissance botanical and zoological iconography. The provenance of the MS has important historial significance: it was given by Philip II to Jaime Honorato Pomar, Professor of medical botany of the University of Valencia, the first chair dedicated to this subject in the Kingdom of Spain and one of the earliest in Europe. Commentary by José María López Piñero. Deluxe edition of 3,000 copies, bound in full parchment.  

[Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica, 3773]
Codex Vaticanus 3773 (Codex Vaticanus B).
Codices Selecti, XXXVI. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1972. 14 x 16 cm, 96 pp (in folded format, 48 pp.

A small rustic manuscript, consisting of long strips of deer skin joined and folded and then coated with a smooth white lime pigment. This has been carefully planned out so that each page contains its picture of ritual or magic in an exact space. The outlines of the figures are drawn in black and the details filled in with colors derived from natural ochres. The MS is of the same nature as Codex Borgia dealing with the complexities of fortune-telling. Less ornate than Borgia, it contains enough materials for use by a diviner of a high level, concerned with more than the day-to-day business of telling fortunes. Commentary by F. Anders. Full-color facsimile edition, with clamshell case bound in half leather. os390 [3-201-00780-3] 

[Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica, 3738]
Codex Vaticanus 3738 (Cod. Vat. A, Codex Ríos).
Codices Selecti, LXV. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1979. 26 x 34 cm, 192 plates, 14 pp.

Copied between 1570 and 1589 either in the highlands of Mexico or in Italy this MS contains miniature paintings with Italian notes. The most interesting part of the document is its unique style of handwriting, featuring the cosmogonic-mythological and ethnographic sections of the hypothetic MS which served as a model. For a serious student of the pre-conquest, conquest and early post-conquest periods this codex would likely be the most valuable work from which to work. More information is available here about these periods than in any other illustrated work known. Color facsimile, reproduced to 7/10s of the original size, presented in a clamshell case bound in half leather. €690 [3-201-01107-X] 

[Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica, mess. 1]
Codex Borgia (Codex Vaticanus mess. 1). [Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana].
Codices Selecti, LVIII. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1976. 27 x 26.5 cm. 78, 52 pp.

Codex Borgia certainly constitutes the finest of all surviving ancient Mexican MSS that boast precious illumination. A major portion of the text deals with matters of “calendarmancy”, the study of time and the seasons by scholars of the temple. Groups of fantasy figures and mysterious gods animate the 78 painted pages of the MS. In addition, it illustrates the most stunning rituals of the great Aztec culture, especially interesting because these rituals reveal an essentially private and very personal character. A truly unique feature in the surviving group of old Mexican MSS, however, is the description of the great state temple rituals in Codex Borgia. The spiritual doings shown here bear testimony to the hitherto unknown and curious world of ancient Mexico before it was destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors. The wealth of topics presented in the pages of this sumptuous MS is nearly inexhaustible. It not only shows the wisdom of the ancient priest-scholars in unparalleled perfection but also reflects the astute conception and artistic mastery of the painters who produced these ancient Mexican illuminated MSS, thus encouraging us to partake in a great culture that is now lost. Commentary by Karl A. Nowotny. Summaries in English, French and Spanish. Limited edition, presented in a clamshell case with leather spine. €890 [3-201-00964-4] 

[Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica, mess. 1]
Códice Borgia.
Colección Thesaurus Americae, [6]. Madrid: Testimonio, 2009. 27 x 26.5 cm. 78 pp + commentary

Codex Borgia (= Codex Borgianus or Ms Velletri), once belonging Cardinal Stefano Borgia in Rome from whom it takes its name, is one of the most beautiful of the few surviving pre-Columbian painted mss. It is a ritual and divinatory ms written possibly in the zone of Puebla-Tlaxcala-Cholula. The codex is executed on deer leather with a coat of stucco. The format is a folding screen of 39 sheets or 78 pages (c. 27 x 26.5 cm per page) and extends more that 10 meters unfolded. The codex has been painted on both sides of each sheet with the exception of the first and last sheet. The ms describes the indigenous calendar (260 days) of the ritual cycle and predictive, connecting the different names of days, deites and rituals with a favorable destiny depending on the birthday, names and other factors. Used by palace diviners and curers as a means of invoking the prophecies of the gods. Deluxe edition in the original format and recreating the tactile experience of the original; with portfolio and box. €2800  

[Vienna, Museum für Völkerkunde, 60306-07]
Codices Becker I/II.
Codices Selecti, IV. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1961. Accordian format, 20 pp.

