The Danzig Lute Book. D-B Danzig 4022 Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin PK
Edited by Magdalena Tomsińska

The Danzig Lutebook

Lübeck, 2013. 21 x 30 cm, 160 pp.

The Danzig Lute Book (Danzig/Gdańsk, tablature 4022) is a collection of early
17th-c. lute music of Gdańsk provenance, now kept in Berlin. This tablature was “lost” during WW2 but has since resurfaced. It turned out that during the war part of the Gdańsk library collection was taken to Moscow, and from there the whole collection was transferred to the Deutsche Staatsbibliothek in East Berlin in the 1950s (it is now in the possession of the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Staatsbibliothek). The MS contains 222 pieces, mainly dances (Polish, French, English, German, Italian, Netherlands, Hungarian and Ruthenian) and arrangements of popular songs. Hardbound. $75


The Danzig Lute Book, cover

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