| Publishers' Catalogs ArtCodex, ADEVA (Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt), Il Bulino, Facsimile Editions, Faksimile Verlag Lucern, Giunti Barbèra, Lengenfelder Editions, Moleiro Editor, Patrimonio, Priuli & Verlucca, and Testimonio are among the most important facsimile publishers and OMI's closest long-time partners. Here is a simple overview of these publishers' catalogs, with prices in the original currency. Please
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| ArtCodex, Castelvetro: Founded by Luciano Malagoli, and located in the small idyllic town of Castelvetro di Modeni, ArtCodex l'Atelier del Codice Miniato, is a studio devoted to creating faithful reproductions of important manuscripts from the collections of the Biblioteca Riccardiana and Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in Florence, as well as gems from the Vatican's Biblioteca Apostolica and Ravenna's Biblioteca Classense from which its latest production comes: "Libro d'ore id Maria Stuarda". All the facsimiles are executed in 23 carat gold leaf and "cartpergamena"—a special print substrate developed by ArtCodex.
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| ADEVA - Akademische Druck- & Verlagsanstalt, Graz:
One of the oldest companies in this field. For over half a century this distinguished Austrian publisher has been a world-wide leader in the production of superior quality facsimile editions and has set the standard with its production of true-to-original reproductions and fine artisan bindings. Its main facsimile series "Codices Selecti", emphasizing the treasures of the Austrian National Library in Vienna, consists now of 116 volumes.
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| Il Bulino, Modena: Established in 1980 Il Bulino has made Italian art and culture its niche, emphasizing the environs of Modena and the rich manuscript and art heritage from the city's Biblioteca Estense Universitaria (including those of the former Ducal library). Il Bulino's productions are characterized by an exquisite balance of printing, craftsmanship and taste. Its series Ars Illuminandi consists of outstanding facsimile editions of manuscript masterpieces, e.g., De Sphaera, the "Glockendon Prayerbook" and Les petites prières de Renée de France— introduced by Ernesto Milano.
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| Facsimile Editions, London: Founded in 1980 by Linda & Michael Falter, the goal of Facsimile Editions has been to select some of the finest examples of Jewish and Hebrew illuminated MSS preserved in the world's great libraries and to make them accessible to the public via faithful reproductions "worthy of the original MSS". Now with ten outstanding titles to their credit, including such masterpieces as the Kennicott Bible (Bodleian Library), Parma Psalter (Biblioteca Palatina), Rothschild
Miscellany (Israel Museum) and the North French Hebrew Miscellany (British Library) the Falters are keeping alive for future generations the rich cultural heritage of the Jewish people.
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| Faksimile Verlag, Lucern: After their debut in 1979 with the breathtaking Gradual of St. Katherinental, Faksimile Verlag has followed in suit with more than 50 exemplary facsimile editions, representing a wide variety of sources and libraries. Among its most notable publications are: the Book of Kells, the Book of Wonders of Marco Polo, the Sforza Hours, various jewels of book illumination commissioned by the Duke of Berry, the Morgan Crusader Bible and the Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux. The company has an intensive program, reaching out to many of the world's libraries, and now produces about two new works a year.
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| Franco Cosimo Panini, Modena: The facsimiles of Franco Cosimo Panini Editore, commencing with the impressive Bibbia di Borso d'Este of 1998, are the culmination of a dream of its founder: to bring out in a collection—an "Impossible Library"—faithful reproductions, identical in every way to the original, of the most prized manuscripts created by the most accomplished scribes and illuminators of the Italian Renaissance. These works are also a tribute to the illustrious Italian families who fostered and sustained art and culture of that period, names such as the Visconti, Sforza, Medici, Montefeltro, Este, Gonzaga and Farnese. The facsimiles take advantage of the enormous progress made recently in the technology of facsimile reproduction, combining the most sophisticated imaging technology with traditional artisan techniques.