Two Mexican history manuscripts from the Mixtec region consisting of 20 pictograph pages with Leporello folding. Commentary by K.A. Novotny. Limited edition, with portolio in half leather. €190 [3-201-00756-0] 

[Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, mex. I]
Codex Vindobonensis Mexicanus 1.
Codices Selecti, V. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1974. 22 x 27 cm, 65 pp (accordion format), 44 pp.

One of the most beautiful and informative of all Mixtec sources as well as the best documented among those Mexican MSS that entered the ÖNB in 1677. The codex preserves in 52 folded pages colorful pictograms as well as a chronicle of mythological happenings, religious ceremonies and ritualistic customs, deepening our understanding of this ancient Indian culture. Commentary (in English) by O. Adelhofer. Full-color facsimile edition with clamshell case in half leather. €590 [3-201-00757-9] 

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
Tratados de Tordesillas I-II. [Archivo General de Indias, Seville]
Colección Tabula Americae, 3. Madrid: Testimonio, 1985. 23 x 32 cm, Various sized documents, 140 pp.

The Tordesillas Treaties were signed in 1494 by the Catholic Monarchs and John II of Portugal, and established demarcation lines for the New World. The originals are conserved in the National Archive at Torre do Tombo in Lisbon, and the Indies Archive in Seville. The facsimile consists of eight pages, c.32 x 23 cm, with reproductions of the royal seals. Transcription and commentary (in Spanish or English) by Tomás Marín Martínez and José Manuel Ruiz Asencio. Limited edition of 980 copies, in folder. €1025 [84-86290-34-1] 

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
Bulas de Alejandro VI. [Archivo General & Archivo de Indias, Simancas; Archivo Nacional de la Torre do Tombo, Lisbon]
Colección Tabula Americae, 22. Madrid: Testimonio, 1992. 24 cm, 5 documents, 328 pp.

Consists of the five papal Bulls issued in 1493 at the request of the Catholic monarchs establishing the rights of Spain and Portugal with regard to the New World and the areas in which they might undertake new voyages of discovery. Three of the documents are in the Indies Archive in Seville, one is in the Simancas National Record Office and three in the Torre do Tombo National Record Office in Lisbon. Transcription and commentary (in Spanish) by Alfonso García Gallo de Diego. Limited edition of 980 copies, in folder. €1125 [84-86290-52-X] 

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
Credencial Presidente Washington.
Mapas. Madrid: Testimonio, 2001. 43.5 x 32 cm. 1 leaf.

A credential of President George Washington to William Short, ambassador at the Court of Madrid. Documents the first steps that led to the Treaty of Saint Lorenzo that would shield the friendship between the United States and Spain. Accompanying text by María Concepción Contel Barea. Portfolio. €95  

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
Documentos colombinos en las casa de Alba [Casa Ducal].
Colección Tabula Americae. Madrid: Testimonio, 1987. 21 documents + commentary.

These 21 Columbian documents belonging to the house of Alba undoubtedly constitute the best and most varied collection of Columbian originals in any one archive: the documents range from letters with petitions to simple receipts. The earliest of them dates from 1493, the latest is a letter written in February 1505, fifteen months before Columbus' death, to his son Diego. Limited edition, in special display case. (Winner of Ministero de Cultura Prize for best publication, 1987). [84-86290-13-9] 

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
Estampas de Palenque. [Biblioteca del Palacio Real & Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid].
Colección Tabula Americae, 24. Madrid: Testimonio, 1993. 26 x 36 & 22 x 32 cm, 20 plates, 22, 236 pp.

At the end of the 18th century the ruins of the great Mayan city of Palenque were discovered by chance. Captain Antonio del Río was sent by the Govenor of Guatemala to survey them and sent back a report with several drawings. Later on the ruins were visited by Bernasconi, an engineer, who captured them in several watercolors. Commentary by Manuel Ballesteros Gaibrois. Limited edition of 980 copies, bound in full leather. €1575 [84-86290-75-9] 

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
La explotación del éxito Colombino. [Archivo General, Simancas].
Colección Tabula Americae, 17. Madrid: Testimonio, 1992. 24 cm, Documents, 308 pp.

