| [W.A. Mozart, Leopold Mozart, G.C. Wagenweil, A.C. Adlgasser, et al]
Notenbuch Vollständiges Faksimile aller erhaltenen Teile der Handschrift. Mit einer Einführung vund einem Nachwort von Ulrich Leisinger
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Denkmäler der Musik in Salzburg, Faksimile-Ausgaben, 16. Munich, 2010. Oblong, 8°, 120 pp, 2 audio CDs. Full-color facsimile. This wonderful music book not only documents the musical training of Anna Maria (Nannerl) Mozart and her brother Wolfgang, but also provides the first glimpse of the talent of the young composer, showing the astounding development from an improvisation written at the age of 5, to an ambitious sonata and concerto movement penned when he was almost 8. Leopold Mozart used the book to instruct his children up to about 1766; later Nannerl began to copy various works of Mozart as a souvenir of her brother. The volume contains altogether 27 works, most of them by Wolfgang, but there are also works by Leopold Mozart, Georg Christoph Wagenseil, Anton Cajetan Adlgasser, Johann Jakob Paul Küffner, Johann Niklaus Tischer, & Johann Joachim Agrell. With 2 audio CD, performed by Florian Birsak, a respected harpsichord and fortepiano soloist. Hardbound. $150 |