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| Giunti Barbèra, Florence: Few Italian or European editorial houses can lay claim to such an illustrious multi-century history. The company was founded in 1497—being one of the pioneers in the development of modern printing techniques in Italy—, and began facsimile production in 1964. In that year, through a collaboration with world academics and the President of the Italian Republic the facsimile project of all the works of Leonardo was born. Known as the Edizione Nazionale dei Manoscritti e dei disegni di Leonardo da Vinci, this monumental set consists of 17 titles encompassing more that 5,000 pages of facsimiles (and 10,000 pages of transcriptions & commenataries) from more than 15 libraries around the world.
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| Helga Lengenfelder: Founded in Munich in 1985 and now with an impressive catalog of 70 titles, Edition Lengenfelder concentrates in medieval illuminated and illustrated manuscripts, picture manuscripts from the end of the middle ages to early modern times, manuscript atlases, block books, illustrated incunabula and books printed before 1520. All manuscripts and prints are reproduced in full-color microfiche editions bound together with contributions written by well-known scholars. The editions appear in four series: Codices figurati–Libri picturati; Codices illuminati medii aevi; Monumenta xylographica et typographica and Monumenta
cartographica et topographica. The publisher’s goal is to present small exemplary groups of manuscripts that have a common era, theme, or provenance. [n.b. Edition Helga Lengenfelder has ceased operation as of 31 Dec. 2008. Only few copies are still available (upon request). OMI will continue to list the Lengenfelder editions in its catalogs for bibliographic reasons.]
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| M. Moleiro Editor, Barcelona: Begun in the early 1990s Moleiro may be one of the youngest Spanish facsimile specialists but in a short time has created more than two dozen remarkable works. The catalog is strongly rooted in manuscripts of Spanish provenance—the Libro del caballero Zifar (first
Spanish knight novel), four different Beatos and one Apocalypse, and five Libro de horas, mostly from Spanish nobility or ones created by Flemish miniaturists under Spanish rule. Its facsimile of the Biblia de San Luis (Bible of Saint Louis, Paris, 1226-1234), with its luxurious iconography depicted in c.5,000 medallions is one of the crowning achievements of the company.
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| Patrimonio Ediciones, Valencia: After publishing its first facsimile in 1999, this editorial house has embarked on an impressive path creating outstanding facsimiles of a number of Franco-Flemish sources (including Gerard David and Simon Bening); more importantly are the publications of two wonderful Beato manuscripts ("Manchester" and "Lorvao") and the seventh-century Biblia
de Tours, considered the oldest illustrated bible and an important model for the Beato de Liébana iconography.
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| Priuli & Verlucca, Scarmagno: Founded in 1971, and at first known for its emphasis on books on the Alps, Priuli & Verlucci Editori has slowly evolved into a multifaceted publisher of works in the fine arts, including photography, cartography, ethnography, and museum catalogues. The year 1990 witnessed the company's first facsimile edition, and in 1996 a spectacular reproduction of the great encyclopic dictionary Rabanus Maurus - De universo (Montecassion, Archivio dell'Abbazia, casin, 132) appeared, the company's most important facsimile. Since then P & V's facsimile catalogue has grown to ten titles, all embodying the most exacting production standards and fine artisan craftsmanship. Basilius Besler's Hortus Eystettensis (The Garden of Eichstatt)—one of the first botanicals to portray flowering plants as objects of beauty—is the company's most recent work.
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| Testimonio, Madrid: César Olmos, the master designer-printer and founder of Testimonio, is credited for introducing a new dimension in facsimile making—the tactile experience—the painstaking recreation of the condition of the exemplar used for the facsimile, without sacrificing the quality or illuminosity of the image. The initial experiment was realized in the volumes of "Colección
Americae" (c.25 facsimiles of documents from the Age of Discovery), which include Códice Trocortesiano and El catecismo de Fray Pedro de Gante. The technique he displayed there has paved the way for some of the most exciting and demanding facsimiles ever produced: the Hours
of Isabel la Católica, various Beatos, the Corán
de Muley Zaidán, and Códice Áureo (Escorial, vitr.17).