This collection of letters—entitled "Columbus' Success and the Discovery and Exchange System"—and consiting of permits, ordinances, capitulations, contracts and other documents from a number of archival collections, reveals the policy of the Spanish Crown in allowing the process of discovery begun by Columbus to be opened up to others; it becomes apparent that the continuing process of discovery was carried out not by the Castilian aristocracy but rather by professional navigators with the skills needed to open up other worlds. Transcription and commentary (in Spanish) by Demetrio Ramos. Limited edition of 980 numbered certified copies, in presentation case. €1800 [84-86290-57-0] 

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
Leyes de Burgos. [Archivo General, Simancas].
Colección Tabula Americae, 14. Madrid: Testimonio, 1991. 22 x 30.5 cm, 28, 104 pp.

Ordinances established in 1512 by King Ferdinand, in the name of his daughter Joanna, after consultation with members of the Royal Council and legal and other experts; the documents relate to the rule and treatment of Indians on the island of Hispaniola. Introduction and transcription by Manuel Ballesteros Gaibrois and José Manuel Ruiz Asencio. Limited edition of 500 copies, in presentation case. €725 [84-86290-37-6] 

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
Libro copiador de Cristóbal Colón. [Archivo General de Indias, Seville].
Colección Tabula Americae, 8-9. Madrid: Testimonio, 1989. 23 x 33 cm, 72, 424, 176 pp.

Facsimile of a MS of 38 folios recently acquired by the Archivo General de Indias de Sevilla. It comprises six navigational maps and personal maps of the Catholic Monarchs, the first of which is dated 1493. Commentary (2 vols) by Antonio Rumeu de Armas. Limited edition of 980 copies, bound in full leather. €1150 [84-86290-20-1] 

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
Libro de la primera navegación. [Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid].
Colección Tabula Americae, 1. Madrid: Testimonio, 1984. 20 x 32 cm, 150, 282 pp.

This is the famous account by Fray Bartolomé de las Casas (in manuscript), reproducing Columbus' own account; the original is perserved in the National Library in Madrid. It provides details of the voyage of discovery which began on 3 August 1492 and ended on 15 March 1493 with stops in the Canary Islands, the Bahamas, Hispaniola, the Azores, and Lisbon. Transcription and commentary (in Spanish) by Manuel Alvar and Francisco Morales Padrón. Limited edition of 980 numbered certified copies, bound in full leather. €1150 [84-86290-00-7] 

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
Libro de las profecías. [Biblioteca Capitular y Colombina, Seville].
Colección Tabula Americae, 2. Madrid: Testimonio, 1985. 22 x 30 pp. 140, 120 pp.

MS of 70 folios (originally 84) written between 1502 and 1504, containing those passages from the Scriptures which Columbus felt were related to himself and his mission and revealing his considerable knowledge of the Bible. Transcription and commentary (in Spanish) by Francisco Álvarez Seisdedos. Limited edition of 980, bound in full leather. €1250 [84-86290-03-1] 

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
Libro de los privilegios. [Archivo General de Indias, Seville, ms. 295].
Colección Tabula Americae, 20. Madrid: Testimonio, 1992. 21.5 x 30.5 cm, 38 pp, 184 pp.

Facsimile of the "Vergara Codex" consisting of 2 + 36 folios on paper and 4 folios on parchment, containing the titles and privileges granted to Columbus by the Catholic Monarchs. The documents were assemblied by Columbus himself, thus allowing some insight into his personality. Transcription and commentary (in Spanish) by Ciriaco Pérez Bustamante. Limited edition of 980 copies. €1625 [84-86290-60-0] 

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
Memorial portugués. [Archivo General, Simancas, Estado, leg. 367, doc. 142].
Colección Tabula Americae, 27. Madrid: Testimonio, 1994. 23 x 33 cm, 50 pp + commentary.

Reproduction of the 1494 memorial sent by a Portuguese nobleman to Queen Isabella urging her to send expeditions to Africa rather than to the Indies. This important document had lain unnoticed in the General Record Office in Simancas since the 16th century, until its discovery by Itsvan Szaszdi León-Borja and Katalin Klimes Szmik, also the joint authors of the accompanying commentary volume. Limited edition of 980 copies. €750 [84-86290-02-7] 

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
La realidad de las capitulaciones de Santa Fe y el carácter que tuvo la expedición Colombina.
Colección Tabula Americae, 18. Madrid: Testimonio, 1992. 33 cm, 72 pp.

