| Claudio Monteverdi
M a d r i g a l i g u e r r i e r i , e t
a m o r o s i L i b r o V I I I
The Madrigals of War and Love
Facsimile of the Venice 1638 edition
Introduction by Iain Fenlon
from Canto part
| Bibliotheca Musica Bononiensis, IV/99. Bologna, 2005. 4°, 8 partbooks, 480 pp. Line-cut of the Venice, 1638 partbook edition. Among his secular collections, Libro VIII is the most imposing and also the one in which the composer exploits the “modern practice”. Divided into “canti guerrieri” and “amorosi” the collection includes not only the more customary madrigals “without gesture”, but also works belonging to the “theatrical genre”, among them, the warlike “Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda” and the amorous and allegorical “Ballo delle ingrate”. Introduction in Eng-It. Wrappers, with slipcase. $117
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| Beautiful line-cut reproduction of the Venice 1638 edtion in 8 small format partbooks and 1 large format part for the basso continuo Based on the classical poetry of Petrarch and the contemporary poetry of Tasso, Guarini, Marino, Rinuccini, Testi, Strozzi & others In the Madrigals of War Monteverdi has organized poetry that describes the pursuits of love through the allegory of war: the hunt for love, and the battle to find love In the second half of the book—the Madrigals of Love—he organized poetry that describes the unhappiness of being in love, unfaithfulness, and ungrateful lovers that feel no shame
OMI - Old Manuscripts & Incunabula PO Box 6019 FDR Station New York NY 10150 tel/fax 212/ 758-1946 • http://www.omifacsimiles.com • immels@earthlink.net |