ALBÉNIZ, Isaac, 1860-1909

Iberia. Revisión integral de Guillermo González. Edición facsímil de los manuscritos y estudio histórico-documental a cargo de Jacinto Torres

detail of "El Polo"

Madrid, 1998. 31 x 41 cm, vi, 161 facs, xlii pp.

Color facsimile of the working (and final) autograph copy now dispersed among four libraries. This collection of 12 movements, a masterpiece of the piano repertoire composed in 1905 and 1908, evince the technical heights of the postromantic piano. Handsome binding with orange cloth boards, gold lettering and pasted illustration by Laura Albéniz (from the first edition of Iberia, Paris, 1906-7). $229
Albéniz, Iberia, cover     

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