Bauyn, ca 1690. Fac-similé du manuscrit de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, Rés. Vm7 674-675. Édition entièrement revue et corrigée. Préface de Davitt Moroney
[“Bauyn Manuscipt”, Chambonnières, L. Couperin, Froberger, etc.]
detail of a piece by Louis Couperin, showing both conventional and free notation
Manuscrits, 9. Geneva, 2/ 1998. 23 x 31 cm, 49, 406 pp. (Reprint of 1973 edition with totally new prefatory material). Line-cut of the single most important manuscript of 17th-c. French keyboard music; the ms was once in the possession of the Bauyn d'Angervilliers family from which it gets its name. Almost all the known harpsichord works of Jacques Champion de Chambonnières and Louis Couperin are here, respectively in parts I & II of the ms; part III is an impressive anthology of works by French, English and Italian contemporaries, including Richard (11), Hardel (7), Dumont (9), Froberger (23), and Frescobaldi (3). The entire ms, in a meticulous and elegant calligraphy, and using both conventional and "free" notation, was copied by a single scribe; the works of parts I-II are carefully organized according to key, in ascending order. Wrappers, in beautiful red paper with printed title and reproduction of the coat of arms of the Bauyn d'Angervilliers & Mathefelon families. $253