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Bird and insect
                                                from the German
                                                Prayerbook of Margravine
                                                of Brandenburg. Narziss
                                                Renner, 1520. Karlsruhe,
                                                Landesbibliothek, Hs.
                                                Durlach 2 (Faksimile


Bird and insect from the German Prayerbook of Margravine of Brandenburg. Narziss Renner, 1520. Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Hs. Durlach 2 (Faksimile Verlag)

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Angel playing
                          salterium, Sforza Hours, Giovan Pietro Birago,
                          c.1490. London, British Library, Add. 34294,
                          f.38 (Faksimile-Verlag)

Angel playing salterium, Sforza Hours,
Giovan Pietro Birago, c.1490.
London, British Library, Add. 34294, f.38


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