This collection of documents dating from the late 15th c. includes capitulations, deeds, letters of accreditation and appointment, memorials and others papers from the archive collection of the Kingdom of Aragon in Barcelona, as well as the Simancas Record Office and the Indies Archive in Seville. The facsimiles are presented in a special file in a presentation case. Commentary by Demetrio Ramos. Limited edition of 980 copies. €1275 [84-86290-53-8] 

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
Testamento de Hernando Colón.
Colección Tabula Americae, 28. Madrid: Testimonio, 1995. 22 x 32 cm, 50 pp + commentary.

Ferdinand Columbus, the Admiral's "Spanish son", collected books from all over Europe, at a time when printing was still in its infancy. He built up an amazing library of 15,000 books which he donated to the city of Seville. The original of the deed of the gift is in the Protocols Archive in Seville. Study and transcription (in Spanish) by José Manuel Ruiz. Limited edition of 980 copies, bound in full leather. (Ministerio de Cultura Prize for best publication, 1994; Second Prize in "Juan Pablos" Latin-American Graphic Arts Competition, 1994). €800 [84-86290-83-X] 

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
Testamento de Isabel la Católica y actas matrimonial. [Archivo General, Simancas].
Colección Tabula Americae, 21. Madrid: Testimonio, 1992. 21 cm, 28, 96 pp.

€1275 [84-86290-63-5] 

[Age of Discovery, misc. documents]
Los últimos días de Cristóbal Colón y sus testamentos. [Archivo General, Simancas, & Archivo General de Indias, Seville].
Colección Tabula Americae, 16. Madrid: Testimonio, 1992. 17 x 23 cm.

This fascinating collection is comprising documents dating from the time of Columbus' return from his last voyage in 1504, to his death two years later in Valladolid. Study and transcription (in Spanish) by Demetrio Ramos. Commentary by Demetrio Ramos Pérez. Limited edition of 980 copies. Presentation case. €1775 [84-86290-44-9] 

[Ailly, Pierre d’]
Imago mundi. [Seville, Biblioteca Capitular y Colombina].
Colección Tabula Americae, 11. Madrid: Testimonio, 1991. 21 x 28 cm, 288 pp.

Published in Louvain in 1480 by Pierre d'Ailly, "Imago Mundi" is a résumé of known cosmographies of the period especially those in the tradition of Ptolemy. The incunabulum comprises 18 tracts including beautiful illustrations, colored in the style of the last decades of the 15th c. This facsimile reproduces the exemplar formerly owned by Columbus and it contains 898 manuscript notes by Almirante and Columbus' son Hernando. Translation and commentary (in Spanish) by Antonio Ramírez de Verger and Juan Pérez de Tudela. Limited edition of 1480 copies, bound in full leather in Mudéjar style. (Winner of the Ministerio de Cultura Prize for best publication, 1991). €2150 [84-86290-15-5 

Durante, Castore.
Herbario nuovo di Castore Durante.
Scarmagno: Priuli & Verlucca Editori, 2000. 23 x 33 cm, 640 pp.

The Herbario Nuovo or New Herbal by Castore Durante attracts enthusiasts and specialists alike for its botanical and medical-pharmacological content, as well as for its intrinsic historic-literary importance. This book was first published in 1585 and from that time until 1718 it was reprinted eight times. The distinguishing feature of the 1717 edition—the basis of this facsimile edition—is that it was not listed in the botanical bibliographies of the time, perhaps because only a few copies were printed, and is therefore a rarity in Italian and European libraries. It includes all the corrections and addenda made in the previous editions, an up-dating procedure that resulted from the inclusion of descriptions of exotic species that were used as pharmacological and nutritional products only after 1585. The work contains more than 900 species presented in alphabetical order according to their common name, which is followed by their scientific names in Greek and Latin, as well as some of their common names in Arabic, French, Spanish and German. Although they adhere to 16th-century criteria, the morphological descriptions tend to provide all the information needed to identify the species. But it is the illustrations that accompany and complete each individual entry which fascinate readers, as they are both essential and thorough: this is a book whose llustrations were chosen by the author not as mere "decoration", but above all as active – and still valid – complements to the description of the various species. And the fact that they are woodcuts lends the patina of age to the volume. The Herbario Nuovo is organized much like a handbook: it is easy to find the individual entries and the information regarding the properties and uses of each plant and the descriptions are written fluently. Introduction by Giuliana Forneris, Annalaura Pistarino, Pierangelo Lomagno, and Paola Lanzara. Deluxe bibliophile edition of 1299 copies, bound in calfskin, with raised bands and gilding on the spine and a handmade slipcase.  

