BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van, 1770-1827

Kompositionsstudien bei Joseph Haydn, Johann Georg
Albrechtsberger und Anton Salieri herausgegeben von Julia Ronge

1. Transkriptionen; 2. Kritischer Bericht; 3. Reproduktionen der Handschriften


[composition studies with Haydn, Albrechtsberger and Salieri]

Beethoven. Kompositionsstudien by Haydn, Albrechtsberger & Salieri
sample autograph page — click to see corresponding transcription

Beethoven Werke, XIII/1. Munich, 2014. Oblong, 31 x 27 cm, 3 vols, xv, 307; 93; 201 pp.

The long awaited first volume of Beethoven’s composition studies in facsimile. When Beethoven moved to Vienna in 1792, almost immediately, and likely pre-arranged, he started composition studies with Haydn, who had been freed from his post with the Esterhazys and was now living in Vienna. The studies—exercises in free counterpoint but also concerned with the conception of a piece, movement structure, proportions of the various parts and the art of sketching”—lasted until 1794 when his teacher recommended additional studies with Albrechtsberger. Here Beethoven acquired a wide range of technical and compositional tools which built on the earlier study. In 1801 Beethoven then turned to Salieri to learn the technique of setting primarily Italian texts to music, an area not covered in the preceding studies. The present volume reproduces for the first time the surviving manuscripts that record those studies. They are remarkable witnesses showing Beethoven under the watchful eyes of his teachers with illuminating comments, corrections or alternative readings. Facsimile, transcription and commentary, 3 volumes, linen bound. $925

 (view other facsimiles of Beethoven)


Beethoven Kompositionsstudien, cover
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