| At the
end of the 16th century a set
chronicles appeared in Perú which had as its central theme the
cultures of the prehispanic and autochtonous populations. These
chronicles had two authors: Fray Martín de Murúa, a
priest, and Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, an indigene, who included in
their works a great number of illustrations. There is evidence that the
two authors knew each other and a great number of the illustrations in
the priest's work were executed by Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala. The
work of the latter “El
Primer Nuova Cronica y Buen Gobierno” (c.120
pages) has 399 drawings. The priest is the author of two codices,
one—presented here for the first time in facsimile—is known as the
Galvin Manuscript, named after its owner and is kept in Dublin,
It dates from 1590 and has additions that go as far back as the
beginning of the 16th c. Its title “Historia y Genealogía Real
de los Reyes Incas del Perú, de sus hechos, costumbres, trajes y
manera de Gobierno” tells us about the history, genealogy of the Inca
Kings and of their customs, temples, cities, prisons, costumes, dresses
and ways of government. The drawings show both an European and an
indigene artist. As mentioned, this work had never been published but
its text was known thanks to a copy made in 1890, known as the Loyola
copy did not reproduce the 113 watercolors of the original displayed
now faithfully in this fantastic facsimile. The other codex of Fray
Martín de Murúa was discovered in the 1940s, disseminated
in two editions and known as the Wellington Manuscript.
facsimile: 270 pages in the original format—20 x 30 cm—bound in
vellum with leather ties after the original. Commentary (277 pp) by
Ossio. Limited edition of 980 copies.
Compañia Editorial Madrid, 2004. ISBN
84-95767-27-9 Euro 1700
Please call for
special OMI price
- Old Manuscripts & Incunabula PO
Box 6019 FDR Station
New York NY 10150tel/fax
212/ 758-1946 immels@earthlink.nethttp://www.omifacsimiles.com |