Fuchs, Leonhart.
De historia stirpium di Leonhart Fuchs, 1542.
Scarmagno: Priuli & Verlucca Editori, 2003. 28.5 x 35 cm. 898 pp.

Facsimile, co-produced with the Aboca Museum, of the Michael Isingrin edition, Basel, 1542. Includes 517 xylographic illustrations, 343 species (stirpi), accompanied by 125 glossary terms and analytical indices in Greek, Latin, German. Limited bibliophile edition, bound in leather with blind stamping. €480   

Fuchs, Leonhart.
New Kreuterbuch im Jar MDXLIII. Erstmaliger Faksimiledruck des wohl schönsten und berühmtestes Kräuterbuches aus dem 16. Jahrhundert mit über 500 zeitgenössisch kolorierten Holzschnitten. Kommentiert und mit einem modernen Pfanzenregister herausgegeben von Dr. Peter Amelung.
Dietikon-Zürich: Urs Graf Verlag, 1985. 28 x 40 cm, 888 pp.

This volume consists of an atlas of 520 illustrations of mainly Old World plants, with a few American ones. They are the most beautiful and exact xylographs of the whole botanic theme printed in 16th-c. Europe.  

[maps, Cantino]
Carta del Cantino. Charta del navichare per le isole novament trovate in la parte de l’India.
Ars Illuminandi. Modena: Il Bulino, 2004. 105 x 220 cm.

Manufactured and illuminated in Portugal in 1502, this is one of the most beautiful geographical maps created in the Renaissance bearing witness to the discovery of America. The original consists of 6 sheets of vellum joined to make up a single 105 x 220 cm sheet. Limited edition of 750 exemplars, numbered and certified, presented in a handsome archival box covered in blue linen. €1500  

[maps, Castiglioni]
Planisfero Castiglioni. Carta del navegare universalissima et diligentissima.
Ars Illuminandi. Modena: Il Bulino, 1998. 815 x 2140 cm.

The Castiglioni World Map is a large nautical map dated 1525, drawn on four sheets of vellum joined together to make up a single 81.5 x 214 cm sheet. Originally titled “Carta del navegare universalissima et diligentissima” (the most universal and accurate navigational map), the word “universalissima” refers to the whole hitherto-known world, and “diligentissima” the particular technical care employed by the cartographer. The map, crossed by lines defining nautical routes and forming rhombic patterns, is considered to be of great historical and cartographic interest in that it gives visual and documentary support to the theories of the curvature of the Earth. It has been attributed to Diego Ribeiro, head cartographer (‘piloto maior’) of the Casa de Contratacion in Seville (the government office of the Spanish royal family authorised to compile innovations in official nautical maps deriving from geographic discoveries). The Castiglioni World Map displays the world immediately after the discoveries made by Magellan and Pigafetta, during their circumnavigation of the globe, and from the explorations of the North American coast by Estevan Gomez. Presented in a display box. €1000 [88-86251-46-7] 

[maps, Chile]
Paisajes urbanos y arquitectura en el Chile colonial.
Mapas. Madrid: Testimonio, 2001.

Urban drawings of La Serena de Coquimbo (1743), drawing of Concepcion de Chile (1752), and views of the Church and Convent of the Carmelitas de la Cañadillas de Santiago de Chile (1763). Accampanying text by María Antonia Colomar. Portfolio. €350  

[maps, Columbus]
La carta de Cristóbal Colón, Mapamundi c.1492. [Res. GE. AA. 562, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris]
Barcelona: M. Moleiro Editor, 1995. 68 x 110 cm, 1 map; 236 pp + 1 foldout plate.

