Verovio, Simon, fl.1575-1608
Diletto spirituale canzonette a tre et a quattro voci con l’intavolatura del cimbalo et liuto
vocal parts arranged on left side of opening;, keyboard part and lute tablature on right side; click image to toggle back and forth
Musica Bononiensis, IV/38a. Bologna, 1971. 22 x 32 cm, 45 pp. Line-cut of the Rome, 1586 edition. Mensural notation (with movable clefs), keyboard score, and Italian lute tablature. This work and Peetrino’s
Melodie spirituale”, issued by Verovio in the same year, are the earliest examples of music printed from engraved copper plates. The beautiful “human” cursive quality of the orthography is evident throughout—the engraver must write in “mirror image” so that when the plate is inked, the music comes out correctly. Beautiful laid paper. Hardbound. $42