A portulan navigation chart attributed to Christopher Columbus. The navigation chart shows the classical design of the Mediterranean area with the addition of the Atlantic coastlines stretching from the south of Scandinavia to the mouth of the Congo river. It features a particularly comprehensive nomenclature of the entire African coast—an area where Columbus is believed to have undertaken at least one voyage with the Portuguese. To the East it encompasses the Black Sea and the Red Sea, and to the West, a series of islands, some real and some imaginary, stretching from the Artic to the Gulf of Guinea. Commentary by José Luis Comelias. [84-88526-16-4] 

[maps, Cortez]
Cartas de relación de la conquista de la Nueva España. Escritas por Hernán Cortés al Emperador Carlos V, y otros documentos relativos a la conquista, años de 1519-1527. [Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, ser.nov.1600]
Codices Selecti, II. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1960. 27 x 37 cm, 706 pp.

Contains the 5 relaciones of Hernán Cortés, 2 relaciones by Pedro Alvarado, the relación of Diego de Godoy, the relación of the journey of Francisco Pizarro and Diego Almagro, the message carried by Antonio Giral to Alvaro de Saavedra Ceron, and the patent authorizing the original 12 Franciscan friars to come to Mexico. Introduction and bibliography (in English) by Charles Gibson, and by a description of the manuscript by Dr. Franz Unterkircher. [3-201-00742-0] 

[maps, Cosa]
Mapa de Juan de la Cosa. [Madrid, Museo Naval].
Colección Tabula Americae, 19. Madrid: Testimonio, 1992. 133 x 70 cm, one map, 32 pp.

Juan de la Cosa was a mariner and cartographer who made seven voyages to America, two of them with Columbus. On his return from Columbus' third voyage, he drew this famous map which showed the discoveries of Columbus' first three voyages; executed in 1510 it is considered to be the first representation of the American continent. Accompanying text by José Luis Comellas. Limited edition of 600 copies. Portolio. (reproduced 75% of original). [84-86290-56-2] 

[maps, Costa Rica]
Costa Rica testimonios gráficos.
Mapas. Madrid: Testimonio, 2001.

Drawings of the Province of Nicaragua (1716), Rio Mantina (1738-55), and Province of Telemanca (1781). Commentary by Purificatión Medina Encina. Portfolio. €350  

[maps, De Jode]
Carta dell’Europa di Gerard e Cornelio de Jode 1593.
Scarmagno: Priuli & Verlucca Editori, c.2004. 330 x 440 mm.

Limited edition of 999 copies. €290   

[maps, Mercator]
Carta tolemaica dell’Italia di Gerardo Mercatore 1578.
Scarmagno: Priuli & Verlucca Editori, 2004.

Limited edition of 1999 copies. €290   

[maps, Mexico]
Mapa de Mexico.
Mapas. Madrid: Testimonio, 2002.


[maps, Mississippi River basin]
Mapa Mississippi.
Mapas. Madrid: Testimonio, 2001. 74.5 x 52.5 1 map.

Map produced between 1682 and 1684 showing the basin of the Mississippi River and its tributary, and all the Indian village settlements. It was dedicated to the Duque de Jovenazo by Armando Arce, Baron de Lohantan. Accompanying text by María Concepción Contel Barea. Portfolio. €140  

[maps, Modena, Bibl. Estense]
Collezione Portolani. Antiche carte nautiche della Biblioteca Estense Universitaria. [deluxe version].
Ars Illuminandi. Modena: Il Bulino, 2004.

A collection of 3 portulans perserved in the Biblioteca Estense in Modena (maps CGA5b, CGA5c, CGA5d). These ancient nautical maps, provided with a wealth of geographical coastal names, were conceived for being used by seafarers. Map “b”: Mediterraneo a dell’Europa nord-occidentale, 1460; Map “c”: Atlantiche, 1472; Map “d”: Mediterraneo a dell’Atlantico occidentale, 1450-60. With commentary and certificate of authenticity. Presented in a walnut showcase, sized 67 x 45 x 14 cm. €2400  

[maps, Modena, Bibl. Estense]
Collezione Portolani, Antiche carte nautiche della Biblioteca Estense Universitaria. [standard version].
Ars Illuminandi. Modena: Il Bulino, 2004.

(Each portulan of this version is stored in a tube with commentary and certificate of authenticity). €1400  

[maps, Modena, Bibl. Estense]
Portolano CGA5b. Carta nautica del Mediterraneo a dell’Europa nord-occidentale, 1460.
Ars Illuminandi. Modena: Il Bulino, 2003. 90 x 61 cm.

Stored in a tube with commentary and certificate of authenticity. €520  

[maps, Modena, Bibl. Estense]
Portolano CGA5c. Carta nautica della atlantiche, 1472.
Ars Illuminandi. Modena: Il Bulino, 2004. 60 x 73 cm.

Stored in a tube with commentary and certificate of authenticity. €520  

[maps, Modena, Bibl. Estense]
Portolano CGA5d. Carta nautica del Mediterraneo a dell’Atlantico occidentale, 1450-60.
Ars Illuminandi. Modena: Il Bulino, 2003. 90 x 61 cm.

Stored in a tube with commentary and certificate of authenticity. €520  

[maps, Riczo]
Atlas de Oliva de Juan Riczo. [Madrid, Biblioteca del Palacio].
Colección Tabula Americae, 6-7. Madrid: Testimonio, 1987. 43 x 29 cm, 38, 96 pp.

Published in Naples in 1580, this famous atlas by Juan Riczo comprises 19 portulans on parchment, each measuring approximately 43 x 29 cm. It is a perfect and beautiful illustration of the geographical knowledge known up to that time. With accompanying study by María Luisa Martín-Merás (available in Spanish or French). Limited edition of 980 copies. Portfolio. (Winner of Ministerio de Cultura Prize for best publication, 1987). €1650 [84-86290-15-5] 

[maps, Santo Domingo]
Mapa de Santo Domingo.
Mapas. Madrid: Testimonio, 2000. 81 x 41 cm. 1 map.

Drawing of the 16th-c. Spanish fortification of the city of Santo Domingo, part of a series of drawings and maps of the island that are conserved in the General Indies Archive. The presence of enemy English and French corsairs in Caribbean waters forced the Spanish monachy to embark on an expensive fortification project to protect their population. Portfolio, with accompanying text. €225  

[maps, Vallseca]
The 1439 Portolan Chart by Gabriel de Vallseca.
Barcelona: Lumen Artis Editrice, 2010. 75 x 112 cm + 355 pp.

Gabriel de Vallseca, was the most important cartographer of the first half of the fifteenth century and his chart, The 1439 Portolan Chart by Gabriel de Vallseca, is now unanimously regarded as a historic monument of Mediterranean culture. Critical study (Cast-Eng) by Ramon J Pujades. Limited numbered edition of 950 copies. €958   

[Marco Polo]
Libro de Marco Polo o libro de las maravillas del mundo. [Biblioteca Capiturlar y Colombiana, Seville].
Colección Tabula Americae, 5. Madrid: Testimonio, 1986. 15 x 20 cm. 148, 472 pp.

Marco Pollo's "Book of Wonders", first appearing in 1298, was one of the works which inspired Columbus to set out on his voyages. This facsimile is based on the copy perserved in the Biblioteca Capitular y Colombina, Seville; printed in Antwerp in 1485, it bears Columbus' own handwritten annotations. Commentary by Juan Gil Fernández (available in Spanish or English). Limited edition of 980 certified copies, bound in full leather. €1150 [84-86290-09-0] 

[Piccolomini, Eneas Silvio]
Historium rerum ubique gestarum.
Colección Tabula Americae, 15. Madrid: Testimonio, 1991. 20 x 30 cm, 300, 386 pp.

Written by Aeneas Silvio Piccolomini, later Pope Pius II, and published in Venice in 1477, this work is a compendium of the scientific and geographical knowledge of the time. This facsimile is based the exemplar used personally and annotated by Columbus for the preparation of his voyages; it is now kept in the Columbian and Chapter Library in Seville Cathedral. Two accompanying text volumes by Antonio Ramírez de Verger and Juan Pérez de Tudela provide respectively a translation (into Spanish) and a study. Limited edition of 980 copies, bound in full leather. Winner of the Ministerio de Cultura Prize for best publication, 1991. €1900 [84-86290-41-4] 

[Verner, Coolie & Basil Stuart-Stubbs]
The Northpart of America.
New York: Johnson Reprint Corp., c.1985.

An atlas of printed maps from the beginning of the 16th c. to the third quarter of the 19th c., the great age of North American exploration. Limited numbered edition of 1500